Chapter forty: "Back Off Bub"

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The car ride to the beach was rough. With Zayn and I arguing over every little thing, and Niall and Liam throwing things around in the car, while Harry was the only sensible one, holding me back from attacking my close friend. 

It was quite the situation, as usually it would be Liam and I holding everyone else back from going crazy. I knew Liam wanted to be a bit more rebellious since he was known as the all-around perfect good boy. Patting his head, I smirked as he just growled like a dog at me. "Hey boy, calm down." I winked jokingly. He laughed, sitting back down in his seat. "Did you invite Perrie?" I asked Zayn, ending our idiotic argument. 

"Hell yeah!" He cheered. "I figured you'd want a girlfriend to hang out with..." He trailed off, sending himself into a deep thought. I smiled before looking back towards Harry, who was now in a wrestling match with Niall. 

After another minute or so trying to pry Harry off the poor Irishman, I finally got close enough to stop it. Whispering in his ear to where only he could hear me, I said "If you get off now, later we can wrestle ourselves." 

Immediately, Harry flew off Niall, crossing his legs and smiling widely at me with anticipation. Sitting back down next to him, I looked him sqaure in the eye before saying bluntly "Sucks that I won't have sex 'til marriage, huh?" 

He caught on and sunk into his seat, sadness written all over his face. To cheer him up I decided to add a nice "But that doesn't mean I won't wrestle you.." Trailing off, I winked and slapped his butt, as he stood up. "Hey there. No teasing if you won't give me action." I just stuck my tongue out, slapping him once more.

We all stepped out of the car, running straight to the sand. I was in front, Liam and Zayn trailing quickly behind me while Niall and Harry just pushed eachother back and forth while running behind slowly. 

Eventually, we all made it to the same spot, laying down towels and bags and chairs and umbrellas, enjoying the sun. Putting on a pair of sunglasses, I rested on a lawn chair, enjoying the view of my goofy best friends and boyfriend having fun. A few minutes passed and I was still watching them, mostly to make sure nothing bad was happening. 

Checking around for any 'suspicious characters' I noticed a man approaching me. Not to thick, but not too thin. He was pretty tall, about 6 '2 I assume. His nice 8 pack was showing off, proof being the many girls that were staring at him in awe as he just ignored them and walked to me. Just as the man took off his sunglasses and I saw those beautiful emerald eyes, I smiled, standing up to embrace him. "Hey Poppy!" I cheered as he hugged me back. "I told you not to call me that, Jami." He growled, glaring at me. "Would you prefer Pop Eye?" 

I smirked when he just rolled his eyes. "No, I'd prefer if you'd call me by my name." "Ugh, fine Wilmer." I held back a chuckle as he glared once more. "My first name, please." "Why?" I whined. "Wilmer fits you." I winked. "I remember you being quiet and serious when we first met.. What the Hell happened?" He scolded.

Shrugging, I grinned. "I still am serious, I've just learned how to open up more. Besides, I only opened up to you because you're my Biffel, y'know?" He sat next to me, staring at me for a minute. "What in the world is a 'biffel'?" I smiled greatly, staring at the giant. "Best friend for life! C'mon Jax, keep up on the lingo these kids say nowadays!" I scolded him. 

Jax just smirked, probably noticing I said his name. "That's more like it." Followed by another hug. "I didn't know you were coming today, what happened to Martinez?" This caused the giant to fall into a hysteric laughter. "The idiot got his foot stuck in a toilet yesterday.. I think he's still there." My face broke out into a grin and I laughed along. "You didn't even bother to help him?" Jax just simply shook his head.

"Well, it is nice to see you again. I haven't seen you for almost a year for fuck's sake!" I exclaimed. "I know, but only another year and we'll be hanging out all the time, hitting up every club in sight." I sighed, recalling how Jax is 23 and can go to any bar or club he wants. "Lucky bastard." I muttered to him, making him laugh. "Besides, it's still a little over a year. My birthday isn't until a week or so." 

The Giant, as I like to call him, just rolled his eyes, his infamous smirk still planted on his face. "So what's your boytoy doing for you for your big 20?" I shrugged, not sure. "I don't even think he knows when my birthday is." I admitted sheepishly. "You never thought to tell him?" I shrugged again. "My birthday has never been important to me before, so why should I start caring now?"

And with that statement, I was hit upside the head. "Holy shit, Jax!" I muttered, slapping his muscular arm lightly. "Bull shit you never cared! I know for a fact that you sat in your room and cried for a few hours when you found out your mom couldn't' make it to your 13th birthday." I glared at him, remembering the memory. "That was almost 7 years ago, Jaxel! She hasn't been to the past 4 birthdays either.. I've gotten used to it by now."

Sensing that I wanted the topic changed, he obeyed. "So how are you and the boytoy? What's his name again... Hammy or something?" I rolled my eyes, knowing perfectly well that Jax knew what his name was. "Well since you are a bodyguard for them sometimes, I assume you'd know Harry by now." He just laughed humorlessly. 

"So which one is he?" I nodded my head over to the mop of curls playing in the water with the three other boys and Perrie, who I hadn't noticed had arrived. "Cute choice." I nodded, smiling to myself a little. "I personally would've gone for the one with the quiff.. Oh what's his name? Ah, Zayn! He looks more of your type, the bad boy image going on." I laughed at his choice of words. "Well, he did make a move on me a long while back.. But he's with Perrie now." 

Jax just stared at them, confusion written all over his face. "The blonde." He nodded in response. "Ah. They're cute, I guess." I nodded agreeingly. "So back to your birthday.." Jax trailed off. I groaned, not wanting him to bring up the topic. Ignoring my telepathic request, he continued. "What if he sets up a surprise party for you?!" Jax wooed, obviously excited. "Well if he does throw one, I'll make sure you are invited." I winked at him.

Laughing, he threw his head back and smirked back at me. "Bitch please, I'd be on the V.I.P. list." This then consisted of Jaxel snapping a z-formation, causing me to clutch my stomach in laughter. 

"Hey babe." A husky voice called from behind me. I turned to see my sexy God of a boyfriend, his hair soaking wet and bottoms clinging onto his skin. "Who's your friend?" He nodded towards Jax, eyes daring to make a move. "This is one of your other bodyguards, and an old friend of mine, Wilmer." Harry's eyes narrowed on Jaxel, as if trying to judge him. "You're cool bro." Harry half-grinned as he did some 'bro-hug' with Jax.

"Good, because you don't scare me one bit and I'm not afraid to pumble you to pieces." Jax threatened, hovering over my boyfriend. I could see the fear in Harry's face, so I pushed Jax off of him, sending The Giant a glare. "Back off bub." "Whatever Jami, I have a girlfriend anyway, I don't need this!" He overreacted. Rolling my eyes, I smirked at him. "Who's the unlucky gal?" Jaxel smack me again, this time nowhere as close as hard. "Her name's Melissa Hemmings.. She's a model." He winked. "I'm actually here with her today," Jax continued, looking back to see a blonde waving at him ecstatically. "Invite her over, I'd love to meet your new girl." He nodded, walking away to get the beaut. 

A minute or so later, a blonde walking over, dragging Jaxel with. She was wearing a silky blue bikini, fitting her body well (Picture to the right). I smiled, putting my hand out as she pushed it away, pulling me in for a hug. "So you're the famous Jami! Hi, I'm Melissa." I was shocked at how blunt and excited she was, but nonetheless was polite. "Hi Melissa, it's great to meet you." She nodded, agreeing as we began a conversation about just about everything.

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