Chapter 36

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With Team Eagle, they were quick to work. Everyone was doing their part to make their new cabin as strong and fabulous as one could get. Brisk, Noah, Cody, and Courtney were working on the roof while the others worked the walls and exterior. 

Out of the blue, Courtney asked, "Hey, is everything okay with you and Duncan?"

The atmosphere surrounding the four visibly tensed. Brisk stopped in her movements for a moment until she started putting more pieces again. "I have no idea what you're talking about," Brisk answered. 

"Look, I know he isn't the best guy-"

"Courtney, if you're trying to play wingman for Duncan, then I suggest you stop," Noah said, glaring at the female as he handed Cody more nails. 

"No, I'm not. I just want to know what's happening around this island," Courtney replied glaring at Noah, accusing her of such. "I have been out of the loop for a long time and I at least deserve to know something."

"Well, my relationship with Duncan isn't something you're supposed to know," Brisk said.

Courtney's face morphed into shock then slowly turned into a grin. "So, you are dating Duncan," Courtney presumed. Brisk gave her a glare and was about to correct her when she started talking, "Duncan isn't such a bad guy, but if you two were fighting-"

"I'm lesbian," Brisk stated, which seemed to shut Courtney up. Brisk stood up and glared at the Brunette and went to grab more supplies. 


Jr.'s POV

Normally, I hated being small, but being small was my advantage right now. I slipped out of my group unnoticed and then I made my way towards the docks. 

Bronze's guitar is precious to him, and so are everyone's things. Maybe if I get them all back, Bronze might notice me more. Like, those superhero movies where that one hero was invisible and then he became everyone's favorite hero because he did something good. In this story, I could be that hero, and we all know that Chris was the bad guy.

Maybe I could even practice my powers while being out here. 

I climbed a boulder just above a stream, and I looked at my hands. I needed to focus, just like Bronze told me. I closed my eyes, and jumped, hoping the wind would catch me.

But it didn't. I opened my eyes in dismay as I felt the water enter my shoes. I sighed. Maybe trying out my powers on top of the stream wasn't the best idea. It only gave me soggy shoes. 

I continued to walk down the forest, praying that I am heading the right way because I just realized that I'm a kid not knowing what I am doing. Well, of course, I know who I'm doing this for. I'm doing this for Bronze! And Dawn, and all the other campers. 

Honestly, I'm just relying on my luck right now. 

I hear the sound of rustling bushes nearby and I turned, curious. The rustling of the bushes didn't stop and the longer I stood there, the more nervous I got. What if it was a wild animal? A hungry predator? I took a step back, away from the bush. And then... A beaver came out. 

"Awe," I cooed. 

But I spoke too soon. 

The beaver then ran away, away from the direction I was going to. I was just about to follow it until a large bear appeared from the bush. It scanned around the area until its eyes landed on me. It let out a roar, and in return, I screamed. 

I grabbed onto my cap and ran and the bear followed after me. 

Oh, stars. How the frick could I outrun a bear? 

My eyes looked around the forest, scanning the area for a place I could hide or somewhere where the bear won't follow me. I smiled as I saw a crack in between the trees, probably narrow enough for me to fit through. 

I made a quick turn and slip inside the trees. The bear roared, frustrated it couldn't reach me. I smiled, taking this as a small victory, but then it fell when the bear began tearing through the trees. "Shoot." I began sliding my way through the trees, wincing as pointy edges pierced through my jacket. 

I made it out of the trees and looked back to see the bear glaring at me. It turned back, disappointed it couldn't catch its prey. I smiled and turned back on my path, about to search for the right path towards the boat again, but my eyes widened when I finally see the boat keeping all of our stuff. 


Bronze's POV

I was helping my teammates with the construction, levitating items here and there, and coaching Dawn on where to put the vines. Somehow, something was itching in the back of my mind, like I'm forgetting something. I didn't know what it was but I figured that maybe it's just the risk of my guitar getting blown up. 

I was fixing a piece of the board when Heather approached me. "Hey," she greeted. I looked at her, confused as to why she would approach me. During all of this building, she did the least she could do, but I didn't complain. She did something and I should be alright with that. 

"Hi," I greeted back. 

She looked around the area and I have no idea what she was looking for. "I think... we're missing someone," she said. 

I stopped what I was doing and repeated, "missing someone?" 

"Yeah... You know... The little blond kid you keep with you."


I stood up and scanned the area, looking around for Jr. and I started to panic when I didn't saw him anywhere. 

"Has anyone seen Junior?!" I shouted. All eyes were on me and my heart sped up in fear when none of them answered. I swear under my breath as I approached Dawn. She, too, had a worried look on her face, pausing from braiding the vines to turn towards me. 

"Dawn, I need you to take charge of construction. I'm going to look for Junior," I said. 

"I'm coming," Heather said stepping up. I looked back and saw her proud stance and I almost asked out loud if this was the same Heather who wanted the prize money for the show for how many seasons.

At the edge of my sight, I saw Alejandro's eyes widen in disbelief.

I sighed and weighed my options. Looking for Jr. could speed up the search but with the person looking is Heather? She could either weigh me down or immensely help. I sighed again and nodded. "Fine," I confirmed. 

I turned back to everyone at work and said, "everyone else, continue construction."

Heather and I then went into the forest in search of Dwayne Junior.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2021 ⏰

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