Chapter 3: Hope and Despair Mixed (Truth Bullets)

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Monokuma File #3:
Shantae was killed at 11:26am in the cafeteria. Her cause of death was a stab wound to the chest.
Violet was killed at 11:30am in the cafeteria. Her cause of death was a blunt object to the head.

Trunks Alibi:
He and Usagi went pass the cafeteria to the kitchen. They were there the rest of the time until they left and found the bodies.

Missing Knives:
Trunks noticed a few missing knives from the kitchen which were soon found on Shantae's body.

Shantae's Hanging:
On the ground, there was a blood trail that indicated that Shantae was hung after she was killed.

Everyone's Alibi:
Before Usagi and Trunks came, around 10:00am, everyone was in the cafeteria excluding the two. Inuyasha supposedly saw Shantae go into the kitchen for something but he didn't see what she came back with. At 11:25am, the blackout happened and everyone had managed to leave in the dark except for one person who was unknown.

Mysterious Figure:
Someone was seen running out of the cafeteria when the lights came back on. Although Trunks couldn't tell who it was.

Duck Tape:
Duck tape was found on the ground by Shantae's body although it was a little clean. It's believed that it was used to silence Shantae.

Hole in the Wall:
Near Violet's body, a hole in the wall was seen. She was most likely pinned back into it roughly.

Burn Marks:
A few burn marks were found on Violet body. Believed that Bakugo caused them.

Near Violet's body, there was a candle. It was most likely used to make light while the killer was doing their job.

Broken Chair:
A broken chair was found on the ground by Violet's body. A little confusing on whether it was used to kill her or not.

There was some ash seen around Violet's body and it could've been from Bakugo.

Believed that the killer was the one to cause the blackout and kill the two in 5 minutes.

Ren's Alibi:
Ren says that when everyone managed to leave, they went near the bathhouse area. He also says that one of them closed the door but he couldn't see who.

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