Prologue: Nightmare Come True

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Before I start, please read this. Everyone in this story are NOT AWARE that they are from anime's and video games. In their perspective, they think this is their normal lives. Thank you and enjoy the story.

It was a normal day. Sunny skies and a few clouds. Maybe if things had stayed like this. I was soon knocked back right into a tree. I should've been paying attention. Me and my father, Vegeta, have been training. Next time, I shouldn't think about the day.

"Get up! If we're done here, then I'll go back now!" Vegeta had yelled to me as I was getting up, rubbing the back of my head.

"Sorry.." I quickly apologized, watching him walk back into our mansion of a house. I'm strong but it feels like my weakness is getting distracted.

Oh, I should've said this already. I am Trunks Brief, the son of Vegeta and Bulma Breif. I'm also known as the Ultimate Sword Fighter. Even though I'm a Super Saiyain, I mostly just rely on my sword. 

After my father went back inside, I decided to take time to relax. After everything I've gone through, I deserve some peace, right? I was beyond incorrect and I would soon regret not going back inside.

Mysteriously, smoke started coming down. I was a bit confused since I couldn't sense any fires. Did someone else cause this? No, I can't sense any power levels either. So, what is this smoke? I started flying up towards it to see if I could clear it.

Once I got near the smoke, I smelled it. It didn't smell like fire smoke and I didn't see a fire start anywhere. That's when I felt something hard hit the back of my head. I couldn't process anything as I started falling down. My eyes slowly closed and I knew it was the end for me. The last thing I saw...was a black and white bear.
I slowly opened my eyes before I bolted up. It seemed like I a bed? This was a little confusing considering I was just outside on the grass. Wait..the smoke. Was it sleeping gas? It had to be since nothing else could've put me to sleep.

I saw my sword to the side and grabbed it, putting it back in its sheath before throwing it over my shoulder. This looked like a room but I don't remember my mother, Bulma, bringing me inside. I stood up and looked around.

This isn't room. I was somewhere completely different. Maybe I can escape somehow. I looked over to the window but it seemed to be bolted shut. Isn't that perfect? Then I remember I can do blasts and started charging one up towards it. That's when, I heard something over the speakers.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Trunks Brief! You'll only get yourself killed like that!" The voice said. It should I put it? Like an old man mixed with a child, if that made sense. But the strangest thing knew my name.

"Who are you? And where am I?" I called out, hoping it would hear me over speakers.

"If you go to the gym, I'll explain everything! See you there! Phuhuhuhu!" The voice seemed to laugh before it sounded like they left the speaker.

"Maybe it will explain everything to me. I shouldn't hesitate now." I told myself before opened the door and running out, closing it behind me. I was soon walking the halls, just closing my eyes to think. That was a mistake.

I ended up running into someone, falling along with the person I ran into. A bit confused, I opened my eyes to see a girl with blonde hair. Her hair had buns and out of those buns came ponytails. A strange hairstyle. She looked like a bun head.

"My apolog-" I wasn't able to finish because I was interrupted by crying. Loud crying.

"WAHHHHHHHH! I FELL! I FELL!" The girl cried and it was loud enough for anyone to hear. Her crying was starting to hurt my ears as I stood up.

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