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Luther placed Five down on the bed as Diego shut the door to his room

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Luther placed Five down on the bed as Diego shut the door to his room.

Lena first went to sit in a corner on the floor somewhere to clear her head, but Five's whining had brought her to sit on the bed next to where he lay, now sleeping peacefully. She put her head in her hands but couldn't help but notice how calm he looked while sleeping. It was a nice change, but one I knew would not last.

"Funny. If I didnt know he was such a prick, I'd say he almost looks adorable in his sleep," Diego commented with a small smirk.

Lena hummed in agreement before realising that she intended to do that internally, and felt his brothers look at her with raised eyebrows.

She looked away.

"Don't worry," Luther sighed. "He'll sober up and be back to his usual self in no time."

"Yeah, I can't wait that long," Diego marched towards his work table. "I need to find out what his connection is with these lunatics before someone else dies. And I have a feeling Lena isn't gonna enlighten us."

She gave a blank stare and flipped him off. He nodded.

Ironic, though, how she actually knew more about the assassins and the commission than he did and they were just underestimating her involvement. She wasn't going to correct them, preferring to have their attention not on herself.

The brothers seem oblivious to her presence. "All that stuff he was saying before," Luther started. She heard a thump and looked towards the door, eyeing it suspiciously. Diego took notice and edged towards it. "What do you think he meant by that?"

Everything went quiet as Diego put a finger up. Footsteps approached the door, and finally Luthed noticed. Diego pulled out a knife, walking to the door. He opened it, raising the noise ready to throw a knife.

"You throw another one of those goddamn knives at me, I'm pressin' charges!" A voice yelled at Diego, and Lena watched with raised eyebrows. 

Diego sighed. "What do you want, Al?"

"I ain't your secretary," a rough voice responded.

"Yeah," Diego grumbled back.

"Some lady called for you, said she needs your help," he told Diego.

"What lady?"

"I dunno. Some, uh, detective. Said her name was Blotch or something."

"Patch?" Diego questioned, now smirking. "She needs my help."

"She needs you to meet her at that motel, a dump on Calhoun," the guy said handing Diego a note.


"About half an hour ago. Uh, said she found your brother," he left quickly.

Lena frowned. What brother? Klaus? He was the only one unaccounted for, by her account.

Diego left quickly, and she was left with Luther who sat in a chair and tried his best to avoid eye contact with her at all costs. It wasn't hard to tell her presence made him uncomfortable, and if the world wasn't going to end soon she might have found that amusing.

Five stirred in his sleep, and Lena flinched when she felt cold hands on the back of her shirt. She looked over at Five who had one eye half open, and he tugged ber towards him. "Are you mad at me?" He asked quietly, and she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Yes." She admitted, and she was but not for the reasons he thought. She could bypass the heavy drinking, it was more the fact he had blurted half of their business to his brothers while under the influence and it wasn't just his decision to make; it was the both of theirs.

She moved closer to him on the bed at his incessant tugging at her arm and tensed as his cold fingers touched my side.

"Good," he murmured, turning further into the pillow. "I like when... you're mad."

She chuckled down at him. "You want to say that any louder?"

He grumbled under his breath, covering his face with one hand, the other still holding the edge of her black top.

Five moved once again, and he pulled her even closer. He practically pulled her over one side of the bed and rested his head on her legs, and she struggle to keep herself sitting up, having to lean back and position herself against the end of the bed.

Luther looked over at her, and she quickly avoided his gaze as Five rested his head on her thighs, hand fumbling for something. He found her hand and pulled it to his chest, l cuddling it like a child hugging a stuffed toy.

He muttered something so quietly she didn't hear him, and with all the thoughts racing through her mind about how he was clinging to her, she found it hard to focus on trivial things. Like the end of the world.

It seemed silly, but with him against her she felt at peace, calmer than she had in ages. He was drunk, but this soft side of Five rarely came out, so... she convinced herself to enjoy it while it lasted.

Lena sighed tiredly.

"Lena?" He asked quietly, curling on his side and against her. She gpanced down at him. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" She asked quietly, frowning.

"For everything," he sighed tiredly. "Right now, for drinking." He slurred. She blinked down at him.

A lump forms in her throat.

"Its okay," she murmured, closing her eyes.

She thinks she's about to relax enough to fall asleep for a few moments when the thing in her lap shifts. Again.

Five's arms wrap around her waist tightly, and he pulled himself so his head was resting against her uninjured side.

"You're warm," he murmured.

She blearily looked down at him and something warm spread across her chest, and for once it makes her smile. It wasn't uncomfortable, but something she welcomed quite often. Love, for the boy who survived the apocalypse and didn't kill her when she was dumped there. For a boy who survived with her and stuck with her from the Commission. He was the one who got them out, he was the one who kept her going.

Without Five Hargreeves, Lena Flores truly didn't know if she would still be here, given how the commission would have crushed her spirit until it was nothing but a stepped out spark.

She held onto him equally as tightly as they dozed off again.

PYROMANIAC - (Umbrella Academy) X Five Hargreeves Where stories live. Discover now