Chapter 4: A Shining Light of Nothing (Daily Life Part 1)

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I looked around. It was strange because it was just darkness surrounding me. Everywhere I turned, it was more of nothing. I sorta just got an uneasy feeling. Everything felt so empty.

I heard noises. Who was that? I looked around as if I'd see anything. For some reason, my uneasy feeling turned into fear. I knew that this was it. I'm just stuck here forever with no way out of this.

Guess this is my life. I won't see my friends or family. That was the moment I just heard footsteps. I just got even more nervous and it felt like someone was out for me. I turned and I saw something.

It was a white outline of someone. I couldn't tell who it was but it didn't look like anyone I knew. They sorta looked short and they have a ahoge on their head.

I wanted to call out but for some reason I couldn't speak. No matter how hard I tried, no words escaped me. I then noticed a smile on their face. Did they really think this was funny? But it didn't seem like seemed reassuring.

"W3'r3 g0nna g3t y0u 0ut 0f h3r3 s00n. D0n't w0rry. W41t 4 l1ttl3 l0ng3r." (Translation: We're gonna get you out of here soon. Don't worry. Wait a little longer) Is what the voice said.

What did they mean? Were they gonna help me? I obviously had a lot of questions but I didn't have the ability to speak. They looked so reassuring though.

"T4k3 d0wn th3 m4st3rm1nd. Th31r n4m3 -@-/;&;-]*}|£." (Translation: Take down the mastermind. Their name is *can't translate*) I think I was loosing my sense of hearing because I was starting not to understand anything.

I tried to go to them but they just got farther and farther every step I took. It wasn't long before I started running at this point. I had to reach them and I needed them to answer all my question. Then I tripped over.

I fell off my bed in a cold sweat and I almost fell on Pichu who was sleeping beside it. What was that dream? Jeez, it really got to me. I heard knock at my door a little after. What time was it? Maybe still night.

I quietly stood up and went to the door. Carefully opened it, I peeked out. White ears and long outfit...Inuyasha.

"What do you want? What time is it?" I muttered.

"1am but I need to talk with you." He said it a little loudly.

I was pretty annoyed with this guy. He kept ruining the trials and I thought of him as a bully. I grabbed him by one of his ears and pulled him inside, closing the door and letting go.

"Ow! That hurt!"

"What do you..want.." I tried my best to keep awake. Why was he awake anyways?

"I need your help with something."

"Keep going..."

"Before I continue on, I guess I'm sorry for saying you killed Leaf. Here you go." I watched as he slide over a small piece of paper. Taking it and reading it over, it said "Sorry I guess".

"Uh.." I was just trying to think of what to say.

"Now that we're...friends..." It almost seemed like he choked on the word.

"You want something from me, don't you?"

"Whatttttt? Nooooooo." I wouldn't care if someone broke into my room and shot me because his act was beyond off and it was obvious he did want something.

" it then.."

"Well it's a small little favor and I know someone like you can do. I have Usagi on this as well."

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