Chapter twenty five: "I Have to Tell You All Something"

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I sighed, throwing a hand through my screwed up, knotted hair. After a few more minutes debating how I would explain this situation to Harry without him going into an over-protective mode, I gave up and left my apartment. 

The walk to the other lads' apartment was short, since they are only next door. I lingered on the way, hoping that an excuse would just pop into my head before I got to the door.


I had nothing. So instead, I just knocked politely. Checking my outfit quickly, I realized I was still in my all-black outfit that made me look pretty damn suspicious if you ask me. Before I even had the chance to look up, I saw a pair of TOMS infront of me. "Hey Lou." I smiled, giving him a small and quick hug. 

"Hello Jessie! I'm sure you're looking for your boytoy! Lemme go get 'em." I nodded and laughed quietly before walking in and sitting on the couch next to Niall.

Niall was eating some fries, or what they would call chips, ignoring my presence. "Hey Niall." I said, sending him a warm smile. It brought him out of his daze and he returned the gesture. "Want some chips?" He asked, motioning to the pile infront of him. I shook my head as a responde, but once again smiled genuinely. 

"Erm, when Harry gets out here.. Can you tell him to go outside so him and I can talk?" Niall looked up at me suspiciously and worriedly. "Are you breaking up with him?" My eyes widened at the thought. "Oh no! Of course not! I just have to talk to him about something that happened today." Niall nodded and I thanked him before walking out their front door and taking out my phone.

Dialing my father's phone number, it rang a couple times before he answered. "Hey honey." I smiled to myself. "Hey dad; so, I just remembered I never got to tell you the good news earlier." I reminded him, quickly losing my fake accent. "Oh yes, what was it you were going to say?" "Well, today Thomas Howers asked me if I would take a job as a trainer for newcoming spies and agents." 

I could practically sense my father smiling proudly at me through the phone. "That's great, hun! Are you going to take it?" I explained the boring details: hours, income, job description, and everything inbetween. He seemed to really love the idea, though I could tell he didn't want me to stop working for him as well, as I was one of their best. "You know hun, I don't know if it's the best idea.. Working for someone else. You always wanted to get my industry eventually, and that can't happen if you leave to work for Howers." 

My smile faded a bit as I recalled the truth. It was true, I had always wanted to be in charge of the Manson Corportation. All those little girls dreamed to be beauty queens or actresses, but I wanted to be the owner of one of the biggest spy/agent industries out there. I sighed, knowing he was right. "You're right, dad. It's a good thing I didn't agree to Mr. Howers." I joked as he chuckled loudly through the phone. 

Harry exited the door just as we both finished laughing, a small grin playing on his lips. "Hey babe." He smiled, kissing me gently on the lips. "Hey Harry," I ruffled his curls a bit, causing him to roll his eyes and swat my hand away. "Is that your boyfriend?" My father asked through the phone. I smiled to myself and muttered a "yes." I knew my dad would want to talk to him, and would probably scare the living daylights out of the poor boy. "Let me talk to him." He ordered. I rolled my eyes slightly before handing Harry the phone. "He's going to grill you, but don't be scared of him, he's just like a big cuddly bear when you get to know him." 

He gave me a confused expression, but it went away as soon as he heard my father talking. I couldn't quite pick up on what he was saying to Harry, but as soon as his face paled, I grabbed my phone. "I don't know what you said to him, but you're scaring him! Chill!" I demanded to my dad. 

"Hey dad?" I asked, changing the subject. "Should I tell the rest of them? They're trying to get close to me, and I feel horrible for having to lie. And I'm sure they'll get angry at Harry and Liam as well for knowing and not telling them.. I've never gotten so close to my missions before, but I'm dating one, and I can't have them hating me while I'm trying to help." Harry looked at me with confusiong written all over his face. I put a finger up to him, telling him I'd explain in a second. "Sweetheart, if you think they are ready to know about you, and what you're there to do, then go ahead. Just make sure you trust them and know they wouldn't tell anyone. You've already gotten out once, and now that you're in the spotlight, we can't have that happen again.. If anything goes wrong, just call me and I'll book you on the next flight out of there." I smiled for about the billionth time today, and thanked him.

"Oh shut up Robert! For Pete's sake, I'm coming! Can't I talk to my daughter for five minutes?" He yelled to an employee. I giggled and his attention was brought back to me. "Sorry hun, have to go. I love you, stay safe." "Love you too, bye dad." 

I hung up the phone and looked at a curious Harry for a second. "Now, explain." I nodded and brought him back into their apartment, where all the others were crowded around talking about nonsense. 

"Hey boys?" Their attentions were all brought up to me and Harry. "I have to tell you all something..." 

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