Chapter 21

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(I skipped a few parts because I don't know how to put it into words! Sorry.)

The race was on. Joseé was jumping on trees, trying so desperately to win. Jr. has equal luck as Lightning. Jo memorized already half of the island, as to her daily morning jog, which gives Lightning some advantages for shortcuts along the way. On the other hand, Jr. has Bronze on his side, and with a few juices, they could get through the race.

It was all tied to the three. The others were stalled, stuck, or just really hopeless. Gwen had a hard time catching up with the Joseé.

And a few meters left until one gets in Total Drama! And with a leap, Joseé jumped, breaking the red ribbon in the finish line. She was cheering, celebrating, that she will have a chance on a million.

"And we have a tie!" Chris said as Lightning, Jo, Bronze, and Jr. appeared in the finishing line. "Tie? What do you mean tie?!" Joseé asked, confused and furious. "I mean..." Chris smirked, knowing what will happen next, "you needed a partner for a REASON. Don't cross the line with your partner, don't get to enter the show." Hearing those words, Joseé cracked. She started with a small laugh, turning viciously into a maniacal roar, throwing everything that she sees. Then, she grabbed an ax and went straight towards Chris. Chris just smiled, as he pressed a button. A second later, Joseé was trapped in a cage, screaming and rattling the bars.

Gwen just passed the finishing line just in time to see Joseé taken away in a cage with a helicopter. She walked towards the other contestants while she watched the helicopter fly away. "What was that all about?" She asked. "She was being a maniac," Jo said with ease.

Chris cleared his throat and smiled. "Well then! Since we have a tie, let's assign these teens! Lightning, you're with Team Eagle and Jr. you're on Team Cheetah. Hope 'ya survive boy!"

Jr. just smiled and went to his team. He was satisfied. Having Bronze has his teammate was enough for him. He's like a big brother he never had.

Lightning was a bit disappointed. Not having Jo in his team saddens him. But, he still got a good bet with Brisk, because, for his eyes, she can replace Jo if she wants to, for she not only has the skill, she also has better looks.

"Hey! My name's Sha-Lightning. And I know, you could tell, I'm a-awesome!" Lightning introduced. Brisk raised a brow and walked off to talk to Izzy. Lightning sighed. He really liked Jo as she is. Why would he think of replacing her?

At night, Brisk and Bronze decided to meet up. They met up somewhere in the corners of the island.

"So..." Brisk started, "I'm guessing you want to have another bet?" She asked, sarcastically. "And so do you, dear sister," Bronze said, easily reading his twin's mind. Brisk smirked. "Well, brother, if you must know..." She put her finger on her chin, acting like she was thinking, "how about we more trainees?"

Bronze wasn't fazed. Of course, training Dawn was hard. But he knew she could use her powers for good. And for Noah, Bronze suspected that Brisk only chose him for more drama and the fulfillment of her ship.  He's wondering what do they have in common? Other than having a competitive nature.

"I thought to deal with Noah was enough. Now, you want to deal with Lightning too?"

"I don't necessarily need it to be the new kid. Besides, having a little kid to be your trainee? That would take too much energy."

"You never know unless you try," Bronze smirked. That winning smile on his face made Brisk sick. After the incident a long time ago, they still haven't learned their lesson on being less competitive and harsh(I'll tell you when the time comes).

"Fine," Bronze said as he rolled his eyes. "One more bet. Get a new trainee and help them win the finales," Bronze extended his arm and smirked. There was an advantage Bronze had. He was more patient and a good teacher. Brisk, on the other hand, was always too fast(you can tell by her power), and she is as stubborn as a boulder. "Winner gets a Star Ruby," Brisk finalized and shook Bronze's hand.

A pink glowing string appeared from both of their palms, wrapping it around each other's risk, as they tightened their grip. The string disappeared after their blood dropped on the ground. They both let go and nodded. This was how they make deals. It runs through their family for more than a century. It was to ensure the bond, and if broken, might lead to having consequences, such as bloodloss and months of bad luck.

Brisk and Bronze went back to their cabins and plumped down on their beds. "And where have you been, amigo?" Alejandro's accented voice asked. Bronze could feel the smirk of curiosity and evil planning of this handsome anaconda. "Lo siento Alejandro, but, my business is none of yours," Bronze replied as he looked at the snake across his bed. Alejandro grinned and said, "very well. Buenas noches, amigo."

Because I wrote such a short chapter, I'm giving this to you. Don't forget to like and follow me! Love you!~❤

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