Chapter 16

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The campers' ship stopped at the dock of the island. They all sighed, groaned, and frowned at the thought that they were back at this game. Two weeks wasn't enough for 2 years of pain in this show. And to think they were gonna have to stay here for a year! It was fun while it lasted though.

Chris welcomed back the campers as they went back to their cabins.

While they were unpacking, there was a knock on the door. Noah sighed loudly and went to the door because his teammates are mostly sleeping or too busy chatting.

Noah opened the door to have Emma jumping on him laughing. "Noah!" Emma exclaimed as she kissed him. Noah shoved Emma off and wiped his lips.

"What's wrong? Did I hurt you?" She asked frantically, cupping his face. Noah frowned and removed her hands.

The boys were all... Umm... Shock, I guess?

"This has to stop!" Noah exclaimed as he stood up.

"We are done! Remember?! You said it yourself!" Noah scolded as Emma stood up.

Noah pushed her off the cabin and said, "don't do that ever again!" And slammed the door.

"That was harsh harsh dude, " Duncan said.

"He's still mad at her, " Owen replied as Noah went past the talking boys and landed on his bed.

"Why..." Noah muttered.

Cody felt bad. He knew well about having a stalker around you twenty-four/seven. But seeing Emma kissed him in front of his own eyes hurt him so badly. It was like his heart was shattering. They were over, yes, but that doesn't stop Emma from getting back Noah, whatever it takes. And I mean whatever it takes. I'm gonna have a yandere story if you guys vote for my chapters.

Sierra saw how Noah slammed the door behind Emma. She pitied the poor girl. She walked towards her as Emma began to tear up.

She started to walk back to the hotel until Sierra caught up with her.

"What do you want?" Emma rudely asked.

Since her break up with Noah, Emma has been cold and isolated. All she ever had was her little diary. If you read it, it was most likely her regretting breaking up with Noah and how she misses him so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much.

"I just wanted to know if you were okay, " Sierra replied, now walking beside her.

"Of course, I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be?" Emma replied and walked faster.

"It's just that I heard you were rejected by Noah and all, " Sierra replied as she matches her pace.

"That has nothing to do with you, " Emma said as she tried to walk faster, trying to give the tall girl a hint that she wants to be alone.

Sierra pulled her by the shoulder to make her stop. "Even if you join this show, he'll just vote you off, " Sierra warned.

"He is nothing like Cody! He is kind, funny, cool, amazing, everything Cody is not and more!" Emma slapped Sierra's arm and glared at her.

"Cody is everything Noah is!" Sierra defended. Sierra might not like Cody anymore but she still is Cody's #1 Fan.

Emma scoffed and started to walk away again, "whatever." 

Sierra stood there. Silent. Many people have walked away from her so many times because of her obsession with Cody.

" Is Cody really everything Noah is?" She asked herself as she teared up.

"Of course he is! He is everything and better and better! All you need is Cody! No one else!" Her inner thoughts screamed. Tears started to fall as she tried to cover them.

"Sierra!" A familiar voice said.

"Are you okay? Did someone hurt you?" Jo asked as she put a hand on her tan shoulder.

Sierra looked at her with teary eyes and smiled. She hugged Jo and replied, "I'm fine. Nobody hurt. I guess it's just a stage of letting Cody go."

Jo's cheeks turned as red as lava and she can't stop a fangirling smile on her face. She patted Sierra's back and hugged her back. Whatever Jo is feeling in her stomach is the best damn feeling in the world!

Sierra smiled as she felt the warm embrace of her dearest companion. She can't believe she said it. She was convincing herself to key Cody go.

"Maybe Cody isn't my everything after all..."


I know, I know. Sierra is so out of character. And Jo too. But I want a new ship! And my story is getting far! Do you know how hard it is to join school, sports, clubs, activities, musicals, YouTube, and Wattpad all together?!!!

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