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When the house phone rang across the other side of the room, Five had delicately removed himself from their embrace and gone to answer it.

An exhausted Lena watched with bleary eyes, finding it hard to stay awake, head pounding it the beat of her heart.

In his absence she grew cold, pulling her legs in close and the blanket tighter around her body. She watched him have a brief conversation with someone, who she didn't know, and noticed an unreadable expression cross his harsh features.

"Give me a second." The receiver clicked back into place and he met her eyes instantly across the room.

"Who was that?" She asked, covering her mouth as she yawned.

"Diego," he was in deep thought. His foot tapped as he slid a hand into his pocket. "He needs me to meet him. It could be-" he ran a hand through his hair, hesitating. "It could be something."

Something light danced in the back of his eyes, lit up by the fires reflection.

She nodded. "Okay. Go, I'll be fine."

He didn't say anything, in an internal battle with himself. The tapping of his foot grew faster before he stopped, making his way over to her in a little bit of a hurry.

Her eyebrows furrowed slightly as he pressed a soft kiss to her lips but she reciprocated instantly. As he pulled away, she met his eyes again, confused.

"What is it?" She murmured.

He chewed the inside of his cheek. "Don't worry about it until I get back. I shouldn't be long, I just need to check something."

Check what? Was what she wanted to ask. But she knew he wouldn't answer her straight and was too tired to object. She just nodded.


He pressed another quick kiss to the crown of her hair before he disappeared in a blink of blue light. Leaving her alone, she could do nothing but sigh and ponder what to do.

Without him next to her, rest just didn't seem possible.

After a few minutes of thought, she gingerly got to her feet and held onto the chair as a wave of dizziness struck her. The blankets she shrugged off, regretting it a bit as the naturally frigid air of the academy hit her exposed skin. Swallowing once she could see straight again, she carefully dragged herself upstairs, holding onto the bannister and taking slow movements to keep herself from feeling like the ground was swaying.

When she got upstairs, feeling slightly sick to her stomach, she cursed Five for having his room on the second floor before heading straight into the bathroom so she could take a shower.

When she caught her reflection in the mirror, however, she had to pause to examine her marked skin. Her fingers reached up to tenderly touch the edge of her wound, eyes following its path across her nose and down the side of her face. Grace had done well using as little stitches as needed to close it up, but it didn't stop it looking gnarly. The skin around it was a little pink, still raw, and Lena gently parted some of her hair to feel for the stitches on the back of her head. Dried blood crusted some of the strands together and she grimaced.

While in the steaming hot shower Lena had to sit down on the ground halfway through, beginning to get woozy, and barely had the energy to scrub her skin clean, much less her hair. All she could do was run her fingers through it to work out the blood and the knots, careful of her wounds.

Despite it all, the burning hot water running down her skin is heavenly. Her fingertips began glowing, red under the skin like a fire below trying to escape, and she had to shake them out to get rid of it.

PYROMANIAC - (Umbrella Academy) X Five Hargreeves Where stories live. Discover now