Chapter 4: A Shining Light of Nothing (Deadly Life)

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Ren was on the floor, blooding spilling from his mouth and surrounding his head. There was a spilled cup on the floor and his glasses were shattered, pieces of the glass jabbed into him.

The door opened and Kou with Inuyasha were standing in the doorway in shock.

"Ren..." Kou muttered.


"A body has been discovered! You all know the drill!"

Inuyasha ran out as Kou walked closer to the body. Me and him were frozen in shock. Ren had been here from the start. He helped me and backed me up and he was finally gone. This has to be a dream. Yeah, I have to be in the room still dreaming.

Inuyasha soon came back with everyone else who were also in shock. They all looked to Ren's body and it seemed like time just froze.

"Hey...anyone else dreamin'?" Ryuko finally broke the silence that had filled the room.

"I don't think so..." I muttered.

"Phuhuhuhuhu! Ren has finally left! About time!" Monokuma just never helped.

"Shut up..." Bakugo looked to him with a deadly stare.

"Fine, fine. Here you go, I guess." He threw the Monokuma file at me and I caught it as he disappeared.

"Let's get this over with..." Usagi looked depressed and I nodded as everyone gathered around me.

Ren Amamiya was killed at 5:00pm in the boys bathroom. His cause of death was poison.

Shorter than usual but it makes this quicker.

Monokuma file #4 has been added to the Truth Bullets.

This will all just be the same. I should just get everything over with. I never knew this day would come. The day I would have to investigate my friends body.

Firstly, the cup. I wasn't here for most of the time so it's unclear why he did have a cup. He was probably getting a drink. That's definitely how he was poisoned. I mean, you can't just shove poison in his mouth.

I wonder where the killer did get poison though. They probably asked Monokuma. Jeez, he would go through with any murder and not care. As long as we were filled with despair. I'm gonna get back at him one day.

I picked up the cup and looked at it more. It had my name on it? Maybe I should ask what happened. This is your fault, Inuyasha. If you hadn't locked me in that room, everything would be clear.

Ren's Cup has been added to the Truth Bullets.

Something tapped my shoulder and I sorta jumped back a little. Looking behind me, I saw Kanao. I'm just scared of the smallest things.

"Don't scare me again..."

"Don't you want me to fill you in?"

"Oh, yes. Please."

I silently waited for Kanao to finish talking. After she finished, I nodded and thanked her. Now that everything was clear to me, I could understand everything much more clearly.

Back to the body, it was just weird. Not the body in general but to know it's Ren's body. This hurt me and this probably hurt everyone else. But it was obvious they were hiding their pain.

I felt Inuyasha's presence behind me as I turned to see him, crossing his arms. Oh great. It's him. The one who just locked me in a room and left me there.

"What do you want?" I sighed.

"Alibi. Tell me yours and I'll tell you mine."

"What do you even mean? You locked me in a room for half the day! What alibi am I supposed to have?"

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