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The time passed by quickly for the two who could do nothing but drown their sorrows with cheap coffee and the sound of the radio in the background.

By the time they decided to head out so they could meet Sir Reginald Hargreeves Lena had decided to change into some other clothes; a black pair of trousers, a black crop top and an oversized red sweater tucked into her belt. The sweater hung loosely off of one of her shoulders, not leaving much to the imagination as it hung so loosely off her frame half her skin was showing anyways, revealing any tattoos she had on her collarbones, shoudlers and back.

Five, of course, kept his uniform on despite her nagging at him to change it - he could blink into any store and steal some decent clothes whenever he wanted, but he seemed content not bothering.

In the back of her mind she figured it was force of habit due to what little options they had in the apocalypse - they had been used ot wearing the same clothes for long periods of time, months even, as half the resources they came across were too far destroyed for them to use. Tiny streams of water and bursts of rain had been the only real access to water they'd had.

He had known that for most of his life, while she had had a tumultuous life before finding herself alongside him in the wasteland of the earth, where clothing and resources weren't scarce.

Old habits die hard, she guessed. She couldn't fault him for it as much as she liked to tease him. (He knew that deep down.)

As she ran her fingers through her long hair, Five sat behind her on the couch watching as she stared at her reflection in a mirror.

"We're not going to be late, Five." She told him, glancing back in the reflection as she put in her dagger earrings to go with all her other hoops and studs.

"I'm not worried about that. I'd be glad to let the old man wait." He adjusted and sat up straighter, resting his elbows on his knees and clasping his hands together.

She turned to face him properly. "Then why are you staring at me like that?"

He fixed her with a blank stare for a moment. In a blink, he appeared right in front of her and the suddenness of it made her take a step back against the wall for lack of having anywhere else to go.

He gave her a coy stare, eyes alight, and angled his head slightly down at her. His eyes fell on her dark lips, painted a purple shade so deep it was almost black except for in certain lights.

He told her earnestly. "Because I can't wait to disappoint my father with the choice of woman I've ended up with."

Lena hesitated at first but eventually grinned up at him. "I gather I'm supposed to take that as a compliment, but the way that was worded, I'm not so sure."

"It was the highest of compliments, my dear." his cold hand slid into her own at her side and she twitched a tiny smirk at his seriousness.

She stood on her tip toes to press a kiss to the corner of his lips before squeezing his hand. "Let's go disappoint your father."

A blue glow surrounded their hands and in another second, they were standing inside a grand, office looking building with a seemingly endless amount of floors. Not a sound met their ears as they scanned the foyer, no sound of a person anywhere. The only sign that it wasn't empty was the fact the lights were on.

Exchanging a curious glance, the two chose to enter the elevator and pressed the correct floor, hand in hand. As the elevator dinged and the doors began to close, she turned to him and bunched up some of her sleeve to wipe the little tint of lipstick she had left at the corner of his lips.

He rose an eyebrow but stayed still, letting her smooth her thumb over his skin instead to get rid of the purple tinge, when something made the sensor for the doors reopen.

PYROMANIAC - (Umbrella Academy) X Five Hargreeves Where stories live. Discover now