Chapter 5: Removing the Mask (Daily Life Part 2)

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I was sitting on the floor in my room with Kou and Kanao next to me and Leaf's Pichu in the middle. It looked at us with an unsettling look. The two just wanted to see Leaf's old friend.

"Roll over!" Kou said in amusement but it just stared at him before sticking out its tongue.

"I don't think it wants to-"

"Lay down?" Kou cut me off again but it just stuck out its tongue again.

"Maybe teaching it tricks isn't a good idea.." Kanao put up her thought.

"Can't it learn anything?" He said, frustrated.

That's when I heard a knock at my door. Strange. I didn't invite anyone else in. It was sorta strange since it was sorta late. Just about 6:00pm. I sighed since I didn't want anyone else coming.

"Come in.." I groaned.

The door opened and...Inuyasha was there. What did he want now? He locked me in a room, blamed me for Leaf's death, got Usagi killed and has just been rude to everyone in general.

"You still have Leaf's thing?" He growled.

"Yeah. Since she's gone, I can take care of it." I shrugged, looking back to it.

"It's so adorable! Let me hold it!" He went over and held up Pichu and hugged it. Well, that was a quick change.

"Uh...Inuyasha?" Kou was confused but I guess he forgot.

"Ew! Ew! Get it away!" Inuyasha must've snapped back because he threw Pichu away. Luckily, I caught it.

"That was quick mood change." Kanao said my exact thoughts.

"Gah! I don't know what's happening to me!" He yelled, frustrated.

"Maybe he's getting a change of heart." Kou snickered.

"You guys are so awesome!" Inuyasha hugged me but I just pushed him off.

"Calm down.."

"I don't know! I blame you, Trunks!"

"Oh, come on.."

"I doubt Trunks did it." Kou backed me up.

"I know he did it! Tell the truth!" He grabbed my shirt collar and pulled me up so we were face to face.

"I didn't do it. Go ask Monokuma." I was pretty annoyed at this point.

"Bullshit!" He threw me to the wall before stomping out.

"You alright?" Kanao looked over to me as I sat up.

"I think I have a concussion..." I muttered in over exaggeration.

"I think Inuyasha is a little angry.." Kou said but it didn't really help.

"At the trial, Monokuma said something about a despair disease and I think it's the reason he wanted us to vote him so badly." I said, remembering when he tried pushing us to vote him.

"So he's sick? Is it contagious?" He said a little worried.

"If it was, everyone who was in the trial would've caught it." Kanao reassured him.

That's when I stopped and I signaled for them to stop talking for a second. I sorta heard a noise and it wasn't coming Pichu. It was coming from the vent above us. All of us looked up and I assumed it was just a rat.

"Pichu, can you get the rat?" I tried communicating with it and I think it understood me because I saw a few sparks coming from it.

"I don't think it understood you well.." Kou pointed out the obvious.

I grabbed the two and pushed them out of the room just as Pichu shot out a thunderbolt towards the vent. I sorta got shocked as the vent fell on my head. Along with the vent came...a hamster?

"You alright?" Kou and Kanao peeked their heads back in the room as I looked at the hamster which was on the floor.

"I think so.." I rubbed my eyes, kneeling down to look at the hamster.

"Is it dead?" Kanao was next to me as she looked at it.

"Who's hamster is that?" Kou asked.

"I don't know." I picked up the hamster and it seemed to be alive. It also had some note attached to it but it was a little burnt.

"Oh, look." Kanao took the paper off and I traded the hamster for it.

"It's a cute little hamster." Kou took the hamster as I opened the note and read it out loud.

"Hello, students of the killing game. It is I, Gundham Tanaka. I understand you guys are shocked by getting a letter from the greatest but read this note thoroughly. All of us of the Future Foundation are trying to help you guys escape this dreaded school. The master-" I read most of this out loud but the rest of the paper was burned off.

"But the hamster is cute!" Kou kept petting the hamster.

"Future Foundation?" Kanao took the note from me.

"So they're on our side..." Kou muttered as I nodded.

"Let's keep this our little secret, guys. I don't want Bakugo or Inuyasha finding out." I looked to them both as they nodded.

"But the hamster!"

"The hamster isn't important!" I took it from him as I looked to the hamster.

"Go get a paper and pen so we can write to them back." Kanao sent out Kou as he nodded. A few minutes later, he came back with a paper and pen.

"Here. Hold this...uh..hamster." I handed Kanao the hamster as I took the paper and pen and started writing.

"There we go. What do you guys think?" I finished, showing them what I wrote.

"Looks good to me." Kou took the paper and folded it, attaching it back to the hamster.

I took the hamster and flew up to the vent so it could go through back to where it came from. It soon ran back off into it and I couldn't hear it anymore. I flew back down to the two.

"Are you sure we can trust this Future Foundation?" Good to know Kanao was hesitant.

"We can for now...they're probably our only Hope left."

"I better get going." Kou said but I stopped him from walking out.

"Before you guys go.." I held out both my pinky's for the two.

"Oh yeah. I swear I won't tell either of the two unless my life is on the line!" I guess what Kou said was close enough as he locked with one of my pinky's with his own.

"Yeah. Promise." Kanao locked pinky's with her own.

"Great." Maybe no more killings would happen again. All of us were content and I knew this could be the end of the killing game. All we could do was wait and hope for an escape route.

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