Chapter eleven: "Was He Really Crying Over That?"

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The five guys in front of Ry and I had the best expressions I'd ever seen. It actually made us both laugh uncontrollably. That just made them more confused, which was even funnier for us.

After a minute, Harry and I were simmered down and we turned back to the other five. "Okay.... Well, I'm Liam Pay-" "Oh trust me; I know who you are! I'm big fans, alright." Harry exclaimed, causing me to have a fit of laughter in my stomache. "Oh, okay. Um, Jessie?" Yes?" I answered Louis. "Have you been crying?" I glanced over at Ry, who had a worried expression on his face too.

I made an awkward facial expression that Ry understood and nodded in response. "We were watching a movie." He motioned to the TV that only had a blue screen saying 'DVD inserted, click play to begin.' "Oooooh, what movie?!" Louis almost screamed, jumping over to the screen. "Wait, we saw this a couple days ago, why'd you watch it again?" Zayn asked suspciously, eyeing the movie. \

"Jessie told me about how good this movie was and insisted I watch it.. And me being me got emotional." Harry answered nonchalantly. "But Jessie didn't cry when we watched it with her? Why now?" Zayn asked, still pretty suspicious of us. "Ry is my best friend, I'm more comfortable with him than you guys." 

They all nodded, except for the curly haired boy, who just rolled his eyes and walked off. Whatever. I mocked him and rolled my eyes then walked over to the couch, ushering the rest to me. "So how did you two become mates?" Niall piped up for the first time since they got home. "He was best friends with my boyfriend." I stated, trying to be plain, but my voice cracked a bit. 

I quickly grabbed my phone and text my father. 

To: The Boss Man

I just met up with Ry! I missed him so much, he says he misses you. 

The four boys sitting with us continued to question Ry, but I blocked them out when I got another text.

From: The Boss Man

I miss that crazy boy as well. But he better keep an eye on you, you can be pretty crazy. Haha, so how's everything going with him. Have you talked about it...?

I knew exactly what he meant by "it." I mean, my father obviously knows I prefer not to talk about Jason and the incident, but I know it'll come up eventually. I wiped away a little tear and text him back hesitantly.

To: The Boss Man

Yes, we just spent the past day talking about it. We even watched that movie they made, which just brought up more tears. I don't know how much longer I can handle this. Harry already found out about me, and I doubt it'll take very long for the rest of them to figure it out. I know I've always been strong about these things, but I feel like everything I do brings me back to him. I miss him so much. I thought I was finally over him, but I will never be. He was my one and only love, and now he's gone. Dad, I just want to be with him. 

As soon as I sent that text message, the tears came. "I-I-uh, have to go to t-the loo." I stuttered before walking out quickly. I tried to make it seem less obvious than it came out, but I didn't care at this point.

I snatched out my phone again and forwarded the text to Ry. At the end I added a little "I'm talk to my father about it, it's just so painful. I'm sorry; I feel so weak. p.s. He says he misses you." I could hear Harry's phone go off from outside of the bathroom. I wiped my eyes for the hundreth time today, flushed the toilet so they wouldn't be confused, and walked out. 

"Sorry about that, girl problems." They nodded awkwardly and I sat down next to Harry. "J, I want to be with him too, but we will be with him sometime." I just nodded in response, trying to hold the tears back.

"So anyway, you said you met through Jessie's boyfriend. Are you two still together?" Niall suddenly asked, coming to the realization that I never stated my relationship status. "Um, we're together in a way, I guess." I put my head down, mentally shaming myself for not thinking of a better answer.

What's going on with me? I'm a professional at this. I was trained to lie when I needed to. God damnit. 

"What she means is that her boyfriend left us. He's somewhere else now and no one really keeps in contact with him. But they never officially broke up." I nodded awkwardly in agreement and glanced at Harry, who had a glint of sadness in his eyes. "Okay, well it's time for me to go. Thanks for everything J. I really missed you, we better keep in contact this time." He slipped me his house number and address on a napkin before pulling me into a hug. 

"I don't know what's going on with me. I used to be so good at lying, but now I get so emotional and can barely stutter out my reasons." I muttered, laying my head on the crook of his neck as we embraced. "It's okay J, just call me anytime you're worried." I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Thanks Ry, I love you." "I love you too, but remember: He's always here." 

I gave Harry a warm smile before he walked out the door, but not before waving to the other guys and screaming out a "Bye, I love you!" 

Without a glance back, I closed the door and entered back into the apartment. "Sooooo.." Louis trailed off. "What?" I responded curiously. "What happened to this mysterious boyfriend of yours? Tell. Me. Everything!" He yelled in my ears. "Well, he was a friend from work at first, and then we just got together. We dated for two years, but something happened and he left." I stammered out, proud enough that I said something. 

"That's all?! What was he like?" "He was perfect. He protected me when I needed it, and I did the same for him. We were best friends, insperable. I really just don't want to talk about this right now." I choked out my last sentence, hoping they'd just leave it alone. "Okay, but if you need to talk about it then-" "I don't need your help!" I shouted and walked away.

No Jami, that was wrong. Turn your ass back around and apologize to the poor boy you probably just scared half-to-death. 

After a few more minutes of mentally debating with myself, I marched out of my room and over to Louis'. I knocked a couple times, only to no response. I opened the door a crack to see a puffy faced Louis.

Was he really crying over that?

I fully opened the door and examined my findings. A few notes that had cute little hearts on them- probably from his girlfriend- a picture of him and who I believe is his mother, and some scattered clothes all over his superman themed bedding and floor. "Lou?" I was trying to sound sincere, but with my wild emotions, I probably sounded like a constipated horse. 

"Yeaah?" He paused then saw me and hid his face. I walked in and closed the door. "Look, I'm sorry for my outburst. You might as well know this now, but I have anger issues. I am also kind-of bipolar, but I don't show it as much as my anger. That's why I'm so much stronger than anyone would think- because I take my anger out in fighting." I stated dully, hoping he would buy it. 

Louis nodded and looked into my eyes. "I just wish you'd tell us more things. I thought Harry finally cracked you from your shell, but now he's not talking to anyone." Louis and I both sighed, then laughed at the simultaneous sighing, then laughed harder at the laugh. 

"Okay, that's enough now.. Let's go." I got up and Lou followed behind quickly. 

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