Chapter 7

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It was already two days when Sierra cried on the stairs. It was a weird feeling for her, but she feels less affectionate for Cody.

Cody sighed in relief when he noticed that Sierra wasn't stalking him for a day. He liked the feeling when no one was constantly watching him with every move.

Sierra was outside the cabin while she drew. She borrowed a sketch pad and a pencil from Bronze as she drew what seemed to be her in a wedding dress. She still wasn't sure of the future, but it's fun to imagine it.

"What do we have here?" Brisk asked as she sat down beside Sierra. Brisk looked over and saw her drawing. "That's really pretty, Sierra, " Brisk commented which brought a smile onto her face. "Say, who's the lucky guy you plan on going out with?" Brisk asked with a cheesy grin plastered on her face. "Oh. I don't know. I always like imagining Cody and me in the future, but now, I'm not really quite sure, " Sierra replied. Brisk could not be more... Surprised.

Sierra doesn't like Cody anymore? What kind of universe is this? Is the author crazy or something?! The answer is yes.

"Well, then. If you found you're lucky someone, just let me know so I could set you up, " Brisk felt weird supporting for Sierra. She called her brat in the scavenger hunt, which she feels really guilty right now. "Thanks, Brisk, " Sierra said as she finished the drawing. She tore it and gave the sketch pad to Brisk. "Please return this to your brother, " Sierra requested as she heads back to her cabin.

Meanwhile with Dawn...

Dawn was sitting in the grass while meditating. She then heard a rustle in the bush. She smiled and said, "you know I can sense your presence Bronze." Bronze chuckled as he came out of the bush. Dawn looked at him and asked, "what are you doing here?"

"I thought you remembered."

Dawn thought about what she had missed. Bronze sat down in front of her as he smiled. Dawn blushed at the sight of his adorable, innocent smile. "I was supposed to teach you a new ability right?" Bronze asked.

"Oh, " Dawn blushed in realization. "You didn't have to do that. I'm fine with the support of the mother nature, " Dawn said shyly. "A promise is a promise, " Bronze said as he took out a medium-sized book out of the bush.

Dawn examined it and then looked at Bronze. "My family and I use spellbooks to master other kinds of abilities, " Bronze explained, "we will only use this as our guide. You already connect with the mother nature, so it can be also your source of abilities."

Dawn then looked into the book. Bronze put six stones on top of the book. Blue, green, red, yellow, white, and black.

"To know the element you correspond to, place your hand in the center of the book, and whichever gen shines, that's your element."

Dawn nodded and gently laid her hand on the book.


It was pretty much expected. "So, where do I start?" Dawn asked. Bronze grinned and replied, "well, we start off with the basics. Talking to plants. "

"But I already communicate with them."

"Nature-whispering is more than communicating with plants. Command it to do something unnatural. Do you want an example?”

Dawn was puzzled. Bronze lowered down and whispered something to the ground. Then, a little sprout popped up. It then bloomed into a beautiful white and yellow flower.

Dawn watched in awe as the flower's height grew into right inches. "See? Even without seed, you can command the Earth to produce flowers of any shape or color. Would you like to try?" Bronze said. Dawn smiled and nodded. "Then, we start."

Meanwhile with Duncan...

He was walking in the woods, trying to clear his thoughts. He still couldn't believe that he kissed Brisk. What was he supposed to think?

He heard something rustling in the trees. He looked up and saw Brisk relaxing while reading a book.

She looked beautiful when there was shade in parts of her hair as the sunlight pokes her here and there. Duncan couldn't help but stare. "You know, you could just say something then endlessly starting at me, " Brisk's words brought Duncan back to reality, and he simply just blushed. Brisk jumped down from the tree and made eye contact with him, which Duncan tried to avoid.

"So, what do you want to say?" Brisk directly asked. Duncan took a quick glance at her and shook his head. Then he walked off. "I would have believed you if you weren't staring for a full five minutes but if you really hate the subject that much, then there's nothing I could do, " Brisk said as she walked away with her book in hand. Duncan watched her as she walked away from sight.

He doesn't know how to feel. His heart was beating rapidly when she talked, but when she walked away, he felt like being dumped. They weren't even dating! The author is so stupid to put this in his characteristic! What was she even thinking?! Answer: She wasn't, and she should probably shut the forth wall now.

Duncan shook his head and walked in the opposite direction. "What the hell? Have I become soft?"




Ship names? Any suggestions? Also, I might not update often because of my upcoming back-to-school. I'm starting the first year of high school now, and wish me luck. I hope I can survive... Don't forget to vote, comment, and share. Oh, and I might continue this to the 25th chapter or more... Don't count won't though. I might delete this...

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