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Luther eventually showed his face again, pretending like the incident before didn't happen

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Luther eventually showed his face again, pretending like the incident before didn't happen. He still avoided Lena's gaze, much to her delight, but the first words out his mouth put her straight back into her terrible mood.

"Right, where's Five?"

"Gone." Diego and Lena say at the same.

"Oh for the love of-" Luther cut himself off, looking to the girl. "Where'd he go?"

She gave a bitter, tired and very fake smile while sitting back and crossing her arms. "Oh, honey, if I knew where he was it wouldn't be of much use to you because he'd be dead."

She was only half joking. If he kept disappearing without including her in what he was doing or thinking she would sooner strangle him with his own tie.

"You guys aren't getting a divorce, right?" Klaus asked, genuinely concerned and sitting up.

She shot him a dry look.

Luther sighed. "Well, we're not waiting around for him. The concert starts in thirty minutes."

Lena's leg was bouncing up and down in anticipation.

Diego looked Luther in the eyes expectantly. "Alright. So what's the plan?"

He hesitated, puffing his chest out slightly and raising his chin. "Well, I think that, uh, we go to the Icarus theatre."

She stared up at the ceiling in exasperation.

Diego doesn't look impressed. "That's a location, not a plan."

He swallowed, and silence followed. Diego stood up to his larger brother. "What? Is that all you've got? Look, you wanna be number one, fine, but you're gonna have to get us on the same page, because right now, were all over the place."

"Speak for yourself." Lena muttered under her breath, slightly offended to be included in that sentence.

Luther pauses before saying, "you're right. We need a plan."

Lena had absolutely no idea why, but something made her turn to look out across the arcade towards the entrance even though the bright neon flashing lights felt like tiny knives stabbing into her skull, and when she caught dark figures moving quickly inside, she was glad she did.


Masked figures in all black swarmed inside with masks covering their faces, holding heavy duty guns. Before any of them had a chance to react, gunshots pierced the air and Lena only had time to grab onto the nearest person, which happened to be Klaus, and pull him down to the floor with her. They all ducked behind the tables in a panic, the man next to her nearly face planting.

Screams rang out throughout the building, silenced by the gunfire so loud Lena had to cover her ears and grimace, her back to the table. The pain in her head was blinding.

Klaus looked round at Allison beside him and Lena grit her teeth in frustration. They all flinched as a few bullets skimmed right by, shattering glass around their feet.

"Who the hell are these guys?" Diego's voice rose through the gunshots, everyone tense and staying hidden.

Lena grit her teeth, the pain in her head becoming unbearable. Tears welled in her eyes, each gunshot feeling like her brain was being squeezed.

Klaus pressed his hands over his ears as something else shattered above him, and he fell lower to the floor. "Maybe they're here for Kenny's birthday!"

"I'm pretty sure they're here for us!" Luther shouted back, tossing a bowling ball as if it weighed nothing - which to him it probably did - and it crashed through the skull of one of the armed figures approaching. Diego got to his feet and launched a knife into another guys chest, and the bodies both slammed to the ground, one of them reeling into a jukebox of some kind. The lights go out suddenly, replaced by blaring disco light and the song 'Saturday night'.

As Klaus threw a birthday cake at a guy, Lena assessed her options and peeked out below the table, scanning the area. Exits blocked, twenty or so armed men sweeping towards them, shooting hectically in their direction.

Wondering where the fuck her husband was, she turned back and shouted above the noise, "go down the lanes!"

"We don't have cover!" Diego called back, staring at her as though she was crazy.

"I'm about to give you some." She breathed through the pain, her eyes beginning to glow dangerously red as she felt the energy in the room turn.

The pain in her head was so intense her eyes watered and she needed it to be quiet. She focussed on the energy, the anger and looked right at the attackers approaching around the side of the table, releasing a slow breath as though blowing out a candle. Her eyelids fluttered closed, palm flat on the floor in front of her.

Suddenly, one by one, the gunfire stopped. Their bodies stiffened, fingers frozen over the trigger, and the silence left in the room was deafening.

The Hargreeves stared in bewilderment before turning and running while they had the chance.

Lena reopened her eyes and watched the man nearest to her simply fall apart, burnt alive from the inside out. The bodies behind him followed suit, wilting to the floor like dead leaves in autumn, and breaking apart just as delicately into ash.

Another wave of masked attackers began moving in from the parking lot and she pushed herself away from the table and into a run, following the others down the lanes. She jumped down the gap and landed in a crouch. Upon pushing herself up, a wave of dizziness caught her off guard and she stumbled into someone else's arm.

When her eyes refocus, it's Klauses tattooed hand on her shoudler.

Luther, Allison, Diego and himself all have their eyes on the girl, unreadable expressions on each of their faces.

"What did you do?" Luther eventually has the courage to ask.

She brushed a strand of hair out of her face as something tickled her nose. She brushed against it with the back of her hand and her skin came away red. She swallowed thickly, her head pounding to the beat of her heart.

"I burnt them alive from the inside," Lena said deceptively calmly, a slight tremor in her voice.

A heavy silence weighed down on their shoulders.

She tried to blink away the nausia rising in her throat, along with the blurry edges of her vision.

"Christ," Diego muttered, disgusted, looking away.

"We need to go, come on." Luther urges, and they all sprinted as fast as they could out of the building.

PYROMANIAC - (Umbrella Academy) X Five Hargreeves Where stories live. Discover now