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When Lena reached Five's room she was surprised to see that he was no where to be found. The bed was half made and the window was cracked open a little bit, but other than that there were no signs to point her where he had gone.

Frowning to herself she hopped in the shower quickly and changed, assuming that when she came out that he would be around.

Strangely, he wasn't.

Lena changed into a skirt and tucking the band tee in at the waistband, she grabbed her oversized red jacket and slid it on for extra warmth. She didn't bother with her hair, just combing it, giving a wide berth to her stitches at the back of her head.

She headed down the hall in search of her husband, curiosity burning, wondering where he could have gone to and why he hadn't told her. But every room she poked her head into was empty, some collecting thick layers of dust.

When she reached the stairs she jogged down them, sheilding her eyes from the streams of light shining through the stain glass windows until the sharp pain in her head went away and her eyes weren't irritated. At this rate she would have to wear sunglasses if she even thought of stepping outside.

As Luther walked by she opened her mouth to ask him if he knew where Five was, but the tall man averted his gaze to the ground and passed her by.

She stopped at the base of the stairs and watched him head to the right up them. He mentioned Diego's name and she heard Grace's voice speak back, before footsteps disappeared down another hallway.

Lena frowned. He may have thought he was being secretive, but he was the epitome of the word suspicious and her curiosity was too much to ignore.

So she followed him.

Lena kept her distance as he found Diego and ended up leading him down the many dark, narrow hallways that never seemed to end.

Diego was just confused but Luther was on edge and they only spoke in hushed tones, partially arguing; everytime the latter looked over his shoulder to check they were alone, Lena would back away into an alcove or press her back against a doorway, hiding herself in the shadowy, abandoned and unwalked halls.

Somehow she didn't think they would appreciate her tagging along on what sounded like something serious and none of her business.

Klauses voice joined them quietly, and Lena remained tucked around the corner as she heard mechanical doors closing and something heavy move.

She waited a few seconds, then headed down the corridor to follow their footsteps. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end as she took in the sight of a looming, dark elevator at the very end of the doorless hall.

Her eyes raked over the old, dusty metal and wood. There was a sheen of dust only recently disturbed on the ground that she could just about make out. She thought briefly that she should find Five and show him what they were up to, but he had gone awol and disappeared. So she stepped inside the elevator when it came back up and closed the doors before she could change her mind.

A thought crossed her mind that the elevator could break and she would be stuck inside this claustrophobic dark box forever, but reasoned that Luther and two of his brothers had been fine going down to wherever this was taking her, so she would be fine. If anything was going to break the elevator it would be their combined weight and she certainly didn't come anywhere close.

The elevator began heading down and she kept herself pressed against the back wall, cautious. She couldn't tell very well given there was no indication above the doors but it had headed down a few levels already.

PYROMANIAC - (Umbrella Academy) X Five Hargreeves Where stories live. Discover now