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After what seemed like hours, it did come to an end.

Her entire body went limp as the electricity stopped coursing through her body. The scent of burnt flesh hit her nose and she gasped out choked breaths, ribs aching tremendously as she caught her breath again.

Slumping back against the floor, her shoulder pressing into the side of the couch, she found her eyes couldn't focus on anything.

She rolled more onto her side, trying to to regain control of her trembling body. Her arms barely supported her and the ringing in her ears was so intense she couldn't make out any other noises. Time passed in a wave of delirium.

It could have been seconds, it could have been an hour as she tried to listen for anything other than the ringing in her ears.

Shakily, Lena reached out for what she thought was Vanya when her eyes refocused slowly on the pair of dark shoes next to her. She blinked blearily, hand stilling when she realised they were most certainly not hers.

Her breath hitched and her brain caught up a second too late. They were mens shoes.

His hand snapped out to grab her elbow, wrenching her up so fast her knees almost buckled and her vision swam dangerously.

Disorientated, Lena grabbed what she thought was his wrist and his yell of pain meant she was right. Her hearing came back in a wave as she registered his flesh sizzling under her palm. She shoved against him and he loosened his grip, but it was a moment too late.

He swung his other arm and she was overwhelmed by this immense pain through her skull as she fell onto her hands and knees, vision cutting out for a second. Bile rose in her throat and she swallowed it down instantly, ears beginning to ring again.

What had she been hit with? She didn't even feel it until the pain of the aftermath knocked her down.

Everything was moving slowly, muffled like she was underwater. Everything felt so wrong. It didn't feel like her arms were supporting her and though she put a hand out to blindly block her head, something crashed down on her forearm with such a force that she cried out.

A shattering pain shot up her arm, and suddenly she was grabbed tightly by the elbow and wrenched back up to a stand, but her legs could barely support herself and the quick movements made her consciousness waver.

Something cold touched her cheek as she was pulled harshly back towards who she knew to be Harold, her back slamming into his chest. Pain flared at the back of her skull and she swung her free arm back as hard as she could into his throat, catching him with her elbow.

His vice like grip was gone all of a sudden as he choked and groaned behind her. Lena stumbled forwards, the edges of the room blurring together and making her feel more sick. She barely had enough time to catch herself before her side slammed into the edge of the coffee table. Her arms didn't have the strength to hold her up, trembling, but she managed to get back onto her weak legs and push herself off of it and towards the kitchen.

Footsteps followed. There was angry, laboured breathing.

Her hand darted out, fumbling to pull open the nearest cutlery drawer. As her fingers felt for a knife he was suddenly there.

Everything felt so wrong. It felt like Lena was standing outside of her body. She felt weak, and the back of her head felt oddly numb and tingly, all the way down her back now as the seconds ticked by.

She did, however, feel the drawer slam ruthlessly closed on her fingers.

She let out a scream, quickly snatching her hand back and raising it to protect herself from another hit. He was right beside her and something heavy hit her forearm again, making her stumble into the wall.

His eyes were filled with rage as he swung again, and she managed to look up in time to duck underneath it and out of the way. It hits the wall and got stuck.

Lena blinked, hand smearing blood on the cream coloured wallpaper as she steadied herself. It was a hammer he was trying to prise from the wall now.

Adrenaline fuelling her, she did the only thing she could think of and launched herself at him, aiming at his neck with her now scorching hot hands. He dodged but let out a guttural scream as her hands latched on his arm. He let go of the hammer still stuck in the wall on reflex, grasping his burnt arm and jacket that had a hole through, smoking.

Lena flinched as something dripped down her eyebrow into her left eye, and felt the floor move beneath her.

Stay awake. She could hear Five's voice in her head screaming at her.

He was grabbing Lena and there was nothing she could do, feeling as though her body was submerged in water and not moving how she wanted it to.

She was actually scared.

Lena Flores was actually afraid. It had been a long time since she had felt that she had almost forgotten what it felt like.

The blaring wail of the fire alarm made her wince, the smell of smoke hitting her like a wall.

Everything happened in slow motion.

She struggled against him, a trail of fire bursting up from her heels dragging along the carpet and setting it slowly alight. He dragged her roughly out the back door, and she stumbled as her shoes hit grass and dried leaves and snapped on twigs.

The fire alarm grew quieter.

The back of her neck was uncomfortably warm, not in a good way, and the fire in her veins dulled as she grew weaker.

Her hand went back to pry his fingers from her hair, but as he pulled her along, white hot pain shot across her skull and blood dripped down her eye and under her jaw.

She attempted to dig in her heels, but another sharp yank of her hair had her stumbling to her knees on the forest floor. Lena put all of her weight forwards, trying to slow down his movements, bide some time - for what, she didn't know. Her heart thundered in her chest and ears.

Her hands glowed with energy and it took a lot of effort to heat up her hands. He must notice because the next second he stopped trying to pull her along and the second he did, she grabbed handfulls of dried leaves and dirt and threw it into his face.

He groaned, the ashes and embers from the leaves falling to the floor as she backed away while he was momentarily blinded.

The more she crawled back, the damper and colder the ground beneath her got. She tried to wrap her fingers around anything that could help her, the fire in her veins dying as her body grew colder, but all she came back with was damp foliage.

She wrapped her fingers around a sharp stick and attempted to push herself up her vision cut out and bile rose in her throat. Weakness made her collapse onto her side, eyes desperately searching for something but able to see nothing but a dark, blurred scene of rust coloured leaves and a dark figure running back towards the house.

The stick fell from her limp fingers.

She was left alone and unable to move.

PYROMANIAC - (Umbrella Academy) X Five Hargreeves Where stories live. Discover now