Chapter forty five: "She's Escaped"

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My eyes snapped open, sweat dripped from my forehead, as I woke up from my sleep. Drawing out my phone, I see one new message.

From: Blocked Number

Soon enough, you and your little friends will be dead. I will kill you all just like you did to my brother... -J.A.

Pacing in the livingroom at this point, I knew what was happening. I sighed, calling my father, Simon Cowell, and Ry at the same time, making it a 4-way call. After a minute or so, each one had answered and I was shaking all over. My hands shook quickly and I could feel my eye twitching. The boys had finally made their way into the livingroom and stared at me cautiously, afraid I would break at any time.

"Hello?" Ry answered the phone groggily. "Mr. Cowell, you might find this a bit confusing so please bare with me." I could hear a muffled 'mhm' before going into my story. "Jacy is coming to kill me." I heard a crash and I knew it was from Ry since it was followed by a "holy shit!" I sighed. "I received a text message just a few minutes ago that was a threat to kill me and the boys signed by 'J.A.'." I quoted the text.

I knew my father was freaking out, obviously not wanting his daughter to pass. "How do you know it's her?" Simon asked hesitantly. "The text message said she wants to kill me just like I did to her brother. J.A. is Jacy Alvarez, Jason's younger sister!" I cried out. "She's coming after me and wants to kill the boys too." The boys, whom I assume I woke up from my yelling, were crowded around me groggily. Each had a confused expression, and I sighed, ignoring them as I continued my conversation. "I know it'll happen soon, so they need to leave. I don't know where, but Simon, you need to get all your security for them and put the boys somewhere safe. Jacy does not give up." 

Hearing Simon sigh, I could almost feel him nod through the phone. "I think we should leave them with my father, over at the CIA base here. I think it's our safest bet, but if you have other ideas, please go through with it. I'm not letting these boys die because of me." Harry was now standing behind me, hugging my waist as a tear trickled down his eye. "But get them out. Now." I growled into the phone, and I only heared muffled footsteps. "We need all security for One Direction at their apartment ASAP." I heard Simon say into a speaker. "Jami, thank you, I have to get the rest of the security, so keep the boys safe until the other guards come." 

He hung up and that left my dad, Ry, and I. "Dad, I do thinks it's safest to leave them at the base, but any other ideas?" He sighed. "No, but I want you to keep all of your weapons either on you or somewhere hidden." I nodded, knowing he couldn't see me. "Of course dad, please just make sure they stay safe." He sighed once more. "I love you Jami, stay safe." "I love you too dad." He hung up, leaving Harry and I on the phone. 

"Ry, I need you to track my cell phone and find where I end up when they kidnap me. When you know, call the police and send them there. If it all goes according to plan, we'll all stay safe." Ry just muttered something under his breath. "I can't lose another one. I won't let you down, Jams." I smiled. "Please tell the police to have some cops spotted around town, near warehouses and alleys. I love you Harry Desmond." He gushed out a "Oh-em-gee, I love you too Jami Manson!" Before rambling on about how he'll hack into my phone just in case they break it or catch me with it, etcetera. 

After we hung up, a bunch of men burst threw the doors, most were familiar and I've spoken with, but a few I didn't recognize at all. I walked over to the five boys that had fright clear on their faces. "I need you all to be brave, okay? I'm not going let you die." The nodded reluctantly. "Here." I walked into my room, getting my stash out and walking back to them. Taking out five pocket knives, I handed one to each boy. Then handing Zayn and Harry guns, I looked back at the tiredsome boys. "It's just in case, I would give you more but I have to keep them with me." I said as I placed two guns in my side pockets and a few pocket knives. 

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