Chapter 6: Ending Everything (??? Part 2)

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Trunks POV

Ryuko and I were sitting on the ground in the gym. We had both found a book about something and we were both about to read it. Ryuko went a little closer to me so she could see but I didn't mind.

The cover of the book was a little dusty but I wiped it off to reveal the title. "Project Universe" is what it said. It looked like the book had been hidden so I opened it up and started reading.

"Hello there. I'm :&(773&,1]{| and next to me is my friend, &;&#]%]€{\¥. We both wanted to impress Junko Enoshima. We look up to her so much and we wanna be like her. Too bad she's dead now. But no worries! We're both gonna become the Ultimate Despair! And we'll make her proud! This is something we've both been working on and it'll the next killing game. This will be really tough because it conducts a ton of science but we got this. We managed to get help from other people who have fallen into despair. This will all be so random so I had to hope we'd take the perfect people for the next killing game." I read out loud. The names were smudged out but I ignored it.

"Whoever they are, they're probably referring to us.." Ryuko muttered as I nodded and continued to the next page.

"We've done it. Project Universe is going smoothly so far. The portal to all the other universes is almost finished. It's sad that we can only choose people from random but no worries. We'll test out everything using one of the Monokuma's I'll control. Once we get the 16 people, we'll follow in Junko's footsteps and continuing the killing games! I bet she's looking down at all the despair we're causing and smiling! But there's one thing.....I don't wanna do this." I continued to read but we both got confused.

"Whoever wrote this book is as dumb as bricks. They're talking about all of this stuff but then claiming they don't wanna do it?" Ryuko spoke up.

"I'm just as confused but let's keep reading." I calmly told her as I flipped to the next page.

"I don't wanna do this. But I want to at the same time. Junko Enoshima was something I heard in my universe. That's the whole reason I had to break everything just to get to this one. Both of us are here now so why don't I wanna do this? I'm a Ultimate Despair now. Why don't I feel it? I should quit writing this before she finds out. Oh, right. I need to wipe everyone's memories and I'll wipe my friends memories, too. Only I should remember everything. This killing game has to work. I didn't do all this science shit to back down now. This better be worth it. Because soon, I don't know when, everything is going to break." The rest of the book was blood and in surprise, I accidentally threw the book.

"What'd ya throw the book for?!" Ryuko yelled at me.

"Sorry...I just got scared since it was blood.." I muttered as I watched her crawl and get the book back.

"Ok, but what did it mean when it said that?" She asked, going back to where she was.


"Because soon, I don't know when, everything is going to break?" She repeated.

"Hmmm...I can't say. It's just as confusing to me but this seems important if it's referring to us.." I muttered as she nodded in agreement.

"Look. One more page before the rest is ruined." She said as she flipped to the final page of the book.

"Read it then."

"This is for my friend who missed a lot. If you're not them, quit reading.



Project Universe is something we've been working on. Our plan is to create a portal that leads to other universes. Sounds weird but let me explain. We will start a killing game like Junko's but we'll take people from other universes. The twist? If they don't finish the killing game in time-" Ryuko stopped when the rest of the page was ripped off.

"Well that's wonderful.." I sarcastically said.

"Let's put this aside for now." She told me as I nodded.

Project Universe has been added to the Truth Bullets

"HEY! GUYS!" Inuyasha burst in with Bakugo behind him.

"God! You're so loud! Keep it down and quit barking!" Ryuko yelled back.

"Shut up! I found some important information!" He ran up to me and shoved a book in my face.

"What is this even?" I asked as he opened to a page for me.

"Important information! I told you already!"

"SHUT THE HELL UP, YOU DAMN DOG! QUIT BARKING!" Bakugo yelled over him.



"Both of you shut up!" Ryuko snapped to both of them.

"So these are the survivors?" I hadn't been paying attention since I was reading.

"Yeah. They're survivors from a previous killing game. It doesn't say if they're dead."

"...This is relevant how?"

"Oh come on! I took all the time in the world to find it! Be thankful, brat!" He yelled in my face.

"Ok! Ok! You found something important!"

"Bakugo, what'd you find?" We all turned to him.

"Nothing important. Everything was just fucking junk." He replied.

"Do you think we've found enough?" Inuyasha asked me as I shrugged.

"There's probably a lot more to this case..."

"But masterminds act different than the rest of us, right?" Ryuko said.

"Yeah so this will be easy."

"Phuhuhuhuhu! Don't think too ahead!" Monokuma appeared in front of us all.

"BARK! GO AWAY! BARK!" Inuyasha started making some barking noises like a real dog.

"OH MY GOODNESS HE ACTUALLY BARKS!" Ryuko said in amazement.

"I TOLD YOU THIS BITCH WAS A DOG!" Bakugo laughed.

"NO! IF HE THINKS I'M WEIRD, HE'll BUG OFF." He snapped back.

"Could you idiots shut up for a second?!" Monokuma finally spoke again.

"Oh yeah. You exist. What did you need?" I looked to him.

"Oh, I'm just lucky you're all here." He laughed as smoke started filling the room.

"What is this?" Inuyasha asked.

"It's smoke, dumbass." Bakugo answered rudely.

"Ok but what's it needed for?" Ryuko said.

"I don't....don'" Inuyasha couldn't finished because he ended up passing out.

"WHAT THE HELL....happened to...." Bakugo tried yelling but he just passed out as well.

"What's happening?!" Ryuko snapped her head to Monokuma.

"I just gotta ensure you don't see anything!" Monokuma laughed.

"You....little..." Ryuko passed out as well and soon, even I passed out.

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