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That little bastard.

Pushing herself up from his bed, Lena looked out the window to see it was at least midday, sun high in the sky. Five was nowhere to be seen.

Taking her time, she prised the shirt off of her and threw on a black spaghetti strap top and some jeans.

Not bothering with anything else, Lena went out into the hall and instantly bumped into another person. Stumbling back a step, she furrowed her eyebrows and looked up at the exact person she was hoping to find.

He seemed to have something else on his mind, however, as he quickly scanned her clothing and walked past her swiftly into his room.

"You need to look more professional today," he said as he breezed by.

She blinked at the spot he had been standing a second before and her expression dropped.

"You couldn't have told me that earlier?" Lena asked bitterly, pulling the shirt back over her head and threw it at the back of his.

She went for one of Five's white school shirts, plucking it from his drawers without a care. She kept the same skirt and opted to put her tie back on, so used to wearing it that going without it felt unnatural. She kept the skirt, too lazy to change it, and tightened the laces of her shoes as tight as they would go to keep them from slipping off, wondering when he was going to take her to get new clothes. She was not living this tumultuous week borrowing from others.

When she looked back at him, he glanced out the window impatiently, the shirt she had thrown at him now on the floor.

"You are a pain in the ass."

"For giving you advice on your clothing choices?" He asked with amusement.

She rolled her eyes and began running her fingers through her hair like a comb before pulling it back into two high pig tails.

"For not waking me up earlier and for making me go through the hassle of changing. Again."

"You're over exaggerating."

"The world is ending in less than a week. I think I'm allowed to!"

He shut his mouth after that comment, unable to argue.

As Five kept staring out the window, Lena furrowed her eyebrows at a noise she could have sworn she heard. Her head perked up, but nothing in the room seemed to have moved as she scanned everything with scrutiny.

Then she heard it again. The groan of wood, like something supporting someones weight.

Five looks at her when she stood. "What is it?"

She didn't respond. Slowly, she was brought to the direction of the wardrobe in the corner. She was sure that's where the sound was coming from. Curious, she pulled the handle and jumped out of the way just in time as a person stumbled out.

"What the fuck?" Is her only response.

Klaus Hargreeves was readjusting his clothing after hiding in a wardrobe. He waved at her with a grin.

"I told you to put on something professional!" Is Fives disappointed response.

Her eyebrows rose.

Klaus held a hand to his chest dramatically. "This is my nicest outfit."

Lena's eyes flitted slowly between the two. She looked at Five, then Klaus, then the wardrobe, and repeated the cycle again. Why was he there? When did he even get in the wardrobe? She had been asleep!

Five caught her eye. "Don't ask." is his only response.

She shut the wardrobe door again and scanned Klauses outfit choice. It was questionable, to say the least. He was dressed in a vintage, shoudler padded overcoat with a pair of black pants. The shoulders had ruffles. Although she suspected it to be very Klaus, it wasn't the most professional.

"Oh, it's so touching, it really is." Klaus said, walking further into the room. "You two fight like an old married couple."

Lena and Five exchanged a quick glance behind his back.

"Were you in there while I was asleep?" She asked bluntly, crossing her arms over her chest.

Klaus pulled a face. "Don't ask questions you don't want the answer to, Lena dearest."

"Would you focus?" Five snapped at him.

"I'm moist."

Five ran a hand down his face and Lena resisted the urge to laugh at him. It was refreshing, seeing a real sibling dynamic - the arguing, the quips, the affection. It was not anything she had ever experienced, despite growing up with siblings. "We'll have to raid the old mans closet."

"As long as I get paid," klaus sighef, following him out of the room while she followed.

"When the job is done," Five stated.

"Okay, but just so were clear on the finer details, I just gotta go to this place and pretend to be your dear old dad, correct?" He asks.

Although physically following, she was not mentally.

"He's not pretending to be my dad too, right? Don't know if you've noticed, we do not exactly pass off as related." She pointed out, gesturing to her face. "Last I checked the only Mexican was Diego, and he's not here."

Klaus giggled. "What's our cover story?"

Five turned, tired. "What? What are you talking about?"

"I mean, was I really young when I had you? Like sixteen? Like, young and- and horribly misguided?" He asked excitedly.

"Sure," he says to, if anything, get him to shut up.

She watched in amusement from the sidelines.

"Your mother, that slut!" He exclaimed angrily. "Whoever she was, we met at," Klaus thought about it then smiled. "The disco. Okay? Remember that." He snaps his fingers as if remembering something. "Oh, my god, the sex was amazing-"

"-what a disturbing glimpse into that thing you call a brain," Five mused, turning to walk down the stairs with Lena quickly in tow.

"Hey, don't make me put you in time out!" He points.


When in the car, Lena turned to him in the rear view mirror. "How come he's getting paid for this?"

"Being in my presence is payment enough for you." he boasted.

Her response was immediate. "In that case, where do I take you to get a refund?"

 "In that case, where do I take you to get a refund?"

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