Chapter thirteen: "Redblake Studios, Home of the Assholes."

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It's been a week since Harry apologized and we talked everything out. We have decided- well, management decided- we'll be coming out as dating today. 

They are saying it's for publicity, but Harry and I both like each other. He just hasn't asked me out yet. Technically he has, but that's for the poparazzi, but in reality, we're more like friends with benefits. The other guys have caught us kissing or snuggling, and we no longer sleep in seperate bedrooms either. Things are moving quickly between us, but Harry knows and respects my wishes to not have sex. 

It's something I want to wait for until marriage. I have always believed in abstinence; well that is, until I met Jason. We were going to, but we both got caught up in work and then the incident occurred. Since then I've promised myself I wouldn't give myself up like that.

That's just one of the many reasons why I wouldn't be caught dead drinking unless I'm in dire need for a beer, which is rare. Drinking leads to mistakes. And I've made enough mistakes in my lifetime to know how to avoid them. 

"Come on babe! We're gonna be late!" I heard a yell from across the room. Odds are you thought that was Harry saying that to me. Well, you are incorrect. Actually, Louis came early this morning and is trying to make Harry get up and get ready for the interview they have in an hour. I on the other hand, am already dressed and ready to leave.

I'm currently in our livingroom, sitting on a couch in a pink dress that I'm being forced to wear (Picture to the right; ignore the pony thing). Apparently I now have my own image to hold, and I need to be a priss to get their fans to like me. I left my hair down neatly instead of putting it in my usual messy bun, etc., as well. It seems like their managemenet already wants me to be a totally different person.

I'm not complaining because it's my job, but I'd honestly prefer to be in sweats with my hair in a ponytail right now. I'm used to having to change my personality and style, but this just seems drastic. And I am also not sure how long I have to hold this image, so now I just feel like a total fake. 

Technically I am, though. I'm using a fake name, fake clothes, and a fake personality. They aren't even letting me bring my damn gun today.. Which doesn't even make sense since I'm their bodyguard now and I need to have it at all times. So instead I'm being the amazing rebel I am and taking it with me anyway. 

I stuffed it in the side of the short shorts I'm wearing under my horrifically pink dress, and I've decided that if anyone asks me about it I'll do what I'm best at.. Lying. 

"Hurry up you arse! We need to get out of here already!" I heard Louis complain again. He is incredibly impatient, it's crazy. "I'm coming Boo-Bear, calm down." I listened to Harry reply more calmly. Louis sighed and I couldn't help but laugh.

Ten minutes later and we're finally gone and heading to the Redblake Studios, home of the assholes that want to know anything and everything about Harry and I. I mentally laughed at my comment, but also scowled myself for judging the place when I haven't even seen it yet.

Another fifteen minutes went by and Louis parked the car in front of the studios. The place was huge, I'll give it that, but seemed to rich for my likings. I preferred light and cheap, instead of this loaded arena type area. I stepped inside first, thanking Harry for opening the door for me. 

Harry just nodded and grabbed my hand, ushering me around and over to the couch that they would be interviewing at. Louis was hot on our trail, but seemed to be ignoring us as he was too interested in the few paintings they had hung up on the walls. 

The boys showed me to my seat in the audience, and they went off for makeup. Sitting back, I overheard some girls talking about it. "Yeah, like I love them and all, but I heard Harry has a new girlfriend.. Wonder how long she'll laugh." Girl number one scoffed. "I agree! He's the player of the group, so she'll probably just be another fish in the sea for him." The second girl retaliated. 

I couldn't help but smirk to myself as I thought about what they said. I'm sure I'll have to stay for quite a while, so depending on that will decide how long Harry and I are together. 

I didn't seem to notice that the two girls were now staring dead at me. "What do you think about Harry's new affair?" Girl one asked me, her eyes narrowing. "I think that a true fan wouldn't care. They'd just be happy for him, no matter how awful the girl is." The girls both smiled and nodded agreeingly before putting their hands out to shake mine.

"Yeah you're right." The first girl smiled. "I'm Hannah Meree." I returned her smile and turned to the next girl. "I'm Penelope Phillips." She gave me a little grin, but nothing more than that. "I'm Jessie Foster." We all talked a bit more, Penelope finally opening up to me and being less bitter than in the beginning. "Ooooh, it's starting! Now we get to find out who Harry's new girl is!" Hannah exclaimed.

You could easily hear the American accent in her voice, and Penelope was the same way. I had hid mine with my fake British accent, like I've been doing nonstop for the past two weeks, it's almost natural now.

"Hello everyone! I am Gabrielle Mandover and this is a live interview with the one and only One Direction!" The loud interviewer practically screeched into the microphone. The boys all came on stage, one by one smiling and waving to the crowd, until Harry came and only winked at me.. Not the camera, just me. 

"Let's start off with the most obvious question: Who's single?" Gabrielle asked, eyeing each and every boy. Niall and Zayn were the only ones to raise their hands, while Harry sat there smirking uncontrollably. "Wait wait wait! Harry has a new lady? Who is she? Is she here right now?" The interviewer asked him so many questions and he hesitated, but eventually answered all of them.

"I'm dating a beautiful and amazing girl, who is indeed here right now!" He then went on to explain more about me, but without using my name at all. He only gave the hints about what I like; for example that my favorite color is black, I love watermelons, etc. "She sounds amazing but I can't handle it anymore.. Where is this mysterious girl?!" Gabrielle was pretty much jumping out of her seat now. She started searching the crowd, looking at every person in particular to discover if they were the "perfect" girl he described.

Gabrielle then tried to start a chant, screaming out "Harry's girl! Harry's girl!" Multiple times until Harry finally calmed her. He chuckled with his deep and husky voice before looking straight into my eyes. "You heard her, come on down here, love." I hesitated, but eventually stood up and walked down the steps and over to Harry and the other boys.

The two girls I had been talking to earlier were obviously in shock, their mouths hanging open. I couldn't help but giggle as Harry grabbed my waist and pulled me in for a kiss. It was only a quick peck, but that didn't stop butterflies from flying around like it's their job. 

When we pulled apart, Harry sat me down on his lap since there was no more room. It wasn't uncomfortable, but also wasn't the best position for me to be in either. 

Gabrielle went on and on about more questions for the other boys, and when I finally thought she wouldn't ask any questions about us, she did.. Well, more about me. "So Jessie, do you sing or dance or anything?" I wasn't exactly sure what to say to that. I can dance, but I'm not professional, and it's the same way with my singing. Before I knew what was coming out of my mouth I was saying "I'm an actress." 

Fortunately for me, she didn't really expand from there so it was the last of the questions for me. Oddly enough, Gabrielle was very sweet and welcoming, unlike other interviewers who would've been rubbing up on all of the guys, trying to make me jealous or something. 

"Well thank you all for coming today! I hope you'll come again, and I hope so will this wonderful band, One Direction! Maybe next time you'll all come back with girlfriends?" She winked at the camera before signing off and hugging all of the boys.

Gabrielle came over to me, pulling me into a short hug. "Gabrielle?" I asked as she was releasing me. "How old are you?" I asked quickly. "22." She responded politely. "Wow, you just seem so mature and such. Well, I supposed people say the same thing about me, but I'm only 19. Anyway, maybe you'd want to hang out somethime? I'm sure these lads wouldn't mind if I brought home a pretty girl." I smirked, winking at her. She laughed and we traded phone numbers. Gabrielle, or as she likes to be called Gaby, hugged my one final time before we all went into our seperate cars and left the studio. 

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