Chapter fifty: "I'm Going to Make You My Wife"

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So, this is the last chapter of my story "Your Bodyguard". It's been great writing this story and I love all the fans and friends I've made through it. I haven't decided whether I want to write a sequel or not, but I'll post another page in a few days or so telling if there will be one or not. I'm thinking I'll just post a 'ten years later' type of thing and that will be the end. What do you all think? Thank you for reading, voting, commenting, and following me through this story and I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. 


"What is this?" I asked Harry, staring up into the bright green orbs that just looked back down at me excitedly. "Happy birthday." He shrunk to my level, whispering it in my ear. I let a light blush creep on my cheeks before making it disappear. "What about tonight? I thought I was meant to go to the London Eye?" I asked suspiciously. 

Harry nodded, smiling before bringing his lips to my cheek. Softly leaving a kiss, I grinned to myself, both of us knowing what was happening. "We'll talk later. For now, enjoy your birthday." He whispered in my ear as he took my hand, ushering me to where everyone was standing. 

It was a smaller party, a few celebrities I had met and befriended, Ry and his family and Jason's family was there (excluding the insane Jacy, of course). The four other boys were standing there grinning widely with everyone else. I had kept my cool until I looked towards the back of the crowd, a tear striking my eye as I saw my mother standing tall next to my dad, his arm around her waist.

I saw a tear roll down her face as well and I ran straight for her, engulfing her in a hug. "What happened to Germany?" I asked worriedly. "Couldn't you lose your job?" My mother just scoffed. "I think I deserve atleast one day off for my daughter's birthday!" She laughed, hugging my once more. 

Hugging the rest of the crowd and thanking the boys for setting it up, they just ignored me. "It wasn't us." Liam said defensively. I raised an eyebrow in confusion but he just pointed over to Harry, who was laying against a tree smirking at me. I rolled my eyes, sending him a small smile before turning back to the others. "I love you guys." I said anyway. They all 'aw'd', hugging my tightly. "So since you love us so much, does that mean you're going to stay as our guard?" 

Pretending to think to tease my close friends, I laughed as they fake gasped. "Of course I'm staying!" I cheered, hugging them all again. "I can't believe how open you all have made me." I frowned. "I miss my enclosed, un-feminine self." I finished. "You were a bitch until we cracked you." Zayn spoke up, winking. I rolled my eyes, smiling sarcastically at him. "Gee, thanks." We all laughed before I excused myself to go thank some others.

After a good couple hours and it started getting dark, people started dispersing. My mom and dad were one of the lasts to leave, insisting I stay the night with them since my mother would be leaving in the early morning. I eventually made the boys leave, taking their girlfriends with them so they could all get some sleep, promising to meet at their apartment in the morning. 

"I can't believe you did all this." I said to Harry, slipping my arms through his waist and holding my hands behind his back. "I just wanted you to have the best birthday." He smiled down at me, tucking a piece of my hand behind my ear. "How did you get my mother here?" I asked him, shocked. "I just made a few calls and promised CIA agent an autograph for his kids." I rolled my eyes. "You're so cocky." I stated knowingly.

"Thank you for all of this." I looked up at him before pulling his body closer to mine for a hug. "It means a lot to know you remembered." He chuckled, his deep husky voice making his chest vibrate against me. "Jami," He said. "Jami," Harry repeated and I picked my head up, looking him straight in the eye. "I love you. I've loved you since I laid my eyes on you, and I'll love you until they bury my body. My tombstone will say 'Harry Styles: Amazing voiced boyband member; Caring friend; Man in love with Jami Manson'." Harry stated. 

I laughed, shaking my head as his hold on my waist lightened. "Harry, why didn't you say goodbye to me?" I asked and his face blushed a light pink. "I was afraid that if I did I'd cry." He said softly, embarrassed. "You don't know how many walls I punched that night, angry at myself for letting you leave. I almost killed Niall when I found out he was talking to you so often over that week. I kept thinking there was something going on and that you were secretly with him now. Every time one of the lads spoke about you jealousy burned and I felt like I suddenly wanted to destroy them." He sighed angrily, running a hand through his hair.

"I love you." I spoke softly, reaching on my tippy-toes to kiss him. Running my hands through his curls, his hands made their way to my lower back, the kiss getting more passionate. After a few minutes we both reluctantly retrieved and I just stared at Harry. "Thank you." I said, a tear trying to reach my eye. 

Pushing it back, Harry just laughed softly before hugging me once more. "I want to make you happy, Jami. And I will make you happy." He said, determined. "So please, forget the idiotic comments I made last week and take me back. I said those because I couldn't face the fact that you were putting yourself in danger for me and the lads. I wanted you to be in my arms, safe and sound as we watched movies and ate ice cream." Harry trailed off dreamily.

I let out a little giggle, a stupid grin plastered on my face. "I promise you Jami Grace, if you take me back, I will prove to you how much I love you. I will make you feel like a real princess. My princess." I smiled widely, pulling him by the collar and bringing his lips to mine once more. "I love you so much." He repeated into my lips. I smirked. "I know babe, I know." 


"Look at the two lovebirds!" My hopeless romantic of a mother squeeled excitedly as she saw Harry and I walked inside my house. "Mother, please." I rolled my eyes. "I heard what happened! I'm so happy you two are back together!" She cheered. 

My eyes widened. "What do you mean you heard?" She just chuckled as she hugged the two of us. "Apparently Harry told Louis who told the other boys, and Liam tweeted it, and then your cousin Alexis called to congratulate you!" I laughed loudly, as did Harry and my father. "You're hopeless." I muttered to my mom. "Lucky I love you," I finished jokingly. 

She pinched my cheeks, leaving a red mark and I just swatted her away, rubbing my cheek. "Do you mind if Haz spends the night here?" My dad's eyes widened and I looked over, winking. "We won't do anything, dad. My business is closed." I ushered to my body jokingly. "Abstinence, remember?" I reminded my dad, showing off the ring on my left hand.

"Okay okay, you two kids have fun.. But not too much fun." My mom winked before grabbing my dad's hand and heading upstairs with him. "Goodnight kids!" My dad yelled behind us. I just nodded, waving them off as Harry and I settled on the couch. 

Snuggling my head into his neck, I smiled up at my boyfriend. "I really love you." He whispered huskily in my ear. I nodded knowingly. "I love you more." I joked, poking his nose. "Do you ever think about the future?" Harry suddenly asked me. I nodded suspiciously at him. "All the time, why?" "Well, do you see me in your future?" I nodded once more. "You and I sitting around with the other boys and their future wives. All the kids running around playing as we laugh at them." I let my thoughts out, relief flowing over me at finally having someone to admit it to. 

"God, and I actually thought you couldn't get any more perfect." I laughed, scrunching my nose as he kissed it. "Oh trust me Haz, I get better." I joked cheekily, flipping my hair behind my shoulder. He just chuckled, pulling me deeper into his chest. 

"One day.." He whispered in my ear. "I'm going to make you my wife." Harry finished before slipping a promise ring on my finger. I smiled gratefully, pulling him down so our lips met.


And there's the end! If you didn't read the beginning note, I'm thinking about writing a sequel. It'll probably just be an epilogue, like a '5-10 years later' type of thing. I want to thank you all once more for reading and coming this far with me with this story. I loved writing it and I hope you all loved reading it. :) -WhenTheSunGoesDown x

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