Chapter 5

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The players were in the campfire, none of them seem excited. Some of them felt very confident, but others were shaking, hoping that they won't get voted off.

Chris then walked in front of them and explained, "you know what to do, " and appeared a tray of 8 marshmallows.

"So the people who won't be voted off is... Heather, Alejandro, Jo, Sierra, Bronze, Dawn, and Sky. Beth is at stake for not finding anything during the scavenger hunt, and for exposing your team on the fishing challenge, "

Beth bit her lower lip to stop it from trembling. Why didn't she just kept her mouth shut?

"And DJ, you refused to catch the fish during the scavenger hunt, and for not cutting the fish in the cook-off, "

DJ lowered his head, waiting for Beth's name to be called.

"And the last marshmallow goes to..." The suspense was killing then that.  "Beth, " Chris tossed the last marshmallow to her, as DJ lowered his head. DJ started to walk on the dock of shame and giving a glance towards his teammates.

The others waved goodbye with some sad faces and smirks. "Take care DJ!" Bronze said, which enlighten some pleasure in DJ's heart. "This way, please..." Chris led DJ to a, what seems to be a jet ski with a driver up to the front. DJ hopped on to the jet ski and waved good-bye to his teammates. 

The jet ski zoomed off, with players going back to their cabins.

With Team Cheetah girls... 

While the other girls were chatting inside of their cabin, Sierra watched as Cody and Noah chat, and sometimes, they would also blush or laugh. "I bet their talking about Gwen..." Sierra thought as she went back to World Tour where they built Gwen's face. That was a regret. 

She looked at him again and sighed. Bronze looked out of the window and saw Sierra all sad. He sighed and muttered, "Brisk. Don't break another girl..."

Bronze sighed and took out his mini-keyboard... What? Didn't thought that the musical would actually happen?

He sat beside the windowsill and started to play. 

(Sorry if it describes Gwen poorly. I don't want the other version)

She's got black eyes, long legs

Pretty rosy cheeks

And I've got dark skin, plum hair

Not what you wanted

Baby I'm sorry

I'm not exactly what you had in mind,

But please, don't leave

If you stay, I'll promise I will change your mind...

And is it too much to ask to just feel wanted?

To feel the love I feel for you returned?

And is it so wrong that you could love me?

I guess the problem is that I'm not her

She's got a big smile, soft hands

Perfect gothy glimmers

I've got long jeans, chipped nails,

Everything is simple

Baby I'm sorry

I'm not exactly what you had in mind,

But please, don't leave

If you stay, I'll promise I will change your mind...

And is it too much to ask to just feel wanted?

To feel the love I feel for you returned?

And is it so wrong that you could love me?

I guess the problem is that I'm not her

I'm not her, I'm not her


She's got black eyes, long legs

Pretty rosy cheeks

And I've got dark skin, plum hair

Not what you wanted anymore...

At end of her song, she was weeping, until she fell asleep.

Jo came back from her night-walk and was heading back to the cabin. She then saw Sierra on the stairs. "Sierra!" Jo rushed over to her and tried to wake her up, but it was no use, Sierra was sleeping like a log. 

Jo noticed Sierra's moist cheek and thought that she was crying. Jo gritted teeth. She picked up Sierra and laid her down on to her bed. "I'm gonna find out who hurt Sierra," Jo thought to herself. 

She leaned in to put a little on a little kiss on Sierra's forehead, but she can't do it. Jo sighed and quietly backed away. "Goodnight Sierra..." Her name made Jo's cheeks flushed. She climbed on to her top bunk and fell asleep. 

After Jo fell asleep, Dawn crawled out of her bed and looked for the hidden camera. She found it and took out the chip. She exited the cabin and went to the Eagle's cabin. There waiting outside was Brisk. 

Brisk smirked to see the sight of Dawn. Dawn handed her the chip and she smiled. "Good job Dawn. I think I owe you," Brisk said, looking expectantly at Dawn. "No need Brisk. Helping you and them was good enough," Dawn smiled. 

Brisk's aura suddenly turned yellow to pink. "How about, when this is all over, I set you and my brother on a date?" Brisk offered. A pink blush found its way to Dawn's cheeks. "Oh no no no," Brisk waved her hands to decline. "It's a good offer though. Bronze has it bad for you," Brisk said as she examines the chip. "Guess we'll see each other tomorrow. Night Dawn," Brisk said as she entered she entered the cabin.

Dawn lightly breathed as the thought of being together with Bronze crossed her mind. A small shy smirk appeared on Dawn's face as she raced back to her own cabin. 




So guys, like my new chapter? Also, if you want. I can make another musical chapter as long as you vote for the chapters. Thanks for the support! Question, who is your favorite ship that I made up? JoXSierra or DawnXBronze? Tell me your ship name ideas. I'll figure out more ships in the future. Don't forget to vote, comment, and share. Bye~

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