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It took Lena almost twenty minutes to get there and to further add to her frustrations, it had began raining. Her hair was damp against her forehead and neck, jacket clinging to her body as the rain chilled her skin.

Neon lights confirmed it and she crossed the street to enter the bowling alley, heating her skin up as she walked past the main desk to dry herself off. Being a walking heater had its perks. She ran her hot fingers through her hair to dry it while scanning the lanes, standing on her tiptoes to see past the arcade games and flashing lights, her head already killing her. Finally she came across one near the end of the rows and paused.

Anger bubbled in her chest as she took in the sight of Luther standing in front of them all. Five was pacing up and down, anxiously, while Diego and Klaus sat next to each other on the chairs. Allison was sat by Luther; she could spot her curly hair easily as she had her back to her.

Lena narrowed her eyes and stormed over to them all, fists clenching in rage at her sides.

As she grew closer Klaus picked his head up and spotted her, his hand shooting out to hit Diego's arm, catching his attention. Their eyes widened and they straightened up as Diego looked at Luther and Klaus looked at Five who had yet to see his angry wife, still caught up in pacing.

Lena bypassed the chairs and headed straight for Luther.

Klaus and Diego stood up, sensing the hostility. Five's head snapped to her, and Luther turned just as she closed in and slapped him as hard as she could, the sound making a few people glance over.


"Oh shit!"

Voices exclaimed around her in shock as she grit her teeth, staring Luther down with fiery glowing eyes as he grimaced and reached to touch the side of his face, now red and enflamed looking. He blinked at her wide eyed.

A hand gripped Lena's arm and she was spun around by Five who looked equally confused and alarmed, but happy to see her. His grip on her arm was tight enough to know he wasn't going to let her go and swing for his brother again; that was his first mistake.

"Lena," Five said in warning. She shook his arm off harshly, still seething. He furrowed his eyebrows. "What-"

"-take us outside."


She grabbed the sleeve of Luthers coat like a vice and stare directly at Five. "Take us outside!" She snapped.

"Tell me what's going-"

Her other hand snapped out to grab his tie and she yanked him towards her, their faces inches apart but instead of this being romantic, it was borderline a threat. Hesitating was his second mistake.

"Take us outside right now or I will turn him to ash, and the only way he will be leaving will be swept up in a vacuum." She seethed, completely serious, and for his own safety he transported the three of them out back in the parking lot.

PYROMANIAC - (Umbrella Academy) X Five Hargreeves Where stories live. Discover now