Chapter twenty: "Curiosity Killed The Cat"

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My phone buzzed lightly in my back pocket, causing me to flinch a bit in light surprise. I picked it up and read the message a few times.

From: Ry-Ry!

Hey hon.. Meet me at the old warehouse on 31 street in 30. 

Usually Harry sent me more enthusiastic messages, if he didn't call, so this was pretty peculiar. I sent back a nonchalant "okay," but I couldn't help but think about what he wants. Old warehouse is out of Ry's style. He's more of a bubbly, crowded mall type of guy. 

This is either a serious talk or he's in trouble. Both aren't very good situations, but I'd rather it just be a talk. It still wouldn't explain the probably abandoned warehouse, but I'm sure he'll explain it eventually. Shrugging, I checked the time.

It's about 3 now, and Harry told me to meet him in a half hour, which would obviously be at 3:30. Tightening my jacket around my waist, I walked out of Starbucks. 

Liam's pov.

"I'm going out for a bit, lads. I'll see you later." I said and smiled before walking out the door. Jessie left a little while ago and it got extremely boring, so I decided to go out and get a drink. It was also an excuse to escape the lads long enough to clear my mind. 

I'm not one to drink, so I just settled at a Starbucks a few minutes away. I sat down in a small booth in the back. I had my back turned towards them, but I could hear their voices fine. The table behind me seemed in deep discussion of God knows what. 

A particular voice popped out and my eyes buldged. "And may you have been the man that paged me?" Jessie's voice was clear and distinct, making me curious about everything. "Hm, and may you be Jami?" A deep, intimidating voice mocked. 

Jami? But the voice sounds so much like Jessie.. I could've sworn it was her! "I go by Jessie during work." Millions of thoughts ran through my mind. This was definitely Jessie. But her real name is Jami? Why'd she lie to us? What is her work? And what the bloody hell happened to her accent?!

My mind drifted off into different directions, but I was brought back to reality when I heard the two say their goodbyes. The man got up, standing at atleast 6 4'- a giant compared to Jessie- and I had finally got a good look of him. He had on a tacky trench coat that stood out, his eyes covered by a pair of dark sunglasses. Two other men, not as tall or buff, walked behind him. Jessie, being the sweetheart she is, bid them their own goodbyes as well as the big man.

Jessie suddenly pulled out her phone, stared at it for a couple minutes, then walked out. Curiousity overpowered me and I walked after her, trailing behind slowly. I payed attention to every detail on her body. Her hands moved slightly, proving her nervousness. Whatever this text message she had received said, obviously made her tense. 

Resisting my urge to run after her and make her feel better, I continued to trail along slowly.

After a good twenty minutes of walking, Jessie stopped on 31 street. I've never really come down here before, it was more low-class and -in my opinion-, scary. Ignoring my fears, I followed her again as she walked over to some warehouse looking building. 

"What?" I mumbled to myself so Jessie wouldn't hear, as I stumbled closer. She quickly snapped out her phone as she got to the entrance, punched in a code in the dial, then entered. Lucky for me, the door was open long enough for me to run in furtively. 

I stalked behind, only to stop when I saw her run over to someone's aid. "Harry! Oh-my-God, what happened to you?!" She screeched, My eyes buldged out and I looked over. Jessie had a knife in her hand, trying to cut through the ropes that were practically strangling her best friend. 

He was trying to say something, but it was muffled by the duck tape that covered his mouth. "Okay Ry, I'm going to yank it. Don't scream." She warned. He didn't even have time to nod before she tore the tape from his mouth. Harry's entire face was red and I could see little marks on his cheeks from tear stains. 

"Harry, who did this to you?!" Jessie asked- more demanded-, angrier than I've ever heard. Harry put his head down and Jessie's eyes softened. "Don't tell me it was Marlinson." She scowled. He barely nodded, his head still down. "I will kill that son-of-a-bitch! What did he say?" 

Harry brought his head up at the sound of her voice. "He said that he will get his revenge." He scowled, just as badly and scary as Jessie.

"Ry, I don't know if I can handle him any longer. Doesn't he think he already got his revenge? The bastard killed Jason for crying out loud! That was my boyfriend! Your best friend! All for what? Revenge on something neither of us had could've controlled!" Jessie was yelling, anger raising after each sentence. "Jams, I know. Jason was important to a lot of people. But we can't stand here yelling about what we should do to the lad! We need to hunt that asshole down and make him suffer the same way he made Jason suffer!"

Harry had a hint of anger, but was controlling it, probably to comfort Jessie.

"Matthew Marlinson won't ever know what's coming at him." Jessie said before walking my way with Harry. 

I tried to hide more, but I knew it wasn't working well. I slid to a wall and tried to blend in. "Who the hell are you?" A stern voice asked. I saw out of the side of my eye a sight I will never erase from my mind.

Jessie. She had a gun in her hand, her eyes flaming with anger and confusement. It was held against my back and I felt like I was about to go in my pants.

"It's me, Jessie." I almost whispered, fear taking over.

I saw her eyes soften before they went back to cold. "Liam? What in the world of Hell are you doing here?! Do you know what kind of trouble you could get yourself into? What were you even thinking? Did you follow me here?" Jessie bombarded me with questions while gripping onto my arm as she yanked me out of the building.

"I was curious.." I trailed off, not sure what to say. "Curiosity killed the cat." Harry pointed out before putting his hand on Jessie's shoulder reassuringly. "You should get out of here, kid. This probably isn't a scene you'd want to or should be seen in." 

Harry spoke to me like I was a child who had crosses the street without his mother's permission. Though it angered me slightly, I ignored the feeling and rolled my eyes. "Not before you both answer some questions."

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