Chapter 6

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Duncan was carving a mini wooden skull early in the morning. He looked at the finished product and it reminded him with the one that he gave to Courtney. He was about to let himself cry until she said, "suck it."

Duncan looked up to see a mad Brisk. "What?" He asked with a slight chuckled. "I said suck it," Brisk repeated. She sighed and sat down beside him, under the tree. 

"What brings you here, Speedy?" 

"I like the nickname, and I was about to ask you the same thing.

"I would rather cry alone in the forest than to sulk myself, seeing how cute of a couple Courtney and Scott are."

"Wow. You fell hard dude, but if I were Courtney, I wouldn't feel sorry for you either, seeing how you cheated on her-"

"I know! I get!"

Duncan let out a frustrated sigh and banged his head on the tree. "If you keep doing that, you'll make your-" 

"SHUT UP!" Duncan yelled at the girl. She just smirked and said, "make me," which was a big mistake.

Duncan aggressively pinned Brisk to the ground and pressed his face against hers. 

Brisk was shocked. Duncan is kissing her right now this instant! Her mind was completely blank; as if everything was gone; she feels like this is only a dream.

When Duncan pulled away, he was met with a blank stare of Brisk as her cheeks slowly redden. Duncan suddenly knew what he did, and backed away from Brisk. Brisk sat up as she stared at Duncan. 

Their eyes met, not wanting to break the communication between their eyes. "Brisk!" the silence was interrupted when Bronze ran up to her. 

Bronze hugged her little sister, in fear that she would disappear again. "Why were you here?" Bronze asked. Brisk didn't reply. She just sat there. Bronze looked at what she's starring to see Duncan. 

Bronze's over-protective-senses quirk up and said, "you..." 

Bronze's eyes glowed white and lifted Duncan without a finger. Brisk gasped, seeing Duncan being lifted up. "What the f*** did you do to my sister?!" Bronze yelled as he used his power to choke Duncan's neck. 

Duncan held his neck as he struggled to breathe. Brisk didn't know what to do. "Bronze stop! Let me explain!" Brisk begged her brother as he starred in her eyes. Emotions of worry, sadness, shock, and fear were in her eyes, and angry merciless beams danced around Bronze's glowing eyes. 

Brisk grabbed his face and looked him deep into his eyes and quietly whisper, "he means no harm. Let him go." 

Brisk connected their foreheads and chanted a spell. Bronze slowly closed his eyes as Duncan fell from the ground. 

Brisk released his face and hoped that it worked. When Bronze opened his eyes they were back to normal. Bronze smiled sweetly and said, "you have a lot of explaining to do." 

Brisk blushed and looked at Duncan. 

Meanwhile with Izzy...

Izzy looked at the photos she took. They were all photos of Brisk, Duncan, and Bronze on their supposedly private moment, but on this island, there is no such thing as privacy.

She climbed down the tree and ran towards camp. "Hey everyone!" Izzy exclaimed, catching everyone's attention. "I have a very juicy story!" Izzy exclaimed as she waved the photos in her hand, which everyone started to gather around.

"Give me that!" Heather said as the photos she looked at shocked her. The photo was snatched by Sky that she passed on. 

Everyone had questioning stares at Izzy. They were waiting for a story. "How did this happen?" Courtney asked, staring at a picture of Duncan and Brisk. 

"Well, I was having my daily exercise by climbing trees, until I heard Brisk and Duncan's conversation. I didn't mean to eavesdrop but it was just so juicy. I kind of took pictures of them because I thought they were cute together. Then Duncan shouted, "Shut up!" and Brisk said, "make me!" and then Duncan pinned her down. When he pulled away, they awkwardly blushed and stared at each other for maybe, three minutes until Bronze came running in. He snapped and his eyes glowed and he chocked Duncan with his levitation power and stuff. Brisk begged for him to stop, and then chanted something to make him calm down. Man! You guys should have been there! The whole drama was extreme!"  

Everyone was speechless. Izzy isn't lying, is she? Then as if on queue, Bronze, Brisk, and Duncan came out of the entrance of the forest. Some players were gathering around to show them the pictures and ask them questions about what actually happens.  

"Everyone, please. Let them have a moment of peace," Dawn said as people started to part their ways. "Thanks, Dawn," Bronze said. Dawn slightly blushed and replied, "of course I'll leave you now." 

"Courtney must have seen the picture," Duncan muttered to himself and went to find Courtney. 


Courtney sat on a tree stump and began writing on her journal. She quietly wrote her thoughts of her day. She wouldn't admit it but she feels a little bit heartbroken. She already has Scott, and she still likes him a lot. More than like actually, but love? She doesn't know. 

"Hey, Courtney," she was disrupted from her thoughts. "Hello, Duncan," Courtney replied while her eyes wandered off the ground. "What's gotten into you, Princess? You seem nicer and quieter than ever. What's acting up?" Duncan asked as he sat down beside her.

Courtney just sighed and said, "I wanted to change. I took anger management classes and self-discovery clubs, so I could find out why everyone was slowly starting to despise me." 

"That's deep, Princess."

"How about you? You're jealous at Scott and took it out by making out with another girl? That's low, Duncan."

"Sorry..." Duncan slowly said as he remembered the incident. "It's like you wanted to make me jealous by hooking up with Brisk," Courtney remarked.

Duncan awkwardly chuckled and said, "I wasn't thinking at that time."

There was a long awkward silence between them. Courtney sighed and shut her journal closed. 

"Listen, Duncan, I don't want this relationship rivalry to get in the way. I forgive you and don't hold a grudge on you, but don't be angry if I date other guys. I think it's better if we stayed friends."

Courtney stood up and offered a handshake to seal the deal. Duncan chuckled and shook her hand. Courtney smiled and left. 

Duncan watches her fade in the distance. He held his hands over his head and lowered it. He thought about the kiss. He tried to search in his mind if he has feelings for Brisk. He muttered, "this island is messing with me."




Thank you for reading my chapter. This is such an accomplishment! 2/3 chapters in a day! So yeah...New ship! Tell me the ship names you could think of for JoXSierra, DawnXBronze, and DuncanXBrisk. Don't forget to comment, like, and vote. Bye!

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