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Lena had gotten a call from Allison hours later, who had given her one of her old phones and her number so she could stay in contact. She had said she could use some of her help, which, although she had agreed to it, still seemed a strange concept considering they had all considered kicking her out just days before. If no one else was going to bother, then she was going to accept in the hopes that she could take some of the burden off of Five.

He needed rest and she was going to get this fixed if it was the last thing she did.

Five had been sceptical, which was surprising considering he was the injured one; she should have been more concerned about him, but alas, stressing over eachothers wellbeing was a part of their dynamic.

So she left him with a chaste kiss, grateful for the fact she could keep herself warm as she stepped out into the cold street, wearing an oversized tee as a dress, and high leather boots. A jacket would have been nice, but time was not in her favour, nor had it ever been. She decided to catch a bus to where Allison was.

By the time she showed up to the hospital, Lena was beyond done with humans. Busses were awful and dirty containers of germs filled with loud people with their infinitely louder children. A headache had taken form at the front of her skull while she wondered why Allison was so keen to have her join her.

Since she had dropped into their living room with a shock collar fit for a dog to keep her suffering apparent, the woman had been uncharacteristically kind and sympathetic.

Lena knew she had a daughter and perhaps that was why. Which was entirely insane considering Allison was old enough to be hers.

Lena hopped off of the bus, looking left and right as she walked up to the main entrance, moving out of the way for a woman and her mother in a wheelchair going past.

"Lena, hey," a voice snapped her out of it. Tp her left eas Allison Hargeeeves leaving the building. Her hands were in her jacket pockets as she smiled slightly.

"Hey," she respond stiffly, folding her arms to keep her hands from fidgeting. Her lighter was tucked in her bra but she didn't think the hospital goers would appreciate the sight, nor let her inside with it lit.

Allison nodded for Lena to follow her and she jogged to catch up with her long legs. "We need to go to the cabin that Leonard owns. I think Vanya's there."

She nodded and as Allison unlocked her car she got into the passenger seat, doing the seatbelt up quickly as she took off.

She couldn't help but bounce her leg up and down as the radio softly emitted sound, beginning to drum her hands on her thighs on instinct.

After a few minutes, she turned to her with a burning question in mind. "Why did you ask me to come?"

Allison hesitated before sighing.

"You offered, and I figured if backup was needed, you know," she shrugged, and she sort of understood. She chewed softly on her lip before continuing, "also, Vanya seems to like you; out of everyone I could have chosen to talk to her with, you seemed like the next best shot - the rest of the others don't really, well, get along with her that well."

She took in her words and suddenly felt a twinge of sympathy for Vanya Hargreeves.

Allison seemed to be the only one who showed any effort to include Vanya, and that was saying something. She had heard that even their relationship wasn't that great, so she wasn't sure how this was going to go. To Vanya, Lena was basically still a stranger. Sure, she had lent her clothes and she had been as polite as she could to her when in her presence, but she was doubting Allison's faith in herself.

PYROMANIAC - (Umbrella Academy) X Five Hargreeves Where stories live. Discover now