Chapter thirty four: "Matthew Marlinson, You Are Under Arrest"

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Today is the best day of my life.

It's been about a month since I went home and visited Jason. My mother couldn't make it due to work in Germany, which upset me even more. Throughout the entire family, she was closest to him. My mother looked at him like a son, and she couldn't even take off a day to remember. Jason's birthday and my anniversary with him also passed, sadly all in the same month.

Disappointing to think that the two best days in someone's life can be ruined by another day. It was all intense, and everyone knew better than to talk to me. Ry and I just spent it crying, letting the feelings we've bottled up out. 

To shorten it up, the last month sucked. But this month is just perfect.

Today is the day for court, where I am going to prove Matthew Marlinson guilty and he will be sent to jail until he rots. I smiled, satisfied, as I took my horrendous hair out of its ponytail.

"Marlinson, you're going down, bitch." I scowled softly. I stepped outside of the bathroom in the court, walking into the court room. "Silence in the court!" A loud voice boomed. A thick man with a black robe on came out, sitting in his "throne." I looked at Matthew, who was fiddling with his thumbs, a stupid, fake, ignorant grin plastered on his face. I sent him a smile, glaring at him evily. It was obvious I was going to win this, they have proof of him attempting a murder and other murders. 

I played with the hem of my jet black suit jacket, loving the look that I've missed so dearly (Picture to the right- ignore the guy next to her). "Now, Mr. Marlinson, you have been charged with assault, manslaughter, and attempted murder." Judge Hook stated plainly. "Ms. Manson, please come to the stand." I did as I was told, walking up and standing as I placed my hand on top of the bible. "Do you swear to tell the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?" A man, a bit taller than myself asked me. "I do." 

I sat back as my lawyer asked multiple questions regarding what happened two years ago. "Please don't leave out any detail as you explain what happened that day." I sighed, the memories rushing back. "My boyfriend, Jason Alvarez, had just taken me on this amazing picnic date. We were walking back, hand in hand, as my ex-boyfriend, Matthew Marlinson, came up. He started interrogating Jason, asking absurd questions like if Jason truely loved me or not.. I asked Matthew to leave because I knew he would try to start another fight, like he had before with Jason. Instead, he drew a gun. Matthew claimed that if he couldn't have me, then nobody could. He went to shoot me, but Jason jumped in the way, taking the bullet. They say that Jason would have lived, but Matthew didn't stop there.."

Gasps were let out from the audience as I continued the story. "Everyone around saw clearly what happened: That Matthew was aiming for me but Jason saved me. I got to the ground, helping Jason since it is my job to know how to protect and save people. Before I could do any help, Matthew shot again, and again, and again." My face dug into my hands as light sobs escaped.

I lifted my head up slowly, whiping my eyes. "I'm sorry for my outburst, just a hard time and having to relive it in my mind is just boggling." The judge nodded. "Thank you Ms. Manson. Now, what happened about two months ago when you had another encounter with Mr. Marlinson?" I thought back to that memory as well.

"Well, I was assigned a new assignment a few months ago: Being the bodyguard of One Direction, the British-Irish boy band. An a couple months ago, I got a text message from my best friend, Harry Desmond, to meet him at this old abandoned ware house. Of course, I had my gun and a knife with me, so I wasn't extremely worried, but I did immediately know that something odd was going on. I had gone to the ware house, and found Harry tied up with tape over his mouth. I freed him, and we encountered Liam Payne, one of the boys I guard, who had followed me there. Matthew came out and took him in knife point. Liam kicked Matthew and got out of his grip, and I gave him another gun just in case. It was the three of us against him, and I made Liam turn and duck, covering his ears. I didn't want him to be scarred like I was. Matthew tried to throw the knife he had at me, but missed and left him empty handed. With that, Harry handcuffed him and the cops eventually came, taking us all in for questioning."

Mouths hung in shock, while my lips just stayed in a thin, straight line. "Last question Ms. Manson. What was your relationship with Mr. Marlinson in the past?" I shrugged, holding back a laugh. "We dated a bit over three years ago. Our relationship didn't last very long, mostly because he was violent." I stated. "Define violent, ma'am." "Well, when he saw me talk to another boy, he would get jealous. I figured it was just a guy thing at first, until he started hitting me, picking fights over nonsense and insulting me back and forth. When we broke up, I tried to cut all contact off from us, but he wouldn't just accept it. Multiple times after our break up, I would come home to Matthew sitting in my drive way, waiting for me. Once he even broke into my house to beat me. Of course, though, I was trained, and by self defense I would fight back.. But it never made a difference because no matter how hard I beat him, he'd always be in the back of my mind, making me feel smaller than I am." 

"Thank you Ms. Manson, you may sit." 

Three hours later and it's finally over. "Matthew Marlinson, you are under arrest for the murder of Jason Alvarez, attempted murder of Harry Desmond, Liam Payne, and Jami Manson, and for assault of Jami Manson." Judge Hook slammed his mallot and with that, everyone left.

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