Chapter twenty eight: "Did I Just Have a Sexy Dream?"

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Zayn's pov.

"Now, put your hands in fists and center them close to your face but not close enough." Jami instructed. I did as she said and she sighed in response. "Higher, Zayn." Jami moved my hands up closer to my eyes. I heard her curse something under her breath before she opened my hands back up and stepped back. "Okay Zayn, do as I do." I nodded hesitantly.

Jami put her hands up to her face, rolled into fists where you could only see her thumb. She waited a second for me to do the same. "Good. Now, you always need to be prepared for someone to attack you. That's why I have a friend of mine here to spar with us. He's going to pop out at random times during this lesson and we're going to see how well you can fight." I nodded again, afraid to say the wrong thing. 

"Stop stressin' Zaynie. I'm not going to kill you, and neither will Harry." She laughed. "Harry? But he doesn't know how to fight?" It came out more as a question as I waited for her answer. Instead, Jami just laughed harder. "Wrong Harry." I realized who she was talking about and sighed. "Oh," "Anywho, you've seen people fight in wrestling before, right?" I nodded again. "Well don't try any of that crap." She snapped.

My eyes widened in surprise at her outburst. "Sorry," She began, rubbing her eyes with the palm of her hands. "I just really hate those assholes that fight in those shows. It's all fake and I can take down any one of those guys." I smiled at her confidence, wishing I had that. "So none of the other lads wanted to learn how to fight?" I asked curiously. "I didn't bother to ask any of them." She said flirtatiously, but shrugging. "Let's get back to the lesson." Jami suggested and I once again nodded.

"Okay.. Always, and I mean always keep your fingers underneath your thumb. If you don't, you're pretty much asking to lose during a fight. Now, get in position." I immediately did as she said and stepped back a bit so my right leg could go behind my left. "Great!" She cheered for me. "Just one thing.." Jami said before walking up to me and kissed me passionately.  

I immediately returned the kiss as it got heated. "Mmm, Jami." I groaned as I pushed her against the wall. "Damn Jami! You're so hot!" She quickly lifted my shirt as I did the same to hers. "You should just be with me instead of him." I groaned to her inbetween kisses and moans. "Maybe I can be." She said sexily before her hands trailed to my pants. I groaned in response.

"Zayn?" A voice from afar called. "Zaaaaaayn? Wake up Zaynie!" An angelic voice said, closer to me now. "Wake up!" She yelled in my ear snapping me awake.

Did I just have a sexy dream of Jami?

Jami's pov.

Zayn agreed to learning how to fight last night and we decided to meet up at about 10 a.m. to start training him. I woke up around 9:30, threw on black shorts and a matching tank. "Hey hun, I'm going to go to the boys' to start training with Zayn." He nodded, half asleep, and kissed me goodbye. "I'll be back whenever!" I called back and he just groaned. 

I walked next door and entered using my spare key. I opened the door cautiously, trying not to wake anyone up, since I know how these boys like to sleep in. Instead of being as stealthy as I preferred, the damn door decided to creek louder than possible.

Rolling my eyes, I shoved the rest of the door open and walked inside. Hinting out to Zayn's room, I heard some moaning. Figuring it was one of the boys with their girlfriend's -who spent the night-, I strolled into Zayn's. "Mmm, Jami." My eyes widened as I saw him shoving his body around his bed. "Damn Jami, you're so hot!" 

Thoughts scattering around my head, I tried to persuade myself to think he was dreaming of a different Jami. "You should just be with me instead of him." He practically suttered inbetween awkward moans. I continued to call his name, trying to wake him up, but he wouldn't budge. He said some more.. Disturbing things before I finally got him to awake.

He jumped, sweat dripping from his bare chest. "Oh, hey Jami." He smiled nonchalantly. I could see through his smile, though, and knew he was nervous. "Um, ready to go train?" He asked me. "Uh, maybe we should.. Erm, cancel today's lesson." I said, not letting him talk before I walked out. "Jami!" He tried to catch up to me but I just ran out of his apartment and went back into my own. 

Harry was actually dressed and up now, to my surprise. "Hey babe, I thought you were gonna train Zayn or something?" He asked curiously. "We um- canceled it." I stuttered out quickly. "What happened, Jams?" I sat down with Harry and took a deep breath. "I erm, walked in their apartment and heard some moaning.. Well, I just figured it was one of the boys with their girlfriends'." Harry nodded, ushering me to continue. "I ignored it and walked into Zayn's room. Where he was um, moaning and stuff." I sighed, rubbing my eyes. "He was- Zayn was moaning my name in his sleep. Calling me hot, and that I should be with him." I closed my eyes, preparing for Harry's outburst. 

"He really did that?" Harry asked calmly. "Erm, yeah." I put my head down. "He didn't- He didn't try anything on you, did he?" My head shot up and I shook it furiously. "No. No! I finally woke him up after a couple minutes of trying to, and left almost right after." Harry nodded, gripping onto my hand. "If he ever tries anything, tell me and I will be down there kicking his pretty little arse back to Bradford!" I chuckled at my boyfriend's possessive side. "Trust me hun, I could hurt him if I wanted to. Just please, don't let this instance ruin your friendship.. For all I know he could've been dreaming about a different Jami." I tried to reassure him, but couldn't even convince myself.

"Maybe I should talk to him..." I trailed off, not sure what I'd even say to Zayn. "No, we'll just ignore it. If he tries anything on you, then we'll talk to him, okay?" I nodded, kissing Harry on the lips lightly.

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