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On their way to Leonard's home, Lena tried to conceal the fact that she was being shocked by the collar by pulling her hood up and digging her nails into her arm so that she didn't make any noise. The nails cutting into her skin was a feeble distraction, but it did the trick until they pulled up outside Leonard's house.

Half the journey she had spent curled up in the corner, hood up and hair concealing her face from Five's concerned view in the mirror.

Diego stopped the car and as soon as Lena got the chance she ripped the door open and stepped out, clutching the side of my neck in discomfort and stretching out her tingling legs. The others followed getting out of the car, and she shakily pushed her hood back down to turn to Five, who was looking at her.

His eyes searched hers in question.

She flashed a reassuring smile, but his eyes went to the uncontrollable shaking in her hands and she avoided his gaze.

She moved past him, heading across the lawn to follow Diego.

"Be careful, okay? We don't know what Peabody's capable of," Allison warned.

Diego seemed unconvinced. "He didn't seem dangerous when I first saw him. Looked kinda scrawny," he said with a light shrug.

"Yeah, well, so are most seriall killers and mass murderers. I mean, look at them." Allison pointed out.

Lena shot a glare over her shoulder, not appreciating the joke, while Five muttered a sarcastic, "thanks."

"Good point," Diego agreed. "So, what's this guy want with Vanya?"

The two teenagers watched Allison ignore him and creep around the back of the house.

"I don't know. Why dont we ask him after we kill him?" Five suggested as they approached the front door.

"Whoa, whoa. Hey look, I'm gonna burst through-" Diego paused upon realising that Allison was no where to be seen. "You know what? It would be nice for people to just stick to the-" Diego was cut off as Five jumped himself inside, rudely leaving Lena out there with his stupid brother. "The plan. Great."

He looked back at Lena as she stood there staring at him blankly. Honestly, she was just curious to what he was going to do and too tired to melt the lock herself.

Diego sighed, turning to the door and window. He took a cautionary step back before charging at it. It shattered and he fell right through.

Lena rose an eyebrow and tried the doorknob. As she suspected, it was open.

"You know the door was unlocked?" She mused dryly, looking down at Diego who groaned and pushed himself up.

"Yeah, well, my way works just fine," Diego insisted.

She crossed her arms over her chest and gave him a deadpan look. "I could have also melted the door handle or the hinges. Just a few options before you made it painstakingly obvious that we were breaking in."

Diego chose to ignore her and walk past. "Spread out, yell if you, uh, you know, you're in trouble." He left the room, the rest of them with slight smiles.

"Ah, inspiring leadership," Five nodded.

"One of the greats," Allison agreed, sighing as she began to look around the room.

Five nodded for Lema to follow him and they both walked up the stairs, eyes tracing every nook and cranny. He turned left into the bedrooms while she looked up and tilted her head at the attic. She reached up on her tip toes and her fingers only just grazed the string to pull it down. Huffing, she cursed her  short legs and jumped, grabbing the string and pulling it down. She climbed up into the dark attic as her hand searched the wall for a light switch of some kind.

PYROMANIAC - (Umbrella Academy) X Five Hargreeves Where stories live. Discover now