Chapter twenty three: "Who Are You and What Happened Here?"

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I put my hands up in the air, as did Ry. We both looked over to see a SWAT team rushing in with pathetic looking 357 magnums. I chuckled to myself as they ran over to the two of us. "Who are you and what happened here?" A cop with a think British accent asked me.

"Jami Manson at your service." I shook his hand. "I'm a spy from the United States," I continued, whipping out my I.D. and badge. "This man, goes by the name of Matthew Marlinson. He shot and killed a man named Jason Alvarez two years ago. Today Matthew kidnapped my friend, Harry Desmond, and attempted to kill him." I explained to the cop, who I noticed by his badge goes by Officer Hull. 

"Jami, we're going to have to take you and your friend to the police station for questioning. Was there anyone else that might have witnessed this crime?" I sighed. "Liam Payne, from One Direction. I'm here to be a bodyguard for the boy band. He followed me to this warehouse today and showed up out of nowhere. He stayed for a fight, until Harry and I got Matthew on the ground.. Then I told him to go back to his apartment and not to tell anyone about what happened. If you take want to question him, come to this address, but don't be in uniform. We don't want any poparazzi finding out, please." 

Officer Hull nodded, accepting the card I had with my phone number and address on it. "You're a brave girl Jami. Would you like to call your friend Liam before you come in for questioning? We're going to have to take you there right away." I nodded. "I'll call him and then we can go." 

He just nodded in response and walked to his police car. Harry got in the back seat, sending me a reassuring look. I sighed again, taking out my phone and calling the apartment the boys are staying at. 

Three rings and then a cheerful voice picked up. "Hello?" "Hey Niall. Can you put Liam on?" I could practically hear his confusion in his breath. "Okay.. Liam, phone!" I could hear quick footsteps and then a voice. 

"Hello, who's this?" "It's Jessie." "Should I call you that?" He wondered out loud. "Yes. It's my name when I work, and I'm working. So please, just call me Jessie at all times." "Okay, so what do you need?" I groaned lightly. "You didn't tell anyone, right?" 

Liam didn't answer for a second, and I started worrying. "Oh, no! Of course not, I told you I wouldn't." I sighed of relief. "Thank God. Okay, well a cop will probably be coming to mine and Harry's flat soon to question you. So go to his apartment and wait there. I told the cop what happened, and I refused to lie to him, so I had to include that you witnessed it. Don't worry, I told him to go out of uniform, so no one will be suspicious.. I'll tell Harry to stay with the boys are yours. Okay?" 

He once again didn't answer.. Doof is probably nodding. "Sorry, yeah, okay!" He said and then slipped in one more part. "If everything okay?" I grinned dumbly. "It's fine, just stay inside Harry's apartment until I get there." 

We said our goodbyes, and I hung up, walking over to Hull's car. "Thank you." I said nicely as he held the door open for me. 

Only one word can describe the ride to the police station: Boring. 

Officer Hull tried to liven it up, but failed miserably. Honestly, the entire time I was smiling. Marlinson is finally going to get what he deserves. The best part of all of this is, is that they already had the proof that he killed Jason. There was evidence everywhere and many, many, witnesses. He had skipped town and no one could find him, though.. Until now. So now, he'll have a short trial, and be locked up.

We all walked into the station, Harry and I holding hands, sweating slightly. We were both scanned and searched for any weapons, which of course, we had. They took away both our guns and my knife, and I frowned as they snatched away my extra bullets. 

What the Hell do they think I'm going to do with exta bullets? I obviously can't do anything if they already took my gun! Idiots.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair as I sat down in a cold wooden chair. It didn't last long, because almost as soon as I sat down, I was called in for questioning.

"Okay Miss Manson, Where were you at the time of 2:35 p.m. today?" "I was in Starbucks, having a meeting with Thomas Howers about a job offer." I replied simply. "And around when did this meeting end?" I thought back to earlier today. "It ended around 2:50, and Harry text me at about 3 telling me to meet him a tthe warehouse on 31 street at 3:30. I knew there was something suspicious about it, but I had my gun and knife with me, so I let it go."

He nodded and looked through his list of questions. "And what exactly happened when you arrived?" "I walked in the see my best friend, Harry, tied to a chair in the middle of the place. There was duck tape covering his mouth, and little tears strolling down his face. I removed it all and asked him who it was, though I already pretty much knew it was Marlinson." I spat out his name.

"What did Harry say when you asked?" "Matthew told him that he would get his revenge on me." The cop looked at me oddly. "Matthew and I dated about 4 and a half years ago. After almost six months, he broke up with me on account of his accusations that I was cheating on him. I waited a year before I moved on. My best friend, Jason Alvarez, who Matthew thought I was cheating on him with, asked me to date him. Him and I dated for two years, until one day when we were out, Matthew attacked us. He tried to shoot me, but Jason jumped in the way, getting shot. Instead of stopping there, Matthew shot him again and again, killing him from blood loss... Matthew then swore he would get his 'revenge' and kill me on day since that was what he wanted in the first place." 

A couple tears rolled down my eyes at the thought of Jason's death, but I held strong. "You're a very strong woman, Miss Manson." I looked up and smiled, my eyes a little red. "And why was your friend Liam there?" I rolled my eyes at the thought of Liam showing up. "I guess he had seen me at Starbucks after my meeting or something. When I got Ry's text message, I sort of rushed out of there. I assume he had followed me to the warehouse and caught sight of the code that I had pushed in to get in." I shrugged my shoulders. 

"And your friend, Liam, was he threatened?" "Matthew put a knife to his neck, stabbing him slightly. I'm sure there's some kind of mark on Liam's neck if you look when you interview him." I stated plainly. "Well thank you for your time, Miss Manson. Mister Marlinson will be deported right away and be sent to jail before his trial. We expect you and your friend Harry to be at the trial, as will the other witnesses from the murder of two years ago.. Liam might be expected to go as well, but we'll talk. I'm very sorry for your loss. Do you mind if I follow you to your flat so I can interview Liam now?" 

I smiled a little and nodded. "That's fine." "Okay, I'll just go change out of my uniform and then we can go. I'll take my van, so no one would suspect I'm a cop." I nodded again. "Do you know if Harry has already been questioned?" I wondered out loud. Hull nodded. "Your stories are the same, clearing each other. If Liam has the same story, this might just win you a case against Matthew for life sentencing." I jumped up in awe, hugging Hull. "Thank you so much!" I yelled loudly, before exiting the room. 

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