Chapter twelve: "What Did I Run Into, A Brick Wall?"

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Right before I stepped in Harry's room, I told Louis to go in the livingroom and wait. And that if we weren't out in ten mintues to come in and get me. 

"Kay!" He squeeled and ran off somewhere. I didn't even bother to knock, tired of these damn games.I burst through, causing Harry to jump up from his bed. He saw my face and his frown became an even bigger frown and he groaned, laying back down. "Not this time, Harry." I demanded, slamming the door and locking it.

"We're talking right now." "About what?" He responded innocently. "About whatever the hell is going on here! You kiss me and say we have sparks and shit, then ignore me like I never existed! Look, I don't care if you don't ever talk to me again.. Well, I do care but I just want you to be happy! At least be happy for your friends. Because they are worried about you and you are acting like a douche!" 

My voice was raising then lowering over and over again during my spiel. Harry didn't seem surprised that I yelled at him, but was still phased by it. He put his head back down, groaning once more. "Like I said, you don't have to care about me- it's whatever- I'll forget about it. But you need to go out there and be happy to your damn friends!" I scoffed at him. Once again, no response. "How the hell are we supposed to pretend to date if you won't even give me the time of day?" I muttered under my breath.

I give up with this asshole. He's not going to respond to me, and I don't care at this point. My job here was the keep him safe, not to let him toy with my emotions. And if that's what he really wants here, just to try and hurt me, then he has another thing coming. 

Getting up from his bed to walk away, I see a glance of myself in the mirror. I have on black 'booty shorts' with a white tank top that hit my belly button. My hair looked pretty nice compared to my usual mess of a do. 

After the split second of admiring myself, I turned back to walk to the door- only to walk into a hard object. "Fuck." I muttered under my breath, trying to regain my balance from the floor. What did I run into, a brick wall?

My question was answered when the object started moving and reached for my waist, pulling me back up. "Heh, thanks." I lightly murmured. "Anytime love." That damn smirk was back on his face. I preferred him more when he was upset. "So are you going to explain to me now?" He ushered me back to his bed and started talking. 

"Okay, so after I kissed you and all, well the next morning me and the lads were talking about you.." He trailed off. I nodded, showing him I was listening. "Well.. I knew you heard it. So that was the first thing that angered me. That you knew how I felt and didn't say anything to me about it. Then at the airport, you seemed more interested in Niall that me. That was reason number two. Then you got worried and came up to me all beautiful as you are and all I could be was mad! Mad that you probably love someone else and I can't do anything ab-" 

I cut Harry off with a deep kiss. I don't know what came over me, but it felt good just to feel his lips on mine again. Honestly, there were more butterflies than ever. I'd be lying if I said I never felt this way with Jason, but for some reason with Harry it seems more real. 

Obviously he liked it because he was returning the kiss, sliding his tongue in with mine and them dancing along together. It was as if nothing could interrupt us.

Well, that is until Louis started kicking the door. "Come out guys!" "Are you killing each other?" He had many other questions, but I didn't bother to listen. I unlocked and opened the door just in time for him to try and run. Instead Lou just flew past us, rolling over Harry's bed and onto the floor.

I was chuckling lightly at Louis, as he was groaning, and Harry was staring at me lustfully. "Forgive me?" He whispered. "I don't know, that slap earlier kind-of hurt." I muttered jokingly. Honestly, with all the torture I've had to live through before in other missions, his 'slap' was more like a baby slap to me.

"I'm so sorry about that. I don't know why I did that.. Anger, maybe? Whatever it was, it's not an excuse. I'm extremely sorry babe." I nodded and kissed his cheek as he entertwined our fingers together.


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