Chapter twenty one: "Your Worst Nightmare"

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Liam's pov.

"Can we trust him?" Harry asked Jessie. "God damn it!" Jessie muttered before kicking the bloody hell out of some metal machine. "I guess I'll have to talk to my father about it.. But we both know he won't be happy." She frowned. Harry returned the expression before Jessie held up a "one minute" finger to me. 

I nodded understandingly and sat on the ground. 

"Dad? I have good and bad news." I could faintly make out the words of "bad first" before Jessie walked farther away. "Fine. Ry got attacked by Marlinson and Liam Payne stalked me there. He saw too much." She scolded. "What the hell am I supposed to do? This has never happened before! I don't have some hypnotic gadget that will erase his damned memory!" Her lips were in a straight line, obviously holding her from blowing up.

"You want me to just tell him? Everything? But we don't even know if we can trust him! It's bad enough Harry already knows, but now another one? What if he tells?" Her voice was stern, but I could barely hear a hard voice in the background that was much worse. "Fine. I guess I have no choice.. Love you, bye."

She hung up and shared a worried look with Harry. "We have to trust him." She whispered to him before walking back over here.

"Before we tell you anything, you need to swear on your life not to tell anyone unless I give you permission.. Got it?" I nodded quickly. "Okay..." She began, looking unsure. "First, my name isn't Jessie Foster.. It's Jami Manson. I've been a spy for about 8 years now, and I'm here with you boys for my job." I gave her a confused expression. "So you're using my best friend? You don't actually care for him?!" My voice rose in anger.

Jes- or Jami,- sighed. "I do like Harry. A lot, actually. I haven't dated anyone in two years after an asshole killed my love, Jason. At first it was supposed to be fake dating for his publicity, but then him and I took an interest in each other.. I would never hurt your friends. That's why I'm here; to protect you."

"We don't need protecting!" I protested, stomping my foot like a child. "You really don't understand, do you?" I shook my head, confused. "People are out there to kill you. Each and every one of you. You naive boys think you're just getting cyber-hate, but it's so much more. People are devising plans to expunge you from this Earth. The want you dead, and I'm the only person that can help you right now."

"Why didn't you tell any of us?" "I didn't expect this to take so long. I thought it would be like my other missions, where someone attacks within the day of my arrival, I beat and jail them, then leave." I rolled my eyes at her comment. "So why the fake accent?" "The famous Harry Styles dropping into America for a day, getting a girlfriend, then taking her back to England to live with him doesn't sound all that convincing to the poparazzi." She shrugged.

"Jami-" "You still have to call me Jessie." She stated simply. "Okay, Jessie, who else knows about this?" "Harry found out on the first day of the job, when we were all playing Truth or Dare. Him and I went into a room and he immediately bombarded me with the questions." I mentally smiled, knowing Hazza was one to do that. "The who's this lad?" I nodded towards her friend. 

'Jessie' smiled at Harry and held on tighter to his hand. "You two aren't mates, are you?" I asked suspiciously. Her smile immediately dropped and turned into a frown. "I just explained to you how much I care for your best lad." She immitated my accent. "Ry is my best friend, and he's gay. Just like he told y'all when you met." She snapped.

My eyes widened, but I was getting slightly used to her voice now. "Jams, someone's coming.." Harry whispered. "Take Liam out the back and to his apartment, have your gun close just in case, I'm going in." She ordered. He nodded and took me by the forearm. 

"Look kid, just keep safe. I have to help her in there, can I trust that you'll go home and won't tell anyone about this?" I hesitantly nodded, making my way out. 

"Stop right there!" An unfamiliar voice called out for me. For some reason, I froze in place as the figure came closer. "You're a friend of Jami's, aren't ya?" I didn't move a muscle in my body, just stood there as the creature grabbed my arms. "Oh Jamiiiii! I have someone you might want to see!" The man sing-songed. 

Jami came speeding around the corner, some type of shot gun in her hand, holding it up high. "Matthew." She spat. "Hello again, babe." "Don't you dare call me that!" She screamed at him. "Oh no no, Jami. You don't want me to have to kill your friend, do you?" 

Before I knew it, a knife was placed to my throat and I was practically being choked. "Real cliche, don't you think, Matt? I mean, a knife? It's so overplayed." Jami said, amused. She winked at me pointedly before her attention went back to "Matt." "What are you playing at, Manson?" "What is there to play at? All I'm saying is that you're unoriginal." She shrugged.

The knife was dug a bit deeper into my neck. By reflex, I swung my leg back and kicked Matthew in his manhood. He groaned for a second and bent over before recovering and glaring at me. I ran over to where Jami was standing and she threw me a gun. 

She sent me a look that said "you know how to use a gun, right?" I smiled and nodded proudly before bringing it up to the man. "Who are you?" I growled angrily. He seemed a bit surprised, but didn't pull back. "Your worst nightmare." He responded through his mid-evil laughs.

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