Chapter 12

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The next week, the campers woke up with an ordinary alarm clock ticking off. The campers went out of their cabins in better shape. "Good morning campers! Today is a musical!" Chris announced as the campers groaned. They wish not to sing every time a bell rings.

"But don't worry. It's not like World Tour, " Chris said as the players eased a little bit. "We're just gonna have a little singing competition, " Chris smiled. The players didn't really react to it positively or negatively. How bad can it be anyway?

"You need to choose three members of your team to perform a song using an instrument. You can vocally do it too. And whoever wins will have a deluxe night with me and Chef in a 5-star hotel!"

The players cheered at the prize. "Oh and no elimination tonight, " Chris added which added more enjoyment to the players. "You got 8 hours to prepare and choose. Good luck! Oh and no duos, " Chris smiled as he walked off.

The players were talking who will play tonight.

With Team Eagle...

"So, I can't sing with my violin. Who else want s to try?" Courtney asked. "Me and Cody!" Brisk replied enthusiastically.

"Didn't you hear Chris? No duos, " Zoey reminded.

"Yeah, I know. But I taught Cody how to play the guitar last week, " Brisk stated.

Brisk took out her guitar and handed it to Cody. Cody then starts to play a tune.

"That's nice and all but can you sing with the guitar?" Duncan asked, a little impressed that the little man knows how to play.

"Yeah. I've been practicing and I wrote my own song too. But I prefer to sing it on stage, " Cody said and blushed.

Brisk whispered something into Izzy's ear. And they both started giggling.

"Sure. Who else can play?" Courtney asked as she looked around.

Owen raised her hand and Courtney disagreed before he could speak, "Owen, I don't think fart music is vocalizing."

In the end, the team chose Brisk, Cody, and Duncan.

With Team Cheetah...

"Okay, they already got their players. Who will be good enough to play against them?" Heather asked as she looked around.

"I could play the guitar, " Alejandro volunteered. "Sure. Whatever " Heather rolled her eyes as if she didn't care but she was honestly excited for Alejandro's performance.

"I have a keytar with me, " Bronze said. Heather nodded and he went back to the cabin to get his instrument.

"Okay, so we have Bronze and Alejandro. I guess I will be doing it since I know how to play the piano, " Heather said as the team shrugged. They were used to Heather's boasts. They couldn't play instruments anyway.


Chris and Chef sat on the judging table with the ex-campers. They invited them to laugh with them when something goes wrong, but as the author, I don't want them messing up. They also invited the non-competitors on the bleachers.

Heather was first. She was dressed in a black evening gown and sat on the piano. She wished it was a grand piano but this is all they could afford.

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