Chapter 2: Truthful Lies (Class Trial Part 1)

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Everyone was in their places. We were all ready for the class trial.

"Now, let's-" Monokuma tried to say what he said last time but he was cut off.

"Shut the hell up, Monokuma!" Bakugo yelled which, surprisingly, shut him up.

"So, how shall we start this off?" Shantae asked as I started to speak.

"Let's start off with how the killer got into her room to kill Midari."

Simple but I was smart on my own. This could be easy to figure out.

Non-Stop Debate

"Let's start with how the killer got into her room." I repeated this to ensure everyone heard me.

"Maybe she let them in!" Leaf put this up and it's a possibility.

"Maybe they were gonna do some stuff in the room." Tamaki creeps me out at this point.

"Do you think they stole her e-handbook?" Shantae, you smart half-genie.

"I agree with you." I stopped everyone from talking.

Bullet Used: Midari's E-Handbook

"Shantae, you're a genius."

"What? I am?" She was confused as if she didn't hear what she said.

"You can only open the room doors with your e-handbook. Obviously, the killer had to have taken it from her to open the door-"

"Oh, shut up!" Inuyasha was quick to cut me off.

"What's wrong, Inuyasha?" I noticed that his ears were sorta flickering.

"How could they have taken the handbook from her?"

"Well, if you would've let me finish-"

"Just shut up!"

Rebuttal Showdown

"How could they have taken her handbook? Ya think they just waltzed up to her and ask for her handbook? Or did they knock her out and taken it then? You think she just dropped her handbook?" Inuyasha really needs to think about his words.

"I'll cut through your statement." I stopped him which gave him a surprised look.

Truth Blade Used: Midari's E-Handbook

"Don't you remember what Ren said? He said he found her handbook by her room door. She must've dropped it and the killer must've took it off the ground."

"Oh, I see. So you took the handbook when she dropped it." I had a shocked face once Inuyasha said this.

"Trunks killed Midari?!" Usagi sounded just as shocked.

"I didn't kill anyone.."

"I can't believe you would do this, Trunks!" Did Leaf not get the hint that I didn't kill?

"I have all the proof I need! It's over, Trunks Brief!" Inuyasha had a determined look on his face as if he wanted me to get killed.

Non-Stop Debate

"It's most definitely Trunks Brief!" Inuyasha just wouldn't stop.

"It's not me! I swear!"

"I can't believe bad haircut would do this!" Leaf crossed her arms.

"Wow. Sad that Trunks killed." Killua smirked as he put his hands behind his head.

"Do you have proof that it was me?"

"Yeah! Didn't you wake up the time she died?!" Sadly, Inuyasha was right.

"I agree with that." I said, stopping everyone from talking.

Truth Bullet Used: Trunks Alibi

"I do admit, I woke up the time Midari died. But I didn't kill her. I went straight to the gym."

"I can back up Trunks." Kanao raised her voice as everyone looked to her.

"When I went to the gym after Bakugo and Trunks were there, I didn't see a hint of blood on him. Bakugo can also agree."

"Bad haircut didn't have even a spot of blood on him. He's good or some shit." I didn't appreciate that Bakugo called me by the dumb nickname but I'll take what I can get.

"If we're done with this, let's move on to more important matters." We all turned to Tamaki.

"Like what?" I asked.

"About Midari's cause of death."

I almost forgot. We need to figure out her cause of death. The Monokuma file didn't state it. It was pretty obvious on what the cause of death was.

"Well, the cause of death was obviously being stabbed. Those wood pieces were straight through her body." Shantae pointed out the obvious.

"Then I guess we're off that topic quickly." I had a feeling, I doubt it's anything.

"But...wasn't everyone sleeping before 6:30am?" Violet spoke.

"What's wrong with that, Violet?"

"If everyone was asleep, then everyone obviously has alibis. And Bakugo, Kanao and you were in the gym. And Leaf with Inuyasha and Ren were by Midari's dorm."

"And? You got a problem, Princess?" Inuyasha probably didn't understand.

"I do not. I'm saying that everyone has an alibi and nobody could've been the killer."

What? Nobody was the killer? That didn't make sense. One person can't have an alibi. I'm sure that someone killed Midari. I looked to Monokuma who was sleeping.

"Monokuma, wake up."

"Zzzzz....huh?" He woke up like on command. That was easy.

"Did one of us really kill Midari?"

"Yep! One of you killed her in such a way! There's no way I could be lying!"

But what Violet said...everyone was asleep, Kanao and Bakugo plus me were in the gym, and Ren was inside Midari's dorm with Leaf and Inuyasha on the outside. Someone has to be lying about their alibi. But it didn't sound like it.

"Shut the hell up! Obviously, someone is a killer! One of you damn nerds are lying!" Bakugo broke the silence quickly.

"But most of us were asleep, right? Don't tell me you think someone started sleep walking." Usagi was on the right track. Mostly everyone was asleep.

"Then Monokuma is lying." Killua turned to Monokuma...who was asleep again.

"But he said he wasn't. It's so hard who to believe now.." Leaf took off her hat and scratched her head.

It was hard to tell who was lying. Either Monokuma was trying to throw us off or someone was lying about their alibi. But everyone could back up each other's alibis. This was confusing.

"Then let's just throw it all out there." Everyone turned to Killua.

"What do you mean?" I hesitantly asked as he smirked.

"We vote someone random and hope we're right."

That was so risky. If we voted wrong, we'd all be dead. He was basically telling us to all commit suicide. I expected nobody to agree with him and I was right.

"We either gamble our lives or we'll just be here forever." Killua said it as if he wasn't telling us to kill ourselves.

"We can't do that!" Shantae finally spoke up.

"That's basically tellin' us to kill ourselves!" Ryuko chimed in with Shantae.

"You're crazy, kid!" Inuyasha's voice joined the two.

This was confusing. We were being told to basically kill ourselves. This was all so confusing. This was a case nobody could figure out. But...I remembered something..

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