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When Lena awoke, she was surprised at the blanket draped across her body that, at some point, she had managed to curl up in so cosily that as she attempted to stretch herself out - her legs grew tangled in to the point where her sluggish frustration built until her fingertips burnt through the fabric.

"Mierda!" She quickly threw the fabric over the back of the couch and peered over to watch it fizzle out. Smoke rose from the singed edges of the patch she had burnt through and she prayed silently for the fire alarm to not go off. She rested her forehead against the couch cushion, closing her eyes with a frustrated groan.

Her head pounded like someone was chiselling at her skull piece by piece, heart racing at the sudden movement before to the point where she had to lie back down again with her hand over her heart.

It drummed against her palm as though trying to escape the confines of her ribcage and she swallowed thickly, nausia rising at the back of her throat.

Judging by the dead silence and the fact her over-concerned husband wasn't fretting at her side, she could only assume they had left and not come back yet.

Angling her head to the left, her eyes fell on a plastic zip lock bag on the coffee table and her jaw nearly dropped. She forced herself to sit up and grabbed it, tearing it open with searching eyes and shaky hands.

Inside was a bunch of golden jewellery tangled up, just thrown in without care. Lena tipped out the contents and a familiar silver lighter clattered out across the table. She snatched it up before it fell off the edge.

Sifting through it all for something in particular, she didn't stop even when her visions edges turned black and her hands shook so viciously she nearly dropped some earrings, not until she prised that ring from the tangled mess.

Her heart fluttered as she stared down at it, swallowing, before putting it back on her ring finger.

Lena then went through the exhausting job of putting all her jewellery back on, getting dizzy halfway through and having to lie on the couch and do it all staring up at the ceiling, absently wondering where everyone was.

Feeling complete again with her belongings and most of all her ring back, she spent the next hour unmoving on her back on the couch with an arm slung over her eyes.

Given that every attempt she made to sit up or stand made her feel like she was going to pass out she had little else to do but wait for everyone to come back.

When they did, she was half asleep again. They were talking about sir Reginald and where he was and she lifted her arm, peaking over blearily as Five headed straight for her side.

"You okay?" He asked immediately, scanning her up and down.

She gave a half hearted shrug. "Better than before." She croaked.

He gave her a disapproving hum, clearly not agreeing much, but pressed a kiss to the side of her head as he passed.

"What are you talking about?" Lena asked a bit louder, the sound of Lila and Diego chatting irritating her still aching head.

Five then froze, shooting a quick, sharp look at Diego and Lila across the room as they both opened their mouths to respond.

"Finding dad to see if he knows anything about-"

The boy suddenly grabbed Lena by the arm and in a blink, they were no longer in the room.

Lena landed at the top of a set of stairs, inside the apartment building and just outside Elliot's front door. The area was dimly lit and much quieter.

PYROMANIAC - (Umbrella Academy) X Five Hargreeves Where stories live. Discover now