Chapter 10

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The sports horn blew loudly at the speaker as players came outside frustrated. "Gaaaagh!" Brisk chopped the speaker, with an ax, in pieces of frustration and everyone watched as she furiously chopped it bit by bit. She turned around to the players. "If anyone ever and I mean EVER wakes me up again, I swear, YOU will be the next on I CHOP!" Brisk threatened as the fellow campers back away. "Whoa. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed, " Chris chuckled with the cameraman. Without warning, Brisk threw the ax towards the cameraman and it landed in the middle of the camera.

"Watch the face!"  Chris yelled. Chris cleared his throat and started to speak.

"As I was saying, good morning campers. Today, we will be dodging sports balls, on ice!"

Chris then leads them to an ice rink. They wore ice skates and coats and was waiting for Chris to finish his instructions.

"So for this challenge, you will be dodging big and small balls while skating on ice. If you fall, you fail. The last one standing will win for their team. Now into the rink!" Chris commanded as he blew the sports horn again.

When everyone was inside, Chris and Chef were now throwing balls at them. Scott and Courtney were practically dancing while Duncan just watches them in jealousy. Yes, he still likes Courtney. Scott spun Courtney on ice as she laughs and giggles. Duncan watched in awe as Courtney's beauty distracted him, resulting in a basketball on his chest.

Heather mostly slip and stay on the sides and gripped on the edges as her life depended on it, but when she was hit by a football, her hand slipped and she fell... On Alejandro.

"Be more careful Mi Amor, " Alejandro warned as he helped her up. Heather smiled, she SMILED! "Thanks..." She replied with softness in her voice that lit up Alejandro's heart. Some contestants stared at her sudden out-of-character. "... For nothing!" And just like that, the hope in Alejandro's heart shattered into pieces. And as Heather wobbled away, she got hit by a tennis ball and fell. "For nothing indeed..." Alejandro mocked as he skated pass her.

Sky doesn't seem to have any problems with skating, and Dave's not here. No point in describing her 😒.

Jo was competing with Brisk on who might skate the fastest and dodge the least, but when Jo saw Sierra having trouble skating, her focus was somewhere else. Sierra was constantly hit by balls, and when a soccer ball hit her, she almost fell. And like on queue, Jo rushed to catch her fall. "Thanks, Jo," Sierra smiled and looked into her flawless indigo eyes. "No prob," she smiled and got hit by tons of balls causing her to fall big time. "You lost!" Brisk shouted. Jo growled and cursed under her breath. "Don't worry," Sierra said as she helped her up. "I'll make it up to you," she promised as she held her hand until she exited the skating rink. Jo blushed all the way but she was grateful Sierra didn't notice it. 

Cody wobbled on the ice as he struggles to stay straight up and dodge the balls. "You okay Codester?" Noah came up to him as his face almost fell on the ice. "Thanks for that catch," Cody said as he retained his position on the sidelines. "How are you so good at this? I thought you would at least need something to hold on to," Cody commented. Noah shrugged and skated alongside Cody with his hands behind his back. "My sister invites me to skate with her friends sometimes," Noah replied. Cody and Noah both had a conversation about their past lives and Noah's skating lessons. He offered to teach Cody and he cheerfully accepted. Their conversation was cut short when they were both hit by the balls, leading Cody on top of Noah. "Well... This is awkward..."

Bronze and Dawn slid through the ice while having a conversation about the importance of the environment and what they will do with the money if they won.

Bronze and Brisk agreed to not use their abilities. And their trainees too. Both of them had an advantage anyway: Bronze may use his telekineses to force their skates to stay on the ice and stop the balls, and Brisk can dodge the balls easily with her speed and stay on ice since she's a very skilled ice-skater. So I guess, Brisk and Bronze were mutual? 

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