Chapter 1: First Signs of Despair (Daily Life Part 2)

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I sat on my bed in my room and I was still in my clothes. This was my new life? This feels like a dream yet it was real. I looked to my nightstand and saw what looked like a card mixed with a phone.

I grabbed it and turned it on. Supposedly, it was a e-handbook. This gave us access to our rooms and had the rules. It had my name on it which was still strange since I had never mentioned my name to Monokuma:

The rules showed up and I read through them all.

Rule #1: Students may reside only within the school. Leaving campus is an unacceptable use of time.

Rule #2: "Nighttime" is from 10 pm to 7 am. Some areas are off-limits at night, so please exercise caution.

We have a bedtime? We're not kids. This is already dumb but I kept reading just so I wouldn't get in trouble for anything I didn't know about.

Rule #3: Sleeping anywhere other than the dormitory will be seen as sleeping in class and punished accordingly.

Rule #4: With minimal restrictions, you are free to explore Hope's Peak Academy at your discretion.

Rule #5: Violence against headmaster Monokuma is strictly prohibited, as is destruction of surveillance cameras.

Rule #6: Anyone who kills a fellow student and becomes "blackened" will graduate, unless they are discovered.

Rule #7: Additional school regulations may be added if necessary.

Those rules seemed simple enough. Good think I didn't try attacking Monokuma with my sword. Who's know what would've happened to me? Anyways, it was boring in my room so I put the e-handbook in one of my pockets and grabbed my sword as I walked out of the room.

I was soon in the hallways, just walking until I bumped into someone again. This seems to always happen to me. Luckily, it wasn't Usagi said I didn't hear any screeching.

"Hey, sorry about that." I said and soon noticed that it was Kanao, the girl who had the coin.

She looked to me before taking out the coin again and flipping it. It landed on tails and I don't know why but she just dipped her head to me before walking off.

That was a little strange. It's almost like the coin spoke to her. I continued walking with my goal being to find some food. Soon, I heard a bunch of yelling and I got worried. Not wanting to miss anything, I started flying towards where it was coming from.

I soon landed and opened the doors to the cafeteria. There, I saw Bakugo pinning down Inuyasha on one of the tables. Inuyasha looked like he was digging his nails into Bakugo, making him bleed while Bakugo looked like he was gonna blow of Inuyasha's face.

Around them were Ryuko, Akane and Ren. They weren't doing anything and were just watching the two fight. This was just perfect.

"These dumb boys just don't know when to shut up and quit it!" Akane yelled over the fighting, crossing her arms. I feel like a dumb boy for just watching.

"I'M GONNA BLOW OFF YOUR FACE, YOU FUCKING DOG!" Bakugo yelled loud enough for anyone to hear. I watched as Inuyasha pulling out his nails and it looked like his dog ears were twitching.

"GET OFF ME!" Inuyasha pulled out his nails from Bakugo and it looked like Bakugo's arms were bleeding. If they didn't quit it, one of them would murder the other.

"Guys, can we just calm down?" I heard Ren speak up, pushing up his glasses.

Inuyashi pushed Bakugo off the table before he got off the table. "This angry pomeranian called me a dog and of course, I insulted him back and he got set off."

"OH YEAH? THINK YOU'RE SO TOUGH NOW!?" I heard Bakugo yell but Ren was holding him back. Ren, you're so helpful.

"Would you both shut up?!" Akane yelled before walking over to Inuyasha and slapping him, going over to Bakugo and doing the same."

"Woahhh. She has some guts." Ryuko laughed as Inuyasha rubbed his cheek.

"I'LL FUCKING-" Bakugo was cut off by Akane punching him before kicking his stomach and knocking him out.

We all sorta just looked to Akane with a shocked looked. I never knew a girl could be so strong. I assumed she was just plain and simple but I was definitely wrong.

"What's wrong? You guys wanna end up like him?" She gestured us to come at her and nobody did. Everyone just started making up an excuse so they weren't knocked out.

"I..think I have to help Bakugo." Ren quickly said as he picked him up, quickly walking out.

"I remembered that I need to with Usagi, yeah." Ryuko just ran off and it was obvious it was a lie.

"I remembered that dogs like naps." Inuyasha rubbed the back of his head as he nervously laughed before walking off.

Now it was just Akane and I. She started at me and I tried not to stare back so I wouldn't come off as rude. I also didn't want to get beaten up by a girl.

"You gonna keep staring all day or what?" She finally spoke. It seemed like she had a hatred for boys rather than girls.

"Uhm...apologies." I just quickly flew away as I noticed that she had a look of awe on her face. Glad she was impressed by my flying. As I landed and was in the hallways, I remembered I left my sword in the gym but I didn't think of it as a problem.

I noticed Killua skateboarding through the hallways and he was heading towards the cafeteria. My gut told me I should greet him but he looked like he didn't want to be distracted. I moved out of the way so he could go through and watched him go by, soon hopping off the skateboard and opening the cafeteria doors to walk in.

Tamaki soon ran by me, quickly waving before leaving. I don't know where he was going but I thought nothing of it. The only thing I noticed was a serious look on his face. Maybe someone rejected him? Doesn't matter.

I was heading towards my room. All I could think of was sleeping and making days pass by quicker so that I could end this nightmare.

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