Chapter 1: First Signs of Despair (Deadly Life)

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Ray, the Ultimate Kid, was found dead in the kitchen. This can't be, it just can't. He was a kid and he had a whole life to live. My thoughts were ruined by something that came over the speakers.


"A body has been discovered! After a certain amount of time, the class trial will begin."

Monokuma's voice didn't help during this. After a while, everyone had gathered in. It wasn't long before I heard screams and the loudest came from Usagi.

"GAHHHHHH! IT'S A DEAD BODY! RAY IS DEAD!" Usagi yelled before she started to cry. I also wanted to cry but it wasn't the time to do that now.

"W-What the hell?!" Bakugo's voice was heard as he pushed pass everyone and looked to Ray's body. I couldn't tell but by his voice, he sounded pretty angry.

"R-Ray?" I next heard Shantae's voice as I watched the half-genie cover her mouth and cry.

"But he was just a kid!" Leaf yelled, now also crying. All this crying was giving me a headache but I understood their pain.

"Yep! He's gone! One of you killed him!" Monokuma appeared and that didn't help matters.

"One of us wouldn't kill him! You're lying!" I yelled to Monokuma. I was done with this guy from the beginning.

"Wouldn't you be surprised? Now, get to investigating because a class trial will soon start!" Monokuma did his annoying little laugh which could kill anyone.

"Yes, sir." Violet said sternly. I liked how she was proper and formal but she was a little too formal.

"Let's get started then! We have to avenge Ray!" Kou bursted out only for his voice to be overlapped by Monokuma's.

"Before you get's the first Monokuma file!" He took out some file which he had named after himself. I soon snatched it from him and opened it. Everyone gathered around me to read it and it made me a little uncomfortable but I didn't mind.

Ray, the Ultimate Kid, was found dead in the kitchen at 1:00pm. Cause of death was a stab wound and he has multiple all over his body. He also has an apple that seemed to be jammed into his throat.

"This file is already confusing." Ren said before pushing up his glasses. "Let's not waste time then."

The Monokuma File has been added to the Truth Bullets.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but Ren's right. We're probably on a time limit." I was surprised when Akane agreed with Ren as she walked out with Ryuko behind her.

I decided to start where the murder was. Then, I remember my sword was next to Ray's body. Did someone really use it as a weapon? The tip of the sword had blood and I assumed this was used to kill Ray.

Trunk's Sword has been added to the Truth Bullets.

I decided to take my sword back later and wash it. But this made me look a little bad. I felt a few glares come my way as I just decided to ignore it and continue my investigation.

After a while, I noticed a bin that looked like it was supposed to be with apples but none were there. I assumed that one apple was used to jam it in Ray's throat but what happened to all the other apples?

Apple Bin has been added to the Truth Bullets.

Tamaki was crying in the corner. Just to make sure he was alright, I went to him and tapped his shoulder.

"Hey, you alright?" I calmly said. If I set him off anymore, he wouldn't help at all.

"I'm definitely gonna die next.." I heard him mumbled. He really wasn't in the mood so I decided to walk away and leave him alone.

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