Chapter 19

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While this was all happening, the others were looking at them with big separate screens. Cody felt a little uneasy when Noah broke. Emma was wide-eyed.

"You okay, sis?" Kitty asked beside her.

"Yeah... Yeah..." Emma was putting her head between her hands, "I am completely fine..."

She said as she smiled. She then started to maniacally laugh. People were now backing away from the umm, obsessive girl? Yeah.

"Ahahahahahaha!" Emma pulled out a knife from her shoes and shot it at Carrie and Noah's screen. "It's just broken. Noah didn't say that. He wouldn't say anything to me!" Emma was losing it as she was laughing. She walked away from the others and into the cabin and smiled so widely, she could fit her face for that.

"Woah. And I thought Sierra was the ultimate fangirl but that girl is 10 times more crazy!" Leshawna commented. People agreed. And yes, I am making her the Yandere of this story.

Now back with Jo and Lightning, Lightning was trying to catch the raccoon and make it stay in the cage, but it simply couldn't. Jo would just roller eyes and tried to make something out of the grass.

"I just don't sha-get it!" Lightning exclaimed, "why won't the raccoon stay in the sha-cage?!"

"Would you stop saying sha for once?!" Jo explained, annoyed with being stuck with him for hours, "of course it won't stay in the cage because it's small! The cage is big with big holes! Don't you have logic?! Even I wouldn't be that stupid!"

Jo tightened her grip on the grass as she starts weaving again. Lightning seems to notice and sat down with her and tried to understand what this girl needs. "What are you making?" Lightning asked.

"I'm trying to make something that can lure the raccoon and make him stay, " Jo explained as she tightened the last end.

Jo then laid it down on the ground. It is laid under the tree the raccoon escaped. The raccoon popped and went closer to the handicraft. It went closer and closer until it was at the center. The raccoon tried to bite it but was caught in all of the grass. It was like a cat stuck in yarn.

"Wow! How did you make that?" Lightning asked. Jo smiled at her victory. "Sierra taught me how to make one. She's a master weaver, " Jo said as she picked the raccoon up with her hands and put it aside. She then made a barrier that would unable the raccoon to escape.

"That's really smart, Jo, " Lightning complimented. Jo was waiting for him to mention himself but it never came. It was odd since he wasn't the Lightning she knew back then.

"Thanks. I owe it all to Sierra, " she said. She smiled at the thought of her name. "Come on, let's go to the next stage."

Noah and Carrie were trying to catch the mouse. It was slippery and looked like it was being controlled or something. Noah tried to grab it but t slipped. Noah groaned in frustration. "What are we going to do now, leader?" Noah asked, highlighting the leader making it look like it's her fault for dragging him into this mess. 

Carrie looked around and saw some twigs and vines. "Why don't we build a cage? You could use your lightning shocks or whatever you call them to scare the mouse into the cage," Carrie explained.

Noah was a bit surprised by her strategy. "Let's give it a try."

They started to build a small cage. Noah then went to try and find the critter. hile Noah was away, Carrie was building extra cages. 

Jr. and Bronze were almost done with their puzzle. They already collected 95 pieces and the puzzle picture was clearly a picture from the first season. 

When they found the last 5, they cheered, but the tables turned. The blue in Jr. and Bronze's eyes started to fade. The spell Bronze cast was fading.  

"Dangit! I run out of power!" Bronze said. 

"Don't worry. We just need to find the box. If we split up, we'll cover more ground," Jr. said. 

Bronze nodded and both of them ran to find the box faster.

(I'm tired of switching activities. Let's start with Lightning and Jo first.)

The two waited for the raccoon to get into their trap. They waited behind a bush. Jo waited patiently, which is unusual, and Lighting sat nervously beside the girl of his dreams. 

"So..." Lightning started, "how was your time here on the island? Was is sha-awesome?"

"Totally the opposite, " Jo replied. Lightning was a bit nervous when he saw the impatience and boredom in her eyes. He wanted to get her excited.

"What's the best thing you sha-have here?" Lightning asked. He wanted to know for sure if this girl really likes him. He wanted to figure out if she's going to talk about him.

"Nothing..." Jo replied. Lightning's heart sank. "Except..." Jo continued. Lightning was now filled with hope again. He was crossing his fingers behind his back in hopes Jo would mention him. "Sierra." Lightning wasn't expecting this but he could say it wasn't far as to be expected.

"Tell me sha-why, " Lightning said. He calmed his own mind down to hear Jo's voice.

"Well..." She started, "Sierra is a pretty girl. She also helped me a lot. She's amazing, beautiful, talented, sensitive, and everything else I could wish for. Too bad she fell too hard for that twerp, Cody. I wanted her all to myself. Whenever I see her, it's like my heart wants to bounce out of my chest and kiss her. Maybe I'm in love..."

"Sha-what?!!!" Lightning didn't expect her to say any of that. He thought that Sierra was just her best friend. Jo realized all that she said.

"What? No!!! I was just spacing out!!! I didn't mean any of that!!!"

"Are you sure about that? 'Cuz I think you're sha-head over heels, girl, " Lightning laughed. "Hey! It's not funny!" Jo blushed and punched Lightning on the arm.

"Sorry Jo. I just liked to see sha-see you smile, " Lightning said. "And what is that supposed to mean?" Jo asked. "Jo..." Lightning slightly cupped Jo's chin, "Jo, I-"

Before Lightning could say anything, the trap was activated and caught a raccoon. "It worked!" Jo exclaimed happily as she has the raccoon in her hands. "Let's go before the other teams catch up, " Jo said excitedly and ran. Lightning sighed and followed her weakly.

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