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They lay there in the dim light of his room, breathing together, the deepest of intimacies.

The two of them slept in eachothers arms, her radiating warmth, his face buried into her bare shoulder. They rested, for the first time in a long time, in the longest of times, the best sleep the two had had in years. They slept for hours under the comfort that maybe they had finally stopped the doom that was fated to destroy them after so many decades of work.

Or thats what they kept telling themselves because it was all they could do as they basked in the dying sunlight coming through the half drawn curtains.

It was a rare moment of peace.

When Lena awoke, her head aching but not as terribly as before, she didn't move.

Maybe the peace was real, maybe it wasn't, but she did know one thing as she gazed down at the boy laying against her chest, gentle breath fanning her collarbone, was that she would take what she could get.

That was all they could afford to do.

She held him against her like pressed flowers against the pages of a book, delicately but firmly to make up for all the times that they had been torn apart and her skin wasn't touching his.

As a boy who had never really known peace, Five felt a little less war-torn in her arms. So when she tried to groggily escape his bear like hugging, he tightened his arms around her and groaned against her shoulder.

She softly laughed, covering her eyes as the sun moved round to practically blind her.

"Let me up." She demanded in a croaky voice.


"The sun is in my eyes."

"Yeah, I've got the sun in my arms and in my eyes," he muttered, voice deeper from sleep. "Just close them."

Warmth danced through her skin as she grinned up at the ceiling at his words, still with a hand covering her eyes.

"I'm hungry."

"I'm not."

"Good for you. Let me up."



"Would you like me to say it in Spanish?"

She flicked him in the forehead and his eyebrows knitted together in pain. "Ow!"

"Five, the bright light is hurting my head."

He moved instantly, then, shifting so that she could turn to face him and he was blocking the light with his shoulder while their noses barely touched. She rolled her eyes at his antics and sighed heavily. Still, his eyes stayed closed.

She didn't want to disturb the rest he so desperately deserved, but she hadn't eaten a whole lot recently and what she had, she had thrown up as a result of her mild traumatic brain injury.

"Five, if you don't let me up now I'm going to set this bed on fire with the both of us in it." She said in a whisper of warning.

One side of his lips twisted upwards. "Do it. You'll save the funeral directors the hassle of cremating me."

Lena huffed and rolled herself away from him, prising his hands off of her arms and ignoring his protesting grumbles.

While fixing her loose clothes, she slid on a pair of socks and shorts she had stolen from their bag and ruffled her already messy hair.

"You should eat something too."

"Go without me." He waved a dismissive hand, dramatic as ever, and rolled back over while pulling the blankets up over his shoudler.

PYROMANIAC - (Umbrella Academy) X Five Hargreeves Where stories live. Discover now