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Lena had worryingly slept the entire morning and didn't utter a word while Lila and Diego watched Harvey Oswalds house, arguing about the better method of getting him to stop his future assassination. And they knew that was worrying because she would have for sure had some choice words to say about it.

She was curled against one of the back doors, her legs drawn up and hood and hair half blocking her face from the sun shining in the windows.

Everytime they called out for her she never responded, but they could see the faint rise and fall of her shoulders despite it being only shallow.

All of a sudden she felt a warmth encase her hand not curled against her torso. Blearily, she slowly blinked herself out of her heavy stupor and felt a presence next to her that hadn't been there before. She weakly turned to look at the person.

Her eyes met a very concerned, very familiar shade of blue, and her heart picked up speed after so long of being tiresomely slow.

"Then why are you doing this?" Lila accused from the front to Diego.

The boy in front of her cut in sharply without tearing his eyes away from her tired, bruised ones.

"Because he's an idiot."

Lila span, eyeing the boy in shock. "Who the hell are you?"

Although Lena wanted to launch herself at the boy in front of her, the energy in her was so depleted she could barely move. Her eyelids fluttered lowly, closing again as the bright lights hurt her head.

"I knew I wasn't crazy..." she murmured to herself.

"Wait, is this..." Lila turned to Diego, who looked annoyed and sighed. She wiggled her eyebrows at him.

He muttered. "Unfortunately."

Five shifted closer to Lena and worriedly his fingers landed on the side of her neck, the side of her jaw, and he scanned her rough appearance. "What'd they do to you in there?" He asked, eyebrows knitting together.

She looked strange without all her jewellery, without the life in her eyes.

She shook her head sligthly and just rested her head back, too tired to speak. "Not important."

Five shot a stern look at Diego, one that said he was going to tell him exactly what had been done to Lena or someone was going to get hurt later on.

"Leave the crazy lady and come with me. We have important business." He said seriously, hand lingering on her arm.

She sighed slightly, eyelids closing again, mind lingering on the warmth from his hand. She wanted to curl against him but didn't have the strength to.

"I am not going anywhere with you."

Five noticed a cop going by on the other side of the street and shifted slightly. "Okay, fine," he leant towards the open window to call out to him. "Officer!"

Diego grabbed Five by the shoulder and span him to face him urgently, glaring.

The boy was smug.

"What are you doing?"

"I hear there's a reward out for you."

"You're gonna risk handing over your wife back to that hellhole just to prove a point against me?"

Five rose an eyebrow. Lena twitched a tired smile.

"He's bluffing." Lila dismissed.

"He's not." Both Lena and Diego stated, the former in a knowing whisper.

PYROMANIAC - (Umbrella Academy) X Five Hargreeves Where stories live. Discover now