Chapter 5: Removing the Mask (Class Trial Part 2)

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"So I can confirm Inuyasha is good since we were together the entire time."

"You were together for what reason again?" Ryuko asked.

"Because someone decided I didn't deserve a sleep schedule and woke me up at 3am.." I hope my voice didn't sound too annoyed.

"Wow. I wonder who." Inuyasha snickered.

"Nobody cares about your fucking sleep schedule. Move on." Bakugo snapped to me.

"Anyways, I can say that everyone left the cafeteria." Inuyasha just now decided to be helpful.

"Then this should be easy." I happily said to myself.

Non-Stop Debate

"So the weakest alibi looses." Inuyasha enthusiastically said.

"We'll be done in no time!" Ryuko chimed in.

"So let's go through alibis.." I muttered.

"I'm obviously good because Trunks can back me up." Inuyasha boasted.

"'s not Bakugo. We went through that.." Kanao muttered.

"It's probably Kanao. Bitch has been quiet." Bakugo remarked but I was lucky enough to have something to counter with.

"Wait, that's wrong."

Truth Bullet Used: Kanao's Alibi

"Incorrect. It can't be Kanao."

"Maybe Trunks likes her and that's why he keeps backing her up.." Inuyasha snickered as Ryuko joined in with him.

"No. Kanao said she went straight to her room. She didn't stop for anything or anyone." I answered them.


"Let's not make threats and let's continue on.." Kanao got us all back on track.

"Oh yeah. I almost forgot about something." I said as everyone turned to me.

"What is it now...?" Inuyasha's mood once again changed.

"I think I already know who the killer is."

"Spit it out! We wanna get this shit over with!" Bakugo snapped.

"The killer...could be Ryuko."

"...What?" Ryuko changed her mood to a serious one.

"I said the killer could be you."

"Oh my goodness! It's Ryuko?! I never knew!" Inuyasha said it in sort of a high pitched tone but it was obviously sarcasm.

"It's Ryuko?" Kanao said surprised.

"How is it me?! It's not me!" Ryuko countered back.

"Well, it has to be you. There's no other way."

"It's not me, you idiot! You're gonna get us all killed!"

"I'm not gonna get us all killed. It's obviously you."

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