Chapter forty seven: "I Need a Beer"

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Harry's pov.

It's been a few days since Jami left, and none of us have heard from her. Well, at least the lads haven't told me about if she's called them. They all seem pretty distant which I'm not surprised about, but Niall hasn't spoken to me since he blew up on me a few days ago. Niall also seems secretive when I'm around, like he's on some mission to hide something from me, which just makes me want to know about it more. 

"Hey mates." I said, entering the living room. Their conversations died down and they stared at me in shock. Not surprised though, since I do look a mess. I haven't left my room the past few days unless I needed food or to bathe. "Something wrong?" I asked skeptically. "No, just didn't expect you to come out." Liam sighed.

I nodded understandingly. "Have you all been speaking to Jami?" I asked bravely, hoping they'd say no. "I texted her for a bit yesterday, but she's very busy." Louis stated plainly. "Same here." Zayn agreed. "She called me earlier but I had to go because Lou got stuck in the fridge again." Liam complained and Louis just simply winked. "What about you, Niall?" I asked the blonde, who just rolled his eyes. 

Niall ignored me, looking back to his phone before smiling stupidly and rapidly typing back. "Who ya talking to Nialler?" Louis asked before 'surprise attacking' the poor lad and taking his phone. "Oooooooooh, a girl." He joked, winking. Niall groaned, trying pretty hard to get his cell phone back. "Give it!" He whined, jumping on the taller one's back to reach for it. "Here Liam!" Louis called before throwing the phone to 'Daddy Direction'. Expecting Liam to hand it back to Niall, he instead threw it to Zayn, which started this entire 'monkey in the middle' game. 

Somehow, the phone ended up in my hands, and I got one little glance at the name before having to throw it to someone else. "Did you see who it was?" Lou asked me from afar, trying to get his arms open behind Niall to catch the phone. I just simply nodded. "Well who was it?!" Zayn called out frustratedly. 

I sighed. "Jami." Plopping down on the loveseat, the other lads sat down around me as well. Niall excluded himself by sitting in a chair across from us. "It's okay mate." Zayn tried to comfort me. I just shook my head. "Niall was right in the beginning: I was- am an idiot. I let her go and now she's probably somewhere out there falling in love with an American bloke." 

 Jami's pov.

"When she ran, witnesses say she went west to the Milred Train Station. At the approximate time, only three trains were available to ride. One was to Atlanta, another to Orlando, and the last to D.C." I repeated the writing to Harry. "Now, if you were a crazy pshyco killer seeking revenge, where would you go to escape the police?" He asked. 

I shrugged, running a hand through my hair. "I'd go to The District of Columbia because that's my home and home is where I can escape all of my problems." Harry nodded agreeinly.

We shared a look immediately and ran out of the building, jumping in a police car. "But where in D.C.? You know her parents wouldn't let her stay with them because she's crazy and they don't want to be sent to jail as well." Ry shook his head quickly. "No, but they'd let their daughter stay because she's their daughter. You remember Jason's house?" He paused and I nodded. 

"They had a basement that we all used to hang out in. And since it was one of the only houses in town that had a basement, no one ever had a second thought about it..." He trailed off. "But they've already searched Jacy's house." I insisted. "But like I said, they never give a second thought about the basements because they're so rare." 

Gasping, I covered my mouth with my hand at the realization. "We need to get to that house with backup now." I ordered. He nodded. "Good job Ry." I smiled at him and he smiled back, hugging me from the side.

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