Chapter 3: Hope and Despair Mixed (Daily Life Part 3)

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3 more days have passed. I'm surprised a kill hasn't happened. Really, I just wanted to lay in bed all day and not do anything but I needed to be productive. I grabbed the Pokéball I left on the ground. Pichu was still in there and I guess it needs some air.

Hesitantly, I pressed the button and threw it and Pichu was soon in sight. It sorta just looked around before looking at me. Since it did attack me before, I was a little nervous.

I watched as it ran under my bed. At least I knew it was just as scared as me. That's when I heard a knock at me door. I never asked anyone to come over so I was confused. Standing up, I went over to the door and cracked it open.


"Hello, Trunks!" Usagi had pushed the door all the way open and walked in like it was nothing.


She sat on the floor and smiled. What a wonderful way to just go into someone's room. Burst open the door and come in uninvited. I wasn't really in the mood for people but I guess I'll just keep quiet.

"So, what have you been doing for the past few days?" She finally broke the unsettling silence.

"Not much...but I found Pichu in Leaf's room." I pointed to under the bed. She crawled over and reached her hand under, pulling out Pichu by the ear.

"Aw! It's so cute!" She started playing with its ears as I noticed that it looked like it was getting irritated.

"I wouldn' that if I were you.." I quickly said.


"What's it saying?" She blinked as I knew what was gonna happen.

"Usagi, I advise you to let go of it now."


"Huh? But why? It's so cute and it wouldn't hurt a fly!" I just snatched Pichu away from Usagi right as it electrocuted me.

"...Maybe I should leave and I'll come back later for you.." She just stood up and quickly walked out before I could say anything else.
"Kyoko, do you know all the ways they got knocked out?" Makoto asked her.

"Sleeping gas. I know that some of them can fight so it would be next to impossible to kidnap them."

"Do you mind telling us all the fighters?" Maki spoke up.

"Uh...let's see.." Makoto picked up some papers.

Everyone looked to Makoto as he sorted out all the papers. His desk was a mess because he was set on ending this killing game. It wasn't long before he cleared his throat.

"If I'm right, Trunks Brief, Killua Zoldyck, Inuyasha, Katsuki Bakugo, Ryuko Matoi, Kanao Tsuyuri and Akane Tendo. They all know how to fight so that's probably why Monokuma used sleeping gas."

" did Monokuma get into their universe?" Shuichi asked the question they were all asking.

"Do you think someone had so much power that they opened up portals to different universes? That's a powerful mage." Himiko seemed impressed with her thought and Makoto just slowly nodded.

"You're on the right track, Himiko. But it's probably not it."

"I would say we could just ask &$]*]%{]^ but they wouldn't answer." Kyoko crossed her arms.

"$&*]^]^\*]]|*}<~•{\=~*~{\." Makoto said, agreeing with Kyoko.

"&&*]*{*{£{+{=~~'." Shuichi added in.

":&84'£*]*]%|€|{£[_•." Maki agreed.

"It's settled. 7&+]^}~€]'df." Makoto nodded.
I walked into the kitchen while everyone else was in the cafeteria. It was just around 11:00am Usagi was right next to me. It felt weird to be back here since this was where Ray had died. But what I had noticed inside was that a few knives were missing. Someone was probably just using them.

"I don't think I've told you this but I can cook!" Usagi beamed out, flipping one of her pigtails.

"You cook?" I hesitantly asked. I don't think I'd ever trust someone like her with cooking.

"Of course I cook! I haven't burned down my house yet!" She seemed pretty confident but I was still worried.

"Alright...I guess I can help. What do you need?"

"I'm gonna make something simple. Pancakes!"

"Isn't it a little too late for pancakes-" I blinked before I heard a loud noise coming from here. Usagi had cut me off by hitting me in the face with a pan.

"Sorry, what was that?" She snickered. When she took back the pan, I knew there was a red mark where she had hit me on my face.

"N-Nothing..." I stuttered out.

"Anyways, time to-" This time she was cut off by me slightly hitting her.

"Sorry, what was that?" I'm not the type to do this sort of stuff but I thought it was funny.

"Well aren't you funny?" I was surprised when she didn't cry which just made me laugh.

I wish this lasted. Suddenly, the lights turned off. We didn't turn them off and I think it was a blackout. Everything was pitch black and I couldn't see anything. Not even Usagi.

"WAHHHHHHH! I'M SCARED! I'M SCARED!" She yelled almost directly into my ear as she dropped the pan.

"Gah! Calm down, Usagi. I'll figure this out." I tried to reassure her.

How did a blackout happen? I could only guess Monokuma caused this. Dang it. Well now me and Usagi were in the dark. I thought I heard someone because I accidentally backed up and tripped over the pan Usagi dropped.

I had fallen backwards and just fell onto the ground roughly. Jeez, why won't the lights turn back on? This was definitely Monokuma's doing.

"NOOOO! TRUNKS, YOU DISAPPEARED!" I heard her cry out.

"Gah..Usagi, I'm still here. I just tripped-" I didn't finished because she had fell backwards right onto me. I don't think you know how much that hurt.

Finally, after what seemed like years, the lights turned on. Usagi was still on top of me and everything else seemed the same.

"Phuhuhuhu. Did I interrupt something?" Monokuma's voice was engraved into my memory at this point and hearing him didn't help.

"What was the blackout about?" I asked quickly.

"Even I have no clue but you two seemed fine with being in the dark." He laughed before he disappeared.

"Usagi do me a favor and get off me..." I mumbled.

"Oh yeah!" She got off me as I stood up. It felt like my ribs were broken.

"You're really heavy." I regret making that comment because I earned a slap in the face by Usagi.

"Let's just go!" She huffed as she opened the door for her and I.

"Ow..." I mumbled as I walked out with Usagi behind me.

Once we were, I saw something or someone run. Everyone else was gone. I was still getting used to the light so I couldn't see what it really was. I then turned my attention away from it.

I wish we had stayed in the kitchen.


"A body has been discovered! After a certain amount of time, the class trial will begin!"

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