Chapter 6: Error? (Part 7)

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"So we'll all just die...?" Ryuko mumbled.

"Yeah! Eventually, we'll all die here together." Leaf answered, giggling.

"Isn't that just despair inducing? You won't be able to avenge anyone because you died here!" Inuyasha joined in.

"You guys are insane! What about the time we all hung out together? Was that for nothing, too?" I asked. We were all so happy and now this? Come on..

"It was all an act, of course. Everything was just for nothing, Trunks. Why can't you understand already?" Leaf said as I paused and looked away.

"You son of a bitch! I thought we were all friends!" Ryuko shot to them.

"In the end, friends always betray you. There will never be a friend in the entire world that will stick with you forever." Inuyasha answered her.

"Wait.." She muttered. I didn't hear anything else she said but it didn't matter.

"But we're all still friends right..?" Leaf asked as she went towards me, placing her hand on my shoulder.


"Sure, we did all this stuff but that doesn't change anything. We can all die together here. Come on. Then, we'll see everyone-" I slapped away her hand as I stopped her from talking.

"I remember something."

"So did I." Ryuko chimed in.

"What is it?" Leaf went back to where Inuyasha was.

"Inuyasha, you wrote the book right?"

"Yeah. Wasn't it clear? Want me to write an essay on how I wrote the book?" He answered sarcastically to her.

"Then drop the act." I said in a serious tone.


"You don't wanna do this, do you?"

"...What are they talking about?" Leaf turned to Inuyasha.

"You don't want to do this, Inuyasha. Admit it. You even wrote it in the book." Ryuko continued.

"No. If he didn't want to do this, I would know." Leaf grabbed the book from him and opened it, flipping through pages before she stopped on one.

"Read it for yourself then. He doesn't want to do this, right?" I looked to him as he looked down.

"You...didn't want to do this?" Leaf looked to him in disbelief. I guess she read the page.

"Well..." He started.

"I told you. Even though he didn't want to, he still did it." Ryuko stopped him.

"Come on! Answer! We did all of this-" Leaf was cut off.

"No! I didn't want to do this! I never did! You have a problem?!" He snapped, taking the book and throwing it.

"What do you mean?"

"I never wanted to watch everyone die! I never even wanted to get Usagi killed! Leaf, don't you understand?!"


"I told you." Ryuko stuck out her tongue.

"Inuyasha, if you didn't want to do this, why did you?" I asked him but I didn't get a response.

"Fine. You guys win. It's over." Leaf sighed.


"Obviously, we can't win this now." He added.

"I never wanted to do this, either. I just thought you wouldn't agree. Seeing everyone die didn't sit well but I don't know why I didn't stop." She hugged her Pichu as she looked to the ground.

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