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Lena was one of the special ones as The Handler liked to call it.

One of them.

But she hated hearing it, especially coming from that womans mouth.

She was one of those born on the twelfth hour of the first day of October, nineteen eighty-nine, along with forty two other children. This was unusual only in the fact that none of these women had been pregnant when the day first began.

She grew up hearing about the famous Umbrella academy and had always known she was like them. She didn't want to be, but unfortunately life had dealt her those cards and she was going to have to deal with it.

Her parents vowed to keep it a secret, not wanting to lose their daughter and kept her homeschooled - she was never permitted to step foot into the back garden much less leave the house. She was trapped because of something she had no control over and it was suffocating - her entire childhood.

So on the thirteenth hour of her tenth birthday, she broke the meticulous rules set out for her and her alone.

She left her room and joined her brothers and sisters downstairs for a game of tag. Getting over the initial wariness of their estranged sister being around them (who they had always been warned to stay away from) they ran around the house and began to enjoy themselves, parents blissfully unaware while they were outside in the garden.

Things were going well. Far too well.

Lena knew it was too good to be true when she grabbed her little sisters arm to tag her. Little Lucia had wailed like a banshee, clutching her bloody and burnt skin as their parents came racing inside at the smell of smoke.

Lena's eyes were wide. She didn't mean to. She would never have done it on purpose.

"It was an accident..." her words were lost on deaf ears, as she was dragged downstairs to her room in the basement and had the door slammed behind her.

Her parents shouted, and cried, and it all carried through the walls and she could do nothing but sit in a corner and cover her ears and pray for her miserable birthday to end.

On the fourteenth hour of Lena's birthday, the home had succumbed to the roaring flames that burst from the basement. Left as a pile of ash amongst its neighbouring buildings, the bodies inside unable to escape.

When authorities were called, there was nothing else they could do for the family. Their charred bodies were all that remained, a sad picture for the police officers and firemen to have imprinted on their mind, not to mention the close knit neighbourhood as they watched from their windows and porches.

During their search, Lena was found.

She was crying, she was shaking, she was covered in soot and she was perfectly alive. Her screams were horrific when she saw her family. Her parents, her little sister and two brothers. Dead. She knew it was all because of her. Because she couldn't control it. Because she had broken the rules.

It was on the sixteenth hour of that same day, that a woman with silver hair and red lips approached her. She did not talk to this woman. She only listened.

She did not accept her offer.

But that wasn't going to stop her.

She was taken by the wicked woman in a flash of white light, and no trace of her was left at the police station. She had simply disappeared off the face of the earth. Lena was listed as a missing person, a runaway, and forgotten about years later when the police gave up on all of their wasted resources.

The Handler had big plans for little Lena; she was going to be very useful to the Comission.

(But what the Handler didn't know, and the Commission would fail to realise, was that Lena was too rebellious to be held under their monotonous regime.)

PYROMANIAC - (Umbrella Academy) X Five Hargreeves Where stories live. Discover now