Chapter 2

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There was a loud honk which made the players wake up and even fall from their beds. The players got out of their cabins with their tired eyes. And there stood in front was Chris. "Greetings campers!" Chris said with his voice caused the irritation of the campers. Well, their day off was fun while it lasted. "For our first challenge today, we will be going fishing! So put on your bathing suits and meet me in the docks in 10!" Chris announced as the campers went back to their cabins.

Sometime later...

The campers were in the docks as the cameraman examines them.

"So for our first challenge, two players will have to dive in and catch fish with their bare hands. One player will count how many fish they got in 3 minutes. The most fish wins! You got a minute to decide on who to dive and count."

Meanwhile with Team Eagle...

"So who's swimming?" Duncan asked. "Totally not me! Fang might be in there!" Scott said, terrified at the thought of the mutant shark. "Aww. It's okay Scott. No one's forcing you, " Courtney said as she patted her boyfriend's back. "Since when did you care for him?" Duncan asked.

He thought that his feelings of anger were just from the fact that Courtney wasn't focusing on the challenge, but the real reason Duncan was mad is that that he was jealous, and everyone in the team knew it.

"Since we started dating again. Why do you care if I care for him? You don't have to be so jealous, Duncan, " Courtney countered back.

Duncan was angered. "I am not jealous!"

"Then why are you acting this way?!"

The two teens argued about Duncan's jealousy and Noah decided to take charge. "Okay, listen up everyone, " Noah said, grabbing the attention from the players, "I will do the counting. Who's going to volunteer for swimming?"

"Me!" Izzy and Brisk said in unison. "Wow. It's like we know each other longer than we thought, " Izzy said with a slight smirk. Brisk giggled and said, "I know right?"

Meanwhile with team Cheetah...

"Okay. So here's the order. I will do the counting while Jo and Sierra swim, " Heather instructed. "Can I swim instead?" Bronze asked. "We already picked Sierra. And that's final, " Heather said with pride in her voice.

"More like you picked her..." Bronze mumbled under his breath. "What was that?" Heather asked, more of anger than curiosity. "Nothing, Feather, " Bronze said. "It's HEAther!" Heather countered back with much anger, "great. We have another Lindsay. "

While Sierra's team was arguing and bickering, she looked over to the other team and smiled at the sight of Cody. "Codykins! Over here!" Sierra called.

Cody slightly looked to the other team, then went to chat with Noah.

Sierra thought it was strange but, maybe he just didn't hear her, or maybe Noah and Cody were pals. It's just nothing right?


"Minute's up!" Chris said as the four swimmers positioned themselves. Their team cheered for more encouragement in case if they need it. "On your mark, get set..." Sierra took another glance at Cody and smiled. Just the sight of Cody motivated her. "Go!"

The swimmers dived into the deep and tried to catch fish. Sierra was most likely struggling to keep the fish in her arms until she takes it back to the surface. Sky glanced at the other team and saw that Izzy and Brisk were catching fish easily, and it seems to continuously grow, while her team caught a fish every 20 seconds. She thought of a way to motivate her swimmers to catch more fish with less time.

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