Chapter 1

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The campers settled down their new renovated cabins. It was bigger, painted, and had a couch and TV. They were actually surprised because Chris giving them this? The players now think that Chris is lost his mind.

Noah sat down and read a book on the couch. He and Cody were the only ones left, due to their teammates going exploring.

"Hey, Noah. "

"What?" Noah really didn't want to bother at his break-time.

"Can we play a game?"

"Why don't you play with Sierra?"

"She's on the other team."

"That won't stop her from stalking you."

Noah chuckled at his little come-back. Cody frowned and looked at what Noah was reading.

And as William leaned in, Kristian hesitated. He wasn't sure of what he's supposed to do.

"Just do it, " Noah mumbled as he continued reading.

"Do what?" Cody asked.

"None of your business."

"Could you explain to me what the book plot is about?"

"You won't understand. "

Cody frowned and had an idea.

"Well, if you don't want tot to tell me... " Cody snatched the book and stepped away from Noah. "Hey!" Noah exclaimed. "I'll just read it myself, " Cody then ran around the room with Noah chasing him.

Noah tried to grab Cody, but he was too agile and fast. "Give me back my book!" Noah yelled as he tried in vain to get back his book. 😒

Noah sighed and thought for a second... Then an idea hit him.

Cody noticed that Noah wasn't chasing him now. "Aren't you gonna get your book back?" Noah stayed perfectly still like a camouflaged predator waiting for his prey. "Noah~," Cody said as took a few steps towards Noah, with the book in hand.

Cody took another step and that's where Noah pounced onto Cody, inning him down to the floor. Cody gulped as to the thought of Noah doing something like vengeance (I'm a terrible writer). Noah grinned as he slips his book away from Cody's grasp. Then the two heard a click sound. It came from the window.

They both looked and saw Izzy and Brisk laughing. Cody and Noah blushed at their current position.

They stood up and the room fell into an awkward silence...

"I'm gonna go outside now..." Cody excused himself as he exited the cabin.

Noah sat at the couch again and pulled out a brown notebook and a pen. Then he lightly smiled and blushed as he wrote another entry on the notebook.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the forest...

Courtney was sitting on a boulder while writing on a book that says, "Total Drama Season XX" then she heard a rustle in the bushes.

She looked around and saw Scott. "Sorry, did I disturbed you?" Scott apologized. Courtney smiled and shook her head, and continued writing.

Scott sat down beside her and asked, "what are you writing?"

"On my Total Drama Journal. It has my experiences in Total Drama and every season I got into, so when I finally got out of this hellhole, I might have proof that Chris is responsive for Human And Animal Endangerment, "

Courtney explained, which Scott understood nothing of it. "Oh that's cool, I guess, " that was the only sentence Scott got out of his mouth.

There was an awkward silence, which was broken by Courtney closing her book. "So why are you here?" She asked. "Well uh..." Scott blushed and looked her through her eyes. She was smiling, like a genuine smile. Feel G like she doesn't have a care for the world anymore. "I wanted to.. You know... Get back together?" Scott said nervously.

It's quite obvious by now that he's a nervous wreck. "Get back together? Really?" Courtney asked. Scott nodded with a sheepish smile. "After all, I have done? After I backstabbed you in All-Stars?" She asked, feeling guilty. She wasn't acting herself.

Something changed her. She wasn't the bossy scheming Courtney anymore. She was more of a reflected-on-herself-and-admitted-she-was-guilty Courtney.

"Well yeah. I mean, I'm not forcing you or anything, I just... Really want you back, " Scott said, looking pitiful. Courtney looked at him and smiled. "That's really nice of you Scott. Maybe I could give it another try?" Courtney said, and much to Scott's delight. Scott hugged her and Courtney higher back.

They had a normal conversation on what to do in their relationship. Scott was like an obedient dog that Courtney can just tell him what to do. He even suggested the list Courtney gave Duncan. In a much shorter description, Courtney and Scott were planning to head on a better relationship.
Welcome to the end of Chapter 1. I know it's not much but at least it's twice as long. In the next chapter is the first challenge so please, bear with me.

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